The Beginning | Chapter 4

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"Let's go!" Sasuke said as he opened the portal to another dimension which looked like a red desert.
"Woah! This is a drab!" Darui said as he stepped on the jellylike floor and his boots melted due to the acid.
"This will be tough." Choujuro sighed.
"Let's go." Gaara said formally as he prepared a floating pedestal for everyone.
"Don't do that, Gaara." Sasuke turned to him, "We will need your powers when we will have to fight. Don't exhaust your chakra."
"I'll pin point the location and we'll go directly to the ruins."
Sasuke's eyes widened, "My portal is connecting to someone else's. Someone else opening a spacetime portal only meant one thing, Otsutsuki.
Toneri appeared in front of them and before they could stop him, he entered their side and closed the portal.
"What are you doing?!" He exclaimed looking at them, "Do you want more Zetsu spores spreading in this dimension?!"
"Toneri?!"Shikamaru exclaimed. "Oi! Oi! What's happening?"
"The main family of the Otsutsuki are having a feast..." He smiled and turned it into a frown, "Of chakra."
"What do you mean?" Gaara asked.
"I mean the main family knows about how they manipulated me into wiping out my own branch family and they want the Tenseigan to accumulate all the chakra and return it back to the great tree. They also want to destroy Kaguya, but Black Zetsu kept protecting her and kept her sealed rather than having her destroyed which was thanks to Naruto and Sasuke." Toneri explained.
"Who can regenerate Chakra quickly?" He asked stepping forward.
"Yo! Why so you ask so? I will do that and lo!" Killer B rapped as he exuded chakra through his body.
"Oye! B! Don't waste so much chakra!" Gyuki, the eight tailed beast yelled from inside his beloved Jinchuriki.
"Okay. Well, flow the chakra on their skin just to check if there's a white Zetsu here." He suggested.
Killer B put chakra and checked everyone for Zetsu. When he was checking Gaara, a Zetsu grew from Sasuke's back absorbing his chakra.
"Hey." Sasuke said as he drew his sword, but it wasn't there. The Zetsu already had his sword.
Gaara immediately bound him in sand, but his sand failed as Zetsu absorbed the chakra from his sand.
Shikadai did his Shadow mimic jutsu and Shikamaru did his Shadow needle jutsu. They both couldn't bind him when he absorbed their Chakra. Sarada flew a shuriken that hit him straight into the forehead and pieced him to the wall.
"Thank you." Sasuke said as he patted his daughter's head.
"You're welcome, Papa." She smiled at him.
"So, Shinki, we meet again after the Chunin Exams, huh?" Boruto said shaking hands with his friends and Shinki reciprocated.
"Toneri?" Hinata gasped as she woke up from her slumber.
"Byakugan Hime-sama, are you okay?" He immediately kneeled down near her bed.
"I'm fine. I had a few Zetsu on me, for the couple of days." She said as she smiled at him.
"A few Zetsu? Couple of days? How many? For how many days?" Toneri was worried.
"Yeah. She had 8 Zetsu stuck to her for about 2 days." Sakura informed him checking her reports.
"Also, Shikamaru" she turned to him, "The reports of people having their Chakra drained and visiting the hospital has shot up in the past few months. Specifically when Naruto was kidnapped and Sasuke and the 5 Kage bought him back."
"Arrange hospital visits to every single house and make sure that the person visiting is a doctor." Shikamaru instructed her.
"How do I make sure that they're a person and not Zetsu?" She said confused.
"A Zetsu will grow in size once you flow chakra on its skin. Try poring chakra into them by the excuse of shaking hands or something, you'll know." Toneri said to her smiling.
"Hey! White guy! Aren't you Otsutsuki too? Then how come you're our friend? The Otsutsuki want to get our chakra, which mean kill everyone. Why are you our friend?" Boruto said positioning himself between his mother and Toneri.
"He's my son, Boruto." Hinata introduced him to Toneri.
"Nice to meet you." He began, "Killing everyone is the main families dream. After what happened between me, Naruto and Hinata-sama, Naruto changed me and we became friends."
"Again Tou-chan?" Boruto muttered under his breath. This made Toneri laugh.
"I'm sure you've heard about all the good things your father has done and are sick of it now. Well, it was Hinata-sama as well, that changed me." He smiled.
"First of all, how do you know Kaa-chan?" Boruto questioned him.
"We are of the same descend. We have the common ancestor. Hamura Otsutsuki. Everyone who has the Byakugan are related. And, I tried to marry your mom when she was around 19-20." He smiled.
"You tried to marry my mother?!" Boruto exclaimed.
"Yeah, but she was head over heels for Naruto and everything and he punched me and stuff." Toneri said reminiscing.
"Kaa-chan," Boruto turned to his mother, "This guys is saying-"
"That's enough chatting." Shikamaru said in his authoritative voice, "Toneri, you'll be living at Hinata's place, her watching over you. Okay?"
"Shikamaru-san" Cho-Cho tugged to his coat and asked him to get his ear near to her, "Getting an ex-lover with his married ex to live in the same house is not a very good idea for a relationship." She whispered to him.
"Taaka. Cho-Cho!" He said getting up and winking "Well, it's okay since we don't have Naruto around, isn't it?"
She giggled a little at the comment.
"That's good, Shikamaru O-san," he smiled to Shikamaru and turned to Toneri, "I have a lot of questions to ask someone." with a suspicious expression on his face.
"Papa," Sarada whispered to her father, "Why doesn't he open his eyes?"
"He doesn't have any. He had taken Hanabi's eyes, but Hinata got them back for her. So, that's why." He whispered back to her and returned to standing straight.
"Well, Toneri" Sasuke said, "Since you know the Otsutsuki Clan better than anyone here, you will provide us information."
"I'll be happy to cooperate since, I am a fugitive now." He smiled.
"Cho-Cho, Can you do me a favour?" Shikamaru turned to her and knelt down.
"Only for consumée flavoured potato chips." She flipped her hair.
"You got a deal. Summon the other members of Team 8, Kiba and Shino. I'll write a summon for them."
"The Kage,"he announced, "will stay in Konoha, for a few days sightseeing and enjoying their time. If we get any information about the Otsutsuki movements, we shall mutually inform each other. Please sign this."
He started typing a contract and printed 4 copies of it, handing it to the Kages.
"Please sign this and I'll look into your attachments. I believe you won't need security." Shikamaru concluded.
"I'll go home with Sarada now. I hope you come back early too."Sasuke said to his wife.
"I'll try, but can't say anything in case of emergency." Sakura winked at her blushing husband and knelt down to Sarada.
"Take care of your dad, Sarada. He's not the one you get your strength, gentleness and cooking from." She winked.
The family smiled at each other, Sasuke looked at Sarada and they were off to their home.
Hinata went home along with Boruto and Toneri.
"It's okay, Hinata." Toneri put his hand on her shoulder.
"Hey! Don't touch Kaa-chan so casually like that!" Boruto pouted.
"Okay. I'm sorry, Boruto." He took off his hand and started walking quietly.
"Sit down, Toneri. Do you want something? Water? Juice? Something to eat?" She asked him when they reached the Uzumaki household.
"Sit on this brown fluffy thing?" Toneri stared at the sofa.
"Have you never seen a sofa?" Boruto asked him confused.
"Yeah. I have not seen earth a lot. I mean I know that this is a sofa but I have never experienced it. I can only watch certain things from the moon and other dimensions." He smiled at Boruto.
"So, Toneri" Hinata sat in front of him and put a glass of water in front of him, activating her Byakugan, "Where is my husband?"
"Hey! I didn't do anything this time! The main family is doing all this! Naruto has a ridiculous amount of chakra inside him! It is quite obvious for him to be targeted!" He said waving his hands in front of him defensively.
"Kaa-chan, I think what this white uncle is saying might be true. As you say, the main family already kidnapped dad to get his chakra." Boruto said.
"Toneri," she said retracting her Byakugan, "Just tell me the truth. Tell me honestly if you have tried to do something to Naruto."
"I have not, Hime-sama. You have to believe me." Toneri said.
"Boruto, show him around the village. I'm gonna go somewhere. Make sure to take the keys. We'll order dinner today." She said to her son and left.
Meanwhile, Kakashi roamed around the village.
"We need to help Naruto. If his chakra gets extracted, we would be in a tough position. I don't want to think about it but we don't even have a good candidate for the 8th Hokage. Konohamaru is great Jounin but still has a lot to learn to be Hokage. I understand that Shikamaru will help him but still. I should go outside the village if we can get some help." Kakashi thought and proceeded towards the gates.
"Yo! Kotetsu!" He waved at the guard.
"Lord Sixth" he bowed.
"Drop the Lord already. I'm just Kakashi for you. Listen I'm heading out of the village for now, okay? If Shikamaru asks, tell him I have gone to meet my friends in different villages. Okay?" He smiled through his mask.
"Yes sir." Kotetsu said as he sat back down in his spot.
Kakashi walked out of the gates, on the roads and set out on his journey to find something that would give him an answer.

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