The Saviours | Chapter 7

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"Hime-sama!" Toneri caught her in mid-air and landed her safely.
"Toneri, you... Wat...Ch I c...can still...fight." she instructed him.
"I'm sorry, Hime-sama. I can't do that." Toneri stepped in front of her.
"It's the...ord...or...order of the princess." She ordered him. He had no choice but to step back.
"Oh! Look who I didn't expect to see alive." Urashiki mocked her again.
He rushed to Hinata and mercilessly hit all her chakra points. She still managed to stand up.
Toneri barely managed to stop Boruto and Himawari from jumping into action.
"I my fam...ily. Th...That's my way." Hinata said barely managing to get on her feet.
"Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms" she whispered as Urashiki stepped towards her.
He dodged all the strikes and instead sent her flying in the air. She fell to the ground and tried to get up. Even though she tried her hardest, she could get up.
"Toneri," she could barely manage a whisper, "T...take th...the kids... Run."
She tried her best to stand up. She finally was able to stand on her two feet, but as soon as she did, she felt a dizziness take over. She spit some blood as she felt her legs giving way.
"I'm sorry, Naruto-kun. I just wish I could've protected our kids." She thought to herself as she realized she was falling.
"That's enough, Hinata. You are super awesome!" She heard her favourite voice in the world.
"" She fainted before she could say his name properly.
"How dare you do this to my wife?!" Naruto roared as he held on to an almost dead Hinata.
"Sasuke, take her to the hospital and ask Sakura to take care of her." Sasuke immediately took Hinata from his hands and rushed to the hospital so he could return just as quickly and help Naruto with the battle.
"Oh. Nine Tails Brat!" Urashiki smiled and spit some blood.
"Seems like my wife gave you a tough time, huh?" He said as he punched Urashiki in stomach before he even realized Naruto has moved.
"How dare you?" Naruto snarled at him. "Wind Release:Rasenshuriken" Naruto threw the jutsu towards Urashiki but Urashiki dodged. Naruto was waiting for Urashiki to jump. As Urashiki wouldn't have thought, the first Rasenshuriken was a decoy and a clone created by Naruto, he smashed the original Rasenshuriken in Urashiki's face at point blank range.
Urashiki was caught in the vortex and was hit by a countless number of wind needles.
"Damn Humans!" Urashiki yelled as he broke open the sphere of vortex causing the needles to scatter all over. Toneri hasn't managed to leave yet and so stood in from of the kids and braced for impact. It never happened.
"Thank you, Toneri." Naruto's clone, who protected them from the needles with his Kurama cloack said.
"Is this Kurama?!" Himawari asked excited.
Sasuke returned as soon as he could.
"Naruto," he suggested, "Let's take this somewhere it won't get messy."
Sasuke opened a dimension and Urashiki connected to it. All of them dimension.
"Now that we are here," Naruto said as Urashiki looked around.
"What happened? Looks familiar?" Sasuke asked him. "Yeah. This is the dimension father to your home dimension." He scoffed.
"Let's go. Sasuke." Naruto smirked.
"Let's go!" Sasuke said and then reached Urashiki in a speed of an instant.
"Let's go! Kurama!" Naruto said as he called Kurama out.
"Let's teach this guy some animal cruelty laws." Kurama laughed.
"Amenosubaruboshinomikoto: Gyokkō"
"Six Paths — Chibaku Tensei"
All three them cast their techniques at the same time and it resulted in a grand explosion revealing Himawari who was hiding.
"Didn't I will you?! The kid wasn't gonna let it go!" Kurama said to Naruto sensing her presence.
"Hello! Little kid! Nice to meet you!" Kurama said to her as he used a portion of his chakra to protect her.
Himawari couldn't see clearly so she activated her Byakugan. She accidentally ended up pouring her chakra in Kurama, which strengthed him.
"Thanks kid. You're a big help." Kurama looked and smiled.
"Yay!" She rejoiced inside of him.
"Don't embarrass me in front of my own daughter." Naruto whispered to him.
"Focus on the fight!" Sasuke said as he tried to seal Urashiki.
"Susanoo" he summoned his perfect Susanoo and, "Indra's arrow" he managed to do the jutsu with his single hand.
"Six Paths: Ultra-Big Ball Rasenshuriken" he said and made 6 Rasenshurikens around Bijūudamas.
Both of them struck him at the same time from opposite sides. Urashiki fell to the ground.
"You insects!" He said standing up.
"Chibaku Tensei" Sasuke sealed Urashiki away for good.
"Such a weak seal will never hold me back!" Urashiki said as he struggled to get out.
"Naruto, send your daughter back now. I won't have my visual prowess for a while after that." Sasuke said and Naruto nodded.
Sasuke opened a portal for Himawari to go through.
"Let's go Hima!" Naruto picked her up and put her through the dimension window.
"This weakling can't stop me!" Urashiki said as he continued to get sucked inside the asteroid.
"Calm down." Kurotsuchi said and spit some quick line at him sealing him.
"That should cool him a little." Choujuro said performing his water style water prison.
"That will give him some energy, though it's a drab" Darui said as he put his black lightning in the water.
"This seal is not weak." Gaara said calmly.
"I'm glad you're okay, Naruto." He turned to Naruto.
"Your eyes have changed, Uchiha Sasuke." He said turning to Sasuke.
"We will have to stay here for a while. Once my visual prowess is back. We can head home." Sasuke said.
"What?! What about Hinata?! I want to see Hinata!!! I want to see her right now! She almost died for me again! This is the third time!" Naruto exclaimed.
"I used my last piece of visual prowess for sending you daughter back home, okay? We will be home soon. Just calm down." Sasuke told him.
"I want to see Sakura too, but I'm not yelling around like you." He blushed.
"I'm sure Shinki is waiting patiently for my return." Gaara smiled.
"I can't wait to see Akatsuchi either!" Kurotsuchi muttered to herself.
"Kagura must be worried about me too" Choujuro thought out loud.
"It's a drab but I need to return home too." Darui sat down.
"What were you doing ther, you damn fox!" Shukakau argued with Kurama.
"Helping my Jinchuriki. Unlike you, you idiotic raccoon!" Kurama taunted Shukaku.
"Hmph! You still live inside your Jinchuriki and live on his chakra!" Shukaku commented, "Unlike you, I care about my Jinchuriki and don't steal chakra from him."
"Oh please! I stay inside Naruto so that I can help him whenever he needs me! So, I can give him chakra whenever he needs it, unlike you wanting to be carried around everywhere. Hmph." Kurama scoffed at the One Tails.
"Kurama! That's it, isn't it dattebayo? We've all finally gotten rid of Urashiki. Let's enjoy this moment." Naruto requested him.
"Shukaku," Gaara said to him, "I think we should enjoy this moment together too. You have been with me and you know how lonely I was. Now that we have these friends, let's enjoy ourselves together?"
"I'll deal with you later! You damn fox!"
"Are you scared, you idiotic raccoon!"
The two stopped arguing and returned to their specific Jinchurikis.
"Jinchuriki troubles." Kurotsuchi commented. This made everyone laugh.
"My visual prowess is back. We can leave here now." Sasuke informed everyone.
"Let's go." Gaara said and everyone got ready.
Sasuke opened the portal for home.
They entered their home dimension at the same training grounds where Hinata fought Urashiki.
"Hinata!" Naruto yelled as he rushed over to the hospital.
"Naruto!" Sasuke yelled and ran behind him.
All the Kages followed them.
"Sakura, where's Hinata?" Naruto asked her panicking and Sakura pointed to an unconscious Hinata in the ICU.
"She's gonna be okay, right?" He asked her. "Sakura? She's going to be okay? Right?" Sakura was still. "Sakura? Answer me!"
"Naruto, calm down. She is in a very critical state. She doesn't look to be in a very good position but I'm trying my best, my team is trying my best." She calmed him.
"Papa," Himawari called him as she emerged out of the hospital washroom, "Don't cry, Papa. Mama wouldn't like to see your crying like this." She wiped his tears with her small hands.
"Can I..." Naruto calmed his voice, cleared his throat, "Can I see her?"
"Yeah." She gestured him to go in.
Naruto sat down next to Hinata.
"Hinata, c'mon. I'm here! I'm here to take you home! You can't be sleeping like this now, can you? Let's go home now. Okay?" He smiled at her as tears fell from his eyes. "I'll be right back." He kissed her on the forehead and left the hospital.

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