Chapter 7 ~Part Two~

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The sky was black against her pale hand reaching up. All around her the inky blackness seemed to simultaneously stretch on forever yet push tighter against her small frame.

So she walked.

It changed very little for a while, but finally she saw a window emanating a soft light as if from a candle. Her feet beat against the ground as she ran for it and eagerly pressed her face against the glass to see what was inside.

"Let's play a game, Ari."

Down the bunker halls a loud scream could be heard, jolting two men from their beds and making one nearly fall off of the chair he was in. Sam, Dean, and Castiel practically trampled one another as they made their way to Aria's room, finally arriving to see the girl wrapped up in her various blankets and shaking all over. Only her grey eyes were visible as the men fought to catch their breath and it was quite obvious what had happened.

Dean took in another deep breath before standing up straight "Had another nightmare Ria?"

As if he had to ask. Sam sat on one side of the bed as Aria curled up more into her blankets and gave them a pitiful whimper in response. Castiel heaved a sigh and looked to Dean before leaving the room. For the past week or so, Aria had been having severe nightmares that she couldn't explain properly. All she could say was that is was dark in the dream, and because she was so afraid afterword they would all take turns sleeping in her bed with her. Tonight was Castiel's turn.

"Aria can you tell me what happened?" Sam spoke very softly as he rubbed his hand against her blanket clad back, as he had done every night.

He knew chances of getting a different answer were slim, but if their was a chance he would take it. To his and Dean's surprise Aria peeked her head out, her face streaked with tear tracks as she answered him in her small voice.

"Saw'd Yuka."

Now neither of them knew who 'Yuka' was, so they were left pretty dumbfounded until she spoke some more, "M' ma's fen. Biiig big big!" for added effect she put her hand up as if to reach the ceiling.

Castiel returned soon and handed Aria a sippy cup filled with warm milk, cinnamon, and sugar as the brother's pondered over what she was saying. Still quite dumbfounded and very sleepy, they decided to call it a night as Castiel crawled into the bed beside Aria, his arm wrapping protectively around her as she drank from her sippy cup. Once they were gone Castiel switched on the nightlight that projected various stars onto the ceiling, feeling as Aria started to fall back into her deep sleep.


The next morning everything was back to the way it was, and Aria was feeling much better. Her laughter rebounded against the kitchen walls as Dean stood in front of the stove moving eggs around in a pan. In the month Aria had been with them, they had developed a system that way they could still do their job's as hunters and take care of her. On weekends they were bound to the bunker in order to recharge their batteries, wash clothes, and many things like that. On Monday they would leave the bunker for the week and take Aria along on a hunt, and if things became too dangerous she would be confined to the hotel room or whooshed back to the bunker by one of the boys, usually Castiel. Since it was Monday once again, Sam and Castiel worked outside packing up the impala as Dean made sure Aria had a good breakfast and a bath before they left. 

Eggs now sat on a princess plate specifically assigned to Aria as Dean scooped her up from the ground she was playing on. Aria gave a yell in protest but when she saw the eggs she immediately forgot what she was protesting and set to work devouring them as Dean set a sippy cup of juice next to her,

"Eat up buttercup," he yawned while stroking her messy hair back, "After that you need a bath. We don't need stinky girl's in the car do we?"

The words he used were special for her, especially the name 'Buttercup'. He had called her that once on accident and she loved it so much he decided to keep doing it. His playful tone made her wiggle happily while drinking from her cup while Castiel and Sam came back into the kitchen, the latter quickly scooping some eggs from the pan and onto a piece of bread. Castiel however didn't require food and merely made his way to Aria before placing a soft kiss to her head in a means of greeting. The four sat in comfortable silence until a phone began ringing and Dean cursed under his breath.

"I have to get that, Cas can you get her into a bath?" He grumbled making his way down the hall.

Castiel slipped Aria off of her chair and into his arms before following in Dean's wake and ending up in Aria's room to give her a bath. Just two doors down Dean was speaking quickly on the phone, and seemed to be becoming more agitated the more he talked. Cursing louder this time, he threw the phone onto his bed and went back into the kitchen, where Sam sat finishing off the last of the eggs.

"Dude, what's your problem?" he mumbled around a mouthful of egg and bread.

Dean leaned against the wall and looked into the opposite direction, "Crowley got us a lead on a possible vamp nest." Sam became visibly confused and swallowed his food. 

"Soo...that's good right?" 

"What's not good is that it came from Crowley, okay?" Dean began while crossing his arms in front of his chest, "When does a lead from Crowley ever not end up totally coming back to bite us?"

In truth, Crowley had been the main cause of their misfortune multiple times but Sam couldn't ignore the obvious, "Look if it doesn't matter what Crowley has up his sleeve. A vamp nest is a vamp nest, so either way-"

"Yeah yeah I know!" Dean cut him off and paced to the other side of the kitchen, opening the fridge uselessly only to close it again a second later.

Sam knew there was something Dean wasn't telling him, so he turned his massive body toward him and leaning his elbows against his splayed legs. Dean saw him waiting and attempted to ignore him, moving his hand as if to open the fridge once more before letting it drop. That was all the information Sam needed. He knew his brother, and he know when he was worried.

"Do you think something will happen to Aria?" he asked, waiting for any tell tale signs from Dean. 

He was not disappointed. Suddenly Dean's whole body tensed up and his eyebrows furrowed to make his eyes appear darker, "He asked about her." he admitted "Why would he do that if he wasn't plotting something?"

Sam couldn't give him an answer, but they both knew the same thing. They couldn't let Aria leave their sight for even a fraction of this hunt.

Hello! I know this is shorter than what I usually put out there but it't only the beginning of part two! Look forward to it! I've been gone for awhile for two reasons: I started working, and a very dear family member of mine passed away rather suddenly. But I'm back now! Let's do our best!



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