Enemies to Lovers

789 18 4

Word count: 1,166

Chat Noir leaped across the rooftops of Paris, the dark and cool of the night making him feel as if he, himself, were apart of the shadows. After landing on the roof of a small cafe, he glanced over the edge to the city below him. The street lamps illuminated the city, shining spectacularly on the costume of the latest villain of his boss, Hawkmoth. He watched with a mischievous smirk as the villain - a plant-based villain made out of some guy who's hydrangeas hadn't survived the winter, Adrien thought he had called himself something along the lines of Morning Frost - was chased by Ladybug, his boss' arch-nemesis.  The dark-suited boy winced as a bright flash shone throughout the block, preceded by the shout of "Miraculous ladybug!" 

"Bye-bye, little butterfly." Ladybug smiled as she watched the butterfly flutter into the distance. As her eyes followed the small white shape, they landed on and met the eyes of a particular boy in a black catsuit. He rolled his eyes and extended his staff, riding it down to the street like a firepole. 

"I hate it when you do that, you know," he sighed. She cocked her head, confused, and earned another eye-roll. "When you say that stupid catch-phrase." He clasped his hands together by his cheek and kicked a leg behind him, batting his eyelashes rapidly. "Bye-bye, little butterfly." He dropped his pose and fake-gagged. 

"Yeah, well I like it. It's cheerful to the people of Paris. Gives them some hope after watching you and your boss destroy and torment their city." She stuck her tongue out at him.

"You're so annoying, do you know that? You're so full of 'hope' and 'love.' Just drop the act. I know that you're not that sweet all the time. It's impossible."

"Yeah well, at least I have reasonable coping mechanisms with my anger and sadness unlike you."

"Oh yeah, like what, bug-girl?"

"Breathing exercises. Meditation. I also keep a journal." 

"So you're saying that if I keep a journal, I'll join the boring light-side?"


 The cat was about to retort when she held up a finger to silence him before reaching into her suit's pocket for her yoyo. After a moment of scrolling through her messages, she sighed.

"We have to put this scuffle on hold. Alya invited us over, babe."

"What? Both of us?" 

"Yeah, I guess Nino will be there too."

"Oh sweet, I've been wanting to talk to him about the new Ultimate Mecha Strike game!" 

She muttered her detransformation phrase and a bright flash of light revealed Marinette. Chat Noir followed suit and transformed back into his civilian self, tossing a slice of cheese to his kwami. They walked side-by-side in silence for a bit, on their way to their friend's house.

"Man, Plagg is always so hungry." Adrien broke the silence.

"Well maybe if you didn't spend all your time trying to destroy the city-"

"Oh, really? No, you are so infuriating sometimes! If my boss didn't want you alive, I'd slit your throat!" 

"Like you even could, letting your villains do all your dirty work for you! I'm surprised you can even do your own  homework, or does Hawkmoth make a math villain to help you." Adrien threw her a side-glare as he rang the doorbell. 

 "Seriously, do you know how annoying it is to have an enemy who won't even show up to the-" She paused her sentence to dodge a surprisingly quick and well-balanced punch. She shoved him against the wall in the doorway, balling his shirt collar in her fist, and glared down at him.

 "Really? Really? Right outside Alya's house? This is why I can't stand you! You never think about the-" She froze as she heard footsteps and Alya's loud talking approaching the door. Adrien threw his hand around Marinette's waist and pulled her closer to him so their bodies pressed against each other. She let out a 'eugh' with a roll of her eyes and pressed their lips together in a sloppy kiss just in time for the door to swing open. She looked towards the door and tried to act sheepish, like she'd been caught doing something she was embarrassed about.

The feud between Ladybug and Chat Noir went back almost three years. Chat Noir had joined forces with Hawk Moth shortly after receiving his miraculous. He said it was because he 'liked the freedom of it,' but Marinette sensed there was something deeper behind it. At the beginning of their third year of high school, about six months ago, Marinette had accidentally transformed in front of her classmate, Adrien Agreste. It was unfortunate to find out that the two, who were best friends and had many friends in common, actually hated each other's guts but they knew they had to make it work to maintain their secret identities. It was Adrien's idea to have their civilian selves date as a way to explain why there were often found together. She also knew that part of the reason he had suggested that cover was just to tick her off.

"Hey there, lovebirds. Don't let me stop you." The brunette laughed, winking at Marinette.

"Sorry about that, I just missed by love-bug today, since I couldn't be in class today." He winked at Marinette, knowing that his flirting disgusted her. He loved upsetting her.

"And I just missed my amazing, too-good-to-hurt-a-fly boyfriend." She bopped his nose, grinning at his flinch at being called good, as she pulled away and turned to hug Alya. "Speaking of boyfriends, where's yours?"

Alya laughed. "He's in there burning- I mean cooking our dinner." The three friends laughed and walked into the house.

Alya and Nino had set up two beanbag chairs, one for each couple, to play Mecha Strike IV: Strikeback. Marinette rolled her eyes at Adrien, who plopped down onto the beanbag and patted his lap for her to sit down.

"Alya, would you mind getting me a separate beanbag? I like having more room when I'm gaming," she asked, sneaking a glare at the smirking blonde.

"Awe, come on, babe." He emphasized the word 'babe,' knowing it was her least-favorite pet-name. "Come and cuddle nice and close to me. I don't bite unless you want me to." He winked, earning laughs from the other couple and a fake one from the bluenette.

She sat down on the chair, having to wrap herself around him, making them into a tangle of limbs, in order to get comfortable. 

"I'm gonna kill you, slowly and painfully," he leaned down and whispered, gently biting the lobe of her ear as a cover. 

"Not if I get you thrown into the coldest, harshest jail cell Paris has where you'll be alone for the rest of your days, nobody who loves you, not even a rat for company," Marinette snarled back into his ear, kissing his neck gently and then his cheek.

"Enough whispering sweet nothings, you two. Let's play this game!"

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