My unreliable escape plan

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How could you prepare for something like this? There was no way of knowing anything anymore because nothing made any sense. Now there were two guys holding be captive? Or one? Or was the guy the one all along? Or is he working with Mr. Thomas.

"You might need to sit down.", that deep, unrecognizable voice said again. He still sat in the shadows of the darkness that completely took over one side of the cage i was trapped in.

"Who are you?"

The man started to chuckle with strained sincerity that could creep the hell out of someone. Like he was trying to hold down an uncontrollable rage.

"Who else would i be?"

"Mr. Thomas?"

A huge crash came from within the darkened room beyond my cell.

" Forget about him, you are with me now."

"Bu-But the evidence, it all points back to him......"

A corrupted laugh came again, making my heart beat into a fast, uncontrollable rhythm. This man was not right in the head and meeting up with a stranger was not the intention. While trying to slow my racing heart, i tried to make sense of his mumbling.

" Worked for him for years.."

"Don't i deserve one..."

"I'm tired of doing his dirty work.."

"this time she is mine............."

Obviously this was his apprentice of some sorts...but the question was.. of what? Had they really done this before? If so where were the others? I shuddered. I was the only girl here right now as far as i could tell, so i think i know exactly where they had gone. Oh god.

I was so scared out i almost forgot how to form words and the reason why i let myself get kidnapped in the first place.

" Where is Amber and Nate?" 

The sinister laugh comes in again not to my surprise and the cold voice answers, "Do you really think the Boss is that stupid? No way would he put you in the same room? That is if he actually took them."

I know that son of a bitch took them, this other piece of shit was just trying to cover for him, but i could see through it.

"And Mr. Thomas.. He is your boss....?"

"i SAID DON'T SAY HIS NAME" . The rage took over again while i heard some slamming on the other side. This man had issues and was obviously suffering from some "mommy didn't love him enough" syndrome. The worst part now was now i got myself kidnapped for nothing and i had to fight off two men instead of one. There was no way i could do this before i ended up like the other girls the the mystery  man mentioned. But i need to try, because now i know Mr. Thomas was actually a serial killer and not just my teacher. I know what i had to do.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I really am sorry." I wasn't sorry.

The room on the other side was quiet and i could feel someone's analyzing gaze on me. Feeling uncomfortable was an understatement. Since i was only met with silence, i decide to play with this man's ego a bit, it was the only way.

"Its just, i don't know you and I'm scared" which is the truth," And i would feel more comfortable if i actually met you."

The loud silence rang in my ears as my sentence came to a stop. The man was either thinking about something or still just staring at me like i was a piece of meat.

Nothing happened for a few minutes until i heard footsteps coming towards my cell. My heart was pumping with adrenaline while i tried to keep a calm expression on my face. The footsteps grew louder and louder and I felt like my head was getting messed with. Why did this have to happen to me?

The man was finally in the light, well half of it, and i could finally take a look at who had taken me. My thoughts on getting out before the "boss" came was diminished when i saw a man with a huge muscle build. I was screwed. I saw his face and noticed a huge scar running down the length of the right side of his face. I was so so so so so so so so screwed. Who the hell was this man who just keep observing me like i was an experiment? Where do u even find a guy like him?

" You know, you were the first person who ever caught my eye after boss found ya. He pays me well, especially when i take care of the bodies, but not enough for him to keep you. I feel like we were made for each other, don't you?"

I didn't know what to say as my emotions turned for the worse.

"You Know, i am always the one to write those damn letters, take those stupid pictures, and take the girl for the boss's entertainment, but with you, i felt the hassle was all worth it." 

I turned around and looked and the caked wall in front of me. God everything is going downhill. I thought i was only supposed to fight one man and save the others, but i don't know if this is possible anymore. They are going to die and its going to be all of my fault. I made silent tears as i thought of the situation. The only plan i had was to make this man's ego sky rocket and he would let me out. But, now that i talked to him, i don't think he would ever do just that.

"Oh don't cry. Boss is terrible, but ill treat you right. I wont let him kill you this time." 

As he said this, something clicked in my head. If this man seems so willing to have me for himself, against his boss's wishes, then i could somehow us this as my advantage couldn't i?

He might not let me out, but if he thinks I'm so special and that "I'm in love with him" he could get rid of his boss couldn't he?

I smiled at this plan because it was the only good one i had right now, and i must save the others, even if it meant killing myself.

" So you wrote the letters?" I said when i turned around with determination in my voice.

The nameless man puffed out his chest in pride.

" Too bad you didn't mean it"

The man's face fell and i knew i got him. I needed to manipulate this man enough for an escape plan, because although i had the tracker, i had no idea if Nate and Amber were even close to me.

" I did mean it, maybe not the others, but these ones i did."

" Prove it."

The man walked away which made me surprised and also wonder if he was getting the letters. I went to go sit on the bed with head in my hands, wondering why did this ever have to happen to me. I didn't even know where i was right now and i couldn't wait any longer for the fear of the other hostages being already dead. I knew i was underground, but where? And how i would i get the man to stop Mr. Thomas? And how would i save the other captives before it was too late?

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