I Love You, Alya

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Pre-Game Of Secrets

Word-Count: 654 (A nice short Alyanette fic)

Ship: Alyanette (Happy Lesbian Visibility Day!) 

Alya jogged down the street towards the Dupain-Cheng bakery. She couldn't wait to bring her best friend - and secret crush - the newest Ladybug scoop that she had just gotten. The Dupain-Cheng parents told her that Marinette was upstairs studying and that she could head on up. This was standard procedure so she thanked them politely and dashed into the back and up the steps to the girl's bedroom. 

"Girl, you will not BELIEVE what I..." She trailed off as she opened the door. Her eyes widened and she immediately rushed over to Marinette, who was sobbing on the floor of her bedroom. She had her arms wrapped around her stomach as if her stomach hurt from crying and her head close to the ground. She didn't even seem to realize that Alya was there until her arms were around her. She didn't even seem to have the energy in her to be surprised by her presence and instead just turned to face back to the floor and let out more tears.

"I just don't know if I can keep doing this. I feel like I'm going crazy and I have a million things I want to tell you but I just... I just can't." Marinette buried her face into Alya's lap and let out another sob as Alya gently combed her fingers through her hair, which was down and messy as if she hadn't brushed it in weeks despite it having been perfect as always just the day before. 

Alya just nodded her head and whispered soothing words until the girl's tear stream steadied as well as her breathing. "It'll be okay, love, shhh." 

"I wish I could tell you everything. You're my best friend and I..." She sighed and let another silent tear escape her eye. "I love you, Alya." 

Alya breathed out a gasp and her eyes widened. She almost convinced herself that she had misheard her. Afterall, hadn't she always been in love with Adrien? But Alya couldn't mistake the look in her best friend's eyes or the tight grip she had on her sleeve. 

"I... I love you too, Marinette." Alya whispered, still stroking her hair. 

"But... I can't be honest with you. I'm keeping so many secrets and I-" Marinette finally looked up to meet her eyes and was met only with a kind, understanding smile.

"I know. And I love you. Just let me be by your side and that'll be enough. We'll carry those burdens together." 

Marinette's eyes widened and she felt a hot, leftover tear sting her cheek. She felt her lips tug at a small grin. She reached up and cupped Alya's cheek and the brunette leaned down and connected their lips. Despite everything weighing her down in life, Marinette felt safe in Alya's arms. She felt like every word she had spoken was the truth. Just having her by her side, she could help lighten the weight of the world that had been crushing her for years. 


"Wait, I thought you were in love with Adrien? And what about Luka? Where did this even come from?" Alya asked, staring up at the stars. The new couple was laying up on Marinette's balcony, enjoying the Parisian night skies and holding hands. 

"I did love Adrien, once, but I finally realized that he only saw me as a friend and worked to move on. That's where Luka came in. He's a really good friend, but I think I just liked that he liked me more than anything. Besides, there was someone else I had my eye on. A certain girl who was always there by my side, no matter the situation." She intertwined their fingers and squeezed her hand affectionately. "I love you, Alya Cesaire." 

"You don't know how long I've waited for you to say those words..." She sighed contentedly. "I love you too, Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

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