The Basements

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I looked up as I heard a loud creaking noise. My heart thumped against my chest, but I knew I had to keep a blank face. The man with the scar returned  with something in his hand. It made noises that indicated they were keys.

I could feel my heart beat a million times a second which made it harder and harder to hide my nervousness.

"Ya know, boss always catches ugly, fake girls. It makes it easier to dispose of them, but you are so different. You understand me. I feel like for the first time in my miserable life I finally have a connection with someone."

A chill went down my spine with his words. What on earth did they do to these girls? What were they going to do with Amber? I felt like I was going to throw up.

Instead of puking my guts out all I did was force a smile and say, "That is sweet of you to say. I feel the same way."

He grinned which seemed to disfigure his face even more and cast ghostly shadows against the back wall.

Finally, with the turning of a key and the creak of the metal bars, my cage was opened. My cage was open, but I still was not entirely free. My captor stood at a height of almost seven feet and hands as big as my head. My small knife in my bra would not even prick this man's finger.  I had to think of a plan that would maybe put my two kidnappers against each other, but my mind was too focused on the monster in front of me.

All of a sudden, he strode forward and embraced me with his  humongous biceps. My heart was out of my chest by now, as I thought of him crushing me to death.

"Always to watch from afar. Never too touch," he said as he took a deep sigh and smelled my neck.

He brought his head back and kissed me hard on the mouth. I was so surprised that I gasped which made his slimy tongue enter my mouth. It tasted rotten and almost made me gag. All I could do was grimace, but he didn't seem to notice as he took my hand in his and led me out of the cage.  

We wandered down a dark, grimy hallway until a light appeared above us. I had the realization that we weren't in  cave at all. We were in a basement and that light was coming from the floor above us. Where even am I?

His annoyance showed as I tripped over nothing and took longer to climb the stairs than any healthy person. Fatigue was overcoming my body, which was an extreme disadvantage on my side.

As we finally reached the top of the stairs and entered the room, the sunlight from the window burned my eyes and my breath was heavy. How long has it been since I've seen sunlight? Hours? Days? It was hard to tell at this point.

When my eyes got adjusted to the light, I saw an innocent display in front of me. The kitchen was painted a cheery yellow and the tiles on the kitchen floor were decorated with an  intricate flower design. On the table, was an arrangement of tulips, daises, and to my horror, zinnias.

"Boss said you liked flowers. I was going to bring them down to you," he stated.

"Very thoughtful of you," I eventually muttered out. The shock was immediately changed to pain as I remembered my sister and the predicament I was in. No one would ever suspect a dungeon was down underneath this cheery room, and that fact sent a shiver up my spine.

The man grabbed my hand and said, "I have to take ya to boss now, so we can declare out love."

"I can't wait for that, but I would like to see my brother before we do. Can we do that before we run off?"

"I'm not supposed to let you near the other captives. Bosses orders."

"All I need to do his tell him about  our marriage."

His eyes lit up as I said the  words I didn't mean.


"Yes, marriage." I said as I tried to smile sweetly.

He seemed overjoyed but also nervous. Mr. Thomas controlled this man and I had no idea how. The man almost seemed afraid of the teacher. He rubbed the back of his neck as he said, "I don't know. Boss can be pretty strict."

"I thought I meant more  to you than your boss. He is holding us back more than ever. Do you want to continue being your "master's puppet?" I drew a deep breath as I began to fake cry. My shoulders shook and my head hung down , so my captor wouldn't see the lie in my eyes.

He soon embraced me and hugged me tight, which made me scared and uncomfortable. I got the sensation that I would be crushed any second again.

"You're right my dear. Boss is holding us back from our connection and love. I'll take you to see your brother."

At once he pulled me hard to the garage and forced me into the front seat. This is it. My tracker will hopefully bring awareness to the location of my brother, Amber,  and me to the police and my parents.

It almost seemed too easy, which made me anxious and scared. Was I being played? I know it isn't a good idea to underestimate your captors.

" Ya know, it took ya awhile to wake up? Almost three days. It was all worth it when you did." He turned his head to smile at me with his frightening grin and grabbed my knee his his huge hand as he drove out onto the street. His hand seemed to go higher and higher as the minutes passed.

I was going to be sick. I was going to be sick. When will this nightmare ever end?

After about ten minutes of driving, the man turned into the driveway of another seemingly innocuous house.

"Good thing boss didn't take you here yet. This is the house where the girls never come out." The man told me as we pulled into another garage.

My blood is ran cold. This is where my brother is! What did they do to him? The nightmare seemed to be just beginning.

We entered the house and again we went down a set of stairs to another basement. This place smelled differently than the other dungeon. It smelled of cleaning products, flesh, and death.

My whole body froze when I heard a bloody murder scream that seemed to come from a girl. The man pushed me forward and a horrendous sight came before my eyes.

On the floor in a cage was a girl in Amber's clothes, but it no longer looked like Amber.

Her whole body was covered in cuts and bruises, but her face was the worst of it.
She had her eyes sewn shut and her ears were no longer on her head. Blood and dirt was all over her face as if someone had just cut into it.

I ran to the wall and threw up all I had left in my stomach.

"Boss really did the works to her." The man said as he laughed sadistically.

"It was all for you Taylor." A new voice entered and my blood ran cold. The other man's face turned into pure horror and shock.

Out of the darkness came Mr. Thomas in bright yellow gloves. In one hand there was a bloody knife that was still dripping and in the other a cloth of some sort.

"Where is my brother?" I said with a trembling voice.

All Mr. Thomas did was laugh.

"Now what should I do with you two lovebirds?"

"Boss I didn't mean it. I was going to come directly to you before she could see her brother."

"You stupid imbecile. I'm watching everything and I'm listening to everything. Don't think me a fool. Since you have behaved so badly Ms. Jones, I moved your brother to a place you will never find." Mr. Thomas said as he grinned ear to ear.

"Now for your punishment."

Before I had time to react, Mr. Thomas placed the cloth in his hand over my mouth. Struggling was useless as Mr. Thomas held me tight in his arms. Darkness once again came to me.

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