The Fight | Chapter 6

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"Wait, how do you-" he turned around to not finding anyone. Neither her, nor the corpse. He rushed to the house where they came from and she wasn't there either.
"People are always prone to death when they are alone." Her words echoed in his mind. "Naruto." He sighed and continued his search.
Meanwhile in Konoha, people had devised a plan to meet Urashiki. The 5 Kage gathered in the middle of their 5 countries in a clear forest area.
"Ready?" Choujuro asked as they stood in a circle.
"Yo! Let's go!" Killer B rapped.
All the Kages released their chakras as much as they could. Killer B got into his beast form.
"Woah." Each one of the aids gasped at their power.
"Wow. I didn't know B-san had that inside him." Kagura whispered.
I bet Naruto in any dimension can detect this amount of chakra.
"The air is vibrating." Shinki noticed.
"Well, well. What do we have here?!" A voice echoed from the woods. The Kages stopped and Killer B put all of them to the side to see what's happening.
"Yo! You had taken Naruto! You'll pay for doing so! Khonoyaro! Bakayaro!" He was angry.
"Kidnapped Naruto?" Gaara thought.
"That's Urashiki! Choujuro exclaimed from the back.
"It's my chance to save my friend." Gaara said as he climbed onto his sand pedestal and flew to Urashiki.
"Otsutsuki Urashiki, return Naruto unharmed and I will try my best to reduce your punishment." Gaara warned him.
"You? Punish me? Oh! The dreams humans have!" He laughed.
"I'll crush his skull!" Shinki said getting out of the bush but, Kagura stopped him.
"If we get out now, we're done for." He whispered.
"Oh! Looks like The eight tails is also here! I guess I'll deal with all you peasants later." He turned to Killer B.
"If we are peasants, " Gaara said trying to bind Urashiki in his sand. He dodged with such ease it made Gaara look like a child.
"I know that look. Everyone get away from dad!" Shinki warned.
"Then let us eat our cake in peace!" Gaara shouted. Almost the entire ground caved in from being converted into sand. Gaara raised all the sand making an inescapable expanse of sand in the sky.
"Interesting. You are better than last time, Sand boy." Urashiki scoffed. He drilled through the sand but hit a hard black surface.
"Don't you ever" the surface added weight to him. It clung on to him and Urashiki sunk in.
"Dare to call" the same voice continued as Urashiki let out a breath and the black sand away from him.
"Humans! You've got me all dirty!" Urashiki complained.
"Let me wash you out them!" Choujuro commented.
"Water Style: Giant Vortex Jutsu" and suddenly the entire area is filled with water.
"Lighting Style: Black Lighting" Darui assisted him.
"Lava Style: Quicklime Jutsu" Kurotsuchi burned and bound him at the same time.
Urashiki fell on the floor and everyone rejoiced.
A small smoke let out from the concealing and Urashiki Vanished.
"How about that? An improved Shadow Clone! Do you like it?" He joked.
"That's enough." Gaara stopped any hand movements. He was controlling th sand only with his mind.
"Father!" Shinki called out for his father, "Don't so it, Father! Please! Don't give in to negative emotions again! Please!"
"Oh! That's you kid!" Urashiki zapped but Shinki's iron sand was his defense.
"There's no choice, Shinki. You protect everyone." Gaara looked away from his son and moved forward.
"Absolute Transformation" he whispered to himself and as if it was magic he transformed into the one tails.
"Shukaku?" Everyone gasped.
"Yeah! Me! That idiotic fox and this dumb octopus decided to stay with their Jinchurikis! That's why I help. Because humans are so dumb! Hehah!" Shukaku laughed when everyone gasped.
"Hey! Mind your tongue, you damn Raccoon! You decided to stay to protect Gaara and the Sand Village! You should be proud to cooperate!" Gyuki, the eight tails retaliated to his comment.
"Whatever. Let's go! Gaara!" Shukaku urged Gaara
"Let's show him that earth won't give him anything!" Gaara and Shukaku attacked as a team.
"Also, kid. We gotta talk later, okay?" Shukaku said to Shinki.
The Kage forced Urashiki to land. Urashiki stood on the land.
"Now that you're ok the land, you're mine." Kagura said drawing his sword. This time he didn't have a wooden sword, but am actual one.
"Everyone, don't go near Kagura when he has his sword drawn." Choujuro warned everyone.
"Why? Scared of-" Kurotsuchi noticed the fighting had actually begun and Kagura was not a kid anymore.
His eyes had changed, his demeanor had changed, his attacks had change and his personality had changed. It was almost like he was a different person.
"Damn you! Fly! Go bus somewhere else!" Urashiki kicked Kagura in the gut.
Kagura landed on soft sand that helped him stand up again.
He set his eyes on Urashiki and almost in a blink he was near Urashiki. Urashiki got his weapon out and barely battled with Kagura. Shinki was backing him up, but as soon as Kagura landed a move or made a wound, he would heal completely.
"It's almost like he's Edo Tensei!" Choujuro commented.
"That's it! It's a drab but that's it!" Darui said.
"We just have to think that he's impurely reincarnated and seal him. Since one seal doesn't work. We'll combine the seals."
"Yosh." Kurotsuchi said and turned to the fight.
"Kagura, that's enough." Choujuro calmed him and took the sword from his hand.
"Corrosion Style: Quicklime Concealing Jutsu" Kurotsuchi spilled out a lot of Quicklime and restrained Urashiki's movements.
"Water Style: Water Prison Jutsu" Choujuro set the Quicklime into cement and encased Urashiki in a water prison.
"Black Lighting" Darui put a layer of electricity on the water.
"Grand Sand Mausoleum Seal" Gaara completed the seal on Urashiki.
"That should take him a lot of-" Kurotsuchi was cut off by an explosion in the seal.
"Damned Humans! Insects! I will teach you respect!" Urashiki screamed as he burst out of the layered seal. He had changed. He had all those black markings on his face with yellow eyes.
" I will start by destroying what you love the most first. I will destroy what that Nine Tails brat loves first!" He opened a dimension door and disappeared in it.
"Leat go everyone." Gaara said rushing.
"Go where?" Choujuro asked.
"There's only one thing Naruto loves." Gaara looked over to his shoulder.
"His family!" Darui answered and converted into a.flash of light.
The Kages and their aids all left for Konoha but Urashiki was already there.
Urashiki arrived in Konoha in an instant.
"So, here you are!" He said stepping on Konoha's training ground where Hinata was overseeing Boruto's training and Himawari enjoyed telling Toneri about how the world looked.
"Urashiki." Toneri stood in front of Hinata.
"Leave them alone. You have no business with them." Toneri warned him.
"Get out of the way, you branch family garbage." He held Toneri by his face and threw him to the side.
"What do you want?" Hinata activated his Byakugan.
"Let's see what you got woman!" Urashiki activated his Byakugan.
"Eight Trigrams One Hundred Twenty-Eight Palms" Hinata tried to strike his chakra points but Urashiki blocked them with complete ease.
"Is that all you got? Aren't you the Hokage's woman?" Urashiki mocked.
"Gentle Step Twin Lion Fists" Hinata continued attacking without paying attention to any insults thrown her way.
"Protecting Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms" she kept going.
Urashiki easily dodged all her attacks. He got a hold of Hinata's head and lifted her up in the air.
"Poor human, your beloved husband won't come to save you." Urashiki mocked her.
"Hmm." Hinata smiled.
"Oh. Looks like you can understand what I'm saying." Urashiki smirked.
"If my husband, doesn't come to help me means he's dead." She smiled, "And if he's dead. There's only one person to protect our kids." She swung from his hand, blocking his chakra flow there.
"Me. Eight Trigrams: One Hundred Thirty-two Palms" She attacked all his chakra points but he managed to deflect them. He hit his own chakra point to restore his arm use.
"You!" He grabbed Hinata and punched her in the gut.
"Hime-sama!" Toneri rushed to help her.
"Where are you going?!" Urashiki grabbed Toneri and flung him in the sky.
He went to Hinata who managed to stand up and kicked her up on the sky.
"Tenketsu" he said and stopped the chakra flow to most of her body.
"I will keep you alive." He whispered to her and punched her mid-air to land her on the ground.
"I will keep you alive until that Nine Tails Brat doesn't learn his lesson." Urashiki whispered.
"He's alive. Na...ruto...kun" she managed to say spitting blood from her mouth.
Urashiki continued to kick her and send her flying into walls and buildings.
"Hmm?" He was surprised when she blocked one kick.
"That means, I just have to stall... You, until arrives." She said stopping his kick.
"Eight Trigrams Vacuum Wall Palm" she sent him a few feet back.
"Oh. Humans are like cockroaches. You'll run until you're dead. Then so be it." Urashiki said and rushed towards her.
She closed her eyes and took a breath. She knew Urashiki was coming for her, but she knew help would arrive if she stalled him enough.
"Eight Trigrams Twin Lions Crumbling Attack" she attacked Urashiki with her purple coloured Chakra and hit him at point blank range.
Urashiki was thrown back by a lot of distance and she knew she could for atleast a few second, but opened a portal and grabbed from behind. He pulled her back and hung her from the Kaminarimon company's rooftop.
"If you apologize and grovel for that, I will not drop you from here." Urashiki said to her.
"Hmm." She scoffed intermittently spitting blood "What do... you wa...nt me to s...ay?"
"Please, Urashiki-sama, forgive me. I won't make such a mistake again." Urahsiki thought.
"Suc...h a pi...ty. I can't...even fu...lfill y...your deathwish." She smirked and tried to laugh.
"You!" He got angry and flung her over the distance.
"I'm sorry, Naruto-kun. This is it for me. Take care of Hima and Boruto for me." She closed her eyes in the air, bracing for the impact of the ground and her impending death.

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