Chapter 20 ~Part Four~

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It was all black again, and Aria was prepared for it. It was almost the norm for her now. She walked only hearing the sound of her feet as she continued on and on through the ink black space. It felt like hours before she could hear something else; at first it seemed a low rumbling but then it became clearer and Aria could hear a very distinct and very familiar whisper coming from close behind her. Without quite knowing why she felt her pace speed up until she was running, but no matter how hard she tried the whispering only became louder and louder until it was like the speaker was screaming at her. It surrounded her and Aria cried out silently as she fell to her knees, clawing at her hair and ears to try and keep the screams out.

They stopped suddenly, making her gasp and throw her head back, where she saw a million stars flying into the sky all at once. From behind her she felt hands trail around her waist, hot and rough as they made their way to her breasts and held fast, possessing her with a single touch. A whimper sounded in her throat as she attempted to lean forward but was pulled against a bare chest, one of its hands moving down to grab the edge of the white dress she didn't know she was wearing and yank it up above her knees to continue its way underneath to her underwear. Her breathing hitched and her face reddened as lips found her neck and then that little spot just underneath her ear...oh how did they know about that..


Turning quickly she held her breath. Grey to green. And then blue. And then hazel green.

Her eyes flew open and all of a sudden it was way too hot. All flushed cheeks and sweat she slowly sat up and looked to her left, finding Sam sleeping soundly beside her and Castiel no where in sight. She was certainly not little at the moment, the ache between her legs making everything seem fuzzy and unreal as she sat up on her knees and crawled closer to Sam, reaching a hand out to shake him gently. After the first shake did nothing she tried again, but he just gave a snort and rolled over. Aria huffed and with her mind still fuzzy with sleep she crawled out of the bed and headed to the door. Getting out was easy and she soon found herself in front of Dean's door knocking quite loudly in order to wake him up. From inside she heard a muffled 'M'comin!' and then a thud as Dean no doubt fell out of bed. Soon enough he had the door open and Aria threw herself into his chest, inhaling his scent as her hands locked together at his lower back. 

Dean who was sleepy and thinking nothing of this easily lifted Aria up into his arms and closed the door, thinking that she had had a nightmare and wanted to sleep with him like usual. It was only when he felt Aria's breath at his neck that he pulled her away and looked at her. Eyes dazed, mouth slightly open, face red as if she had a fever, back arched to get closer to him, and most importantly her thighs firmly gripping his waist as if he would fade away at any moment. This was not the first time he saw this look.

But this was Aria he was looking at, not any random woman. 

     "Aria..?" he held her face in both of his hand to make her look at him closely "Are you-er-okay?"

His voice made her shiver and close her eyes tightly. She shook her head and attempted to bury herself into his neck again but he stopped her and asked what had happened. Taking in deep breaths her eyes slowly opened again and met his

     "I had a dream. At first it was a nightmare but then.." she trailed off and averted her eyes with fresh embarrassment.

     "Was it a...a dream? Did you have a friggin sex dream?" Dean asked meeting her eyes again.

They stared at one another. It didn't really need to be said or explained further than that. The way she bit her lip told him everything he needed to know. She dreamed and then woke up seeking what was in the dream. The quiet helped Aria to clear her mind and when she realized exactly what had just happened she covered her face in both embarrassment and disbelief. How could she just..react on impulse like that? Especially after her little epiphany earlier? Oh god she didn't want to tell them yet, but here she was, in Dean's room planning to jump him after not being able to jump Sam or find Castiel.


The words popped into her head before she could catch herself, and shame started to eat its way through her heart. Dropping her head she covered her mouth with her hand trying not to cry out as the floodgates of her own personal hell opened up. Why would he want her? Why would any of them want her? She was dirty, stained, ugly. She was a murderer. How many men had used her and how many men lost their lives at her hand? They couldn't love someone like that. Was she really so bad that she couldn't give her love to just one person, but she had to give it to three just to feel whole?

Dean watched Aria fight with herself and saw a single tear fall from her eye before she stood quickly, moving away until her back hit the wall

     "I'm sorry.." her voiced cracked behind her hand like she was trying to keep herself intact "I'm so sorry..don't be mad..p-please."

When he stood she flinched and turned her face away from him, refusing to look him in the eyes. It broke his heart to see her so afraid to be herself around him and without realizing he was pulling her close to him again, his chest against hers. Still she didn't want to look up at him and he gulped back the lump in his throat as he traced his hand up the back of her neck, then to the front of her throat, then up to her chin until she was finally looking up at him. Her eyes were beautiful and wet with tears that had not yet fallen and he ran his thumb against her lashes ever so gently before leaning down and brushing his rough lips against her soft ones. Just a touch. He didn't want to admit it but the way she shivered from just that made him want to grab her face and show her what a real kiss was. What it meant for him. But he didn't want to scare her, so he began to move away. Aria caught his wrist just as he was going to let her go and whispered so quietly that no one in the world could hear her but him. 

It was all he needed to hear.

So quickly he was back against her that she gave a little squeak of shock when their lips met once more. This time wasn't as gentle, everything Dean had been feeling worked it's way up until he slid his hands up her arms and firmly placed them on the wall at either side of her head, doing his best to hide the shiver of pleasure it gave him to feel Aria moan softly into his mouth. Their breathing quickened together as his hands made their way to her waist, pulling her right against him before lifting her easily into his arms where she wrapped her legs around him. Her hands fumbled at the back of his neck before finally knotting in his hair and making him groan slightly and start to back up toward the bed. When he was seated Dean quickly flipped them over so she way laying beneath him on the pillows and moved away to look at her. And he thought her face was red before. Those swollen lips and heated gray eyes drew him further and further in until he was kissing her again, slow and sweet. Of course he would never dream of going further than kissing tonight...but he was damn sure going to show her exactly how he felt. 

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~Enjoy lovelies~

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