Chapter 26 ~Part Five~

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 If Crowley was anything it was tenacious. You would think once he saw how protected Aria was he would have left the subject alone. But what kind of King would he be if that were the case? That's exactly why he had no problem laughing in Dean's face as he was sprayed with Holy water or cut with that accursed blade of theirs. Dean and Castiel were steadily growing more and more agitated with every question ignored. It was like no matter what they threw at him he ate it up like it was some sort of twisted game, and Aria was the prize. Sam had had to take her from the room after she suddenly flickered back into being small and sensing tension, began to cry. 

     "That's the ticket boys!" He cackled spitting blood onto the wooden floor "I actually felt that one."

     Dean was livid, and slipped off his brass knuckles  "If you would just tell us what you are planning, we could end this right here, right now. They only reason we don't kill you is because you know who is hunting Aria, and probably where he is. But as I see it you aren't speaking anyway, so how about we cut the crap and get this over with?" he seethed putting Castiel's angel blade to Crowley's chest.

 At this the Demon king blanched. When was it last he had seen Dean Winchester looking so murderous? It had been quite a while and he wouldn't deny the sliver of fear he was beginning to experience. So best to end this now while he was still breathing.

     "Look, squirrel-"

 The blade pressed painfully into his sternum

     "-Dean then. Let me put it this way; If and when this being dies, he will surely have a place in hell next to yours truly."

 Castiel put a hand on Dean's shoulder and shook his head, prompting him to remove the angel blade and hand it back to it's owner, who held it tightly while settling Crowley with his startling blue eyes. He had finally understood Crowley's motive behind all of this and why he knew so much about Luka's involvement.

     He spoke in a surprisingly calm voice "You know Aria's new buyer. And you're the one who put him back on her trail." it wasn't a question.

 Crowley shrugged and turned his head away to try and look as clueless as possible. Silence wasn't a smart move in this situation though, because Dean suddenly lunged forward and grabbed the angel blade, meaning to plunge it deep into his chest before a rumbling started. Black smoke poured through all the vents, breaking the windows and lights. It swirled around the devil's trap looking for a chink in the armor until it found it's way in and Crowley was freed. Dean tried to fight through it and Castiel fought to keep his balance but as soon as it had come it had gone again, and they were left with as many questions as before and a messy room they were certainly not getting their money back for.


 They had all agreed to go back home the next morning, putting a nearby hunter on the case and on the lookout for any suspicious demon activity. Driving home Aria had stayed tucked under Castiel's arm, refusing to eat anything or sleep for more than thirty minutes at a time. The most confusing part was that they couldn't tell whether she was small or big. She preferred to be held close to anybody willing to keep her on their lap but when she did speak it was with clear sentences different from her usual baby talk. Sam swallowed the lump in his throat as he watched Aria jolt awake out of a nightmare, clutching Castiel's coat in her small hands.

     'She's terrified' he thought to himself.

     "Don't worry doll." Dean tried to sound chipper as he half smiled at Aria through the rearview mirror "We're gonna be home in no time and I'll make us beef stroganoff like a I did  for Thanksgiving after we ganked that rugaru. How does that sound?"

 It was no use. Aria kept her eyes down, half out of exhaustion and half because she couldn't stand to look him in the face, any of them. She couldn't shake the feeling that this was all her fault, that she was the reason they were so tense and worried all of the time now. But what could she do about it? Run away? A hint of a smile made her lips twitch at the knowledge that even if she tried they would find her in no time. She loved them so much. And though she wanted nothing more than to crawl away and fade from existence...being with them made her pain more bearable. She could breathe with them. And maybe it was selfish of her but she didn't want to give that up just yet.

 They had just stopped a gas station for a fill up and a bathroom break when Castiel stopped Aria, taking her arm and looking down at her seriously.

     "We will protect you." He said in that soothing voice that had put her to sleep so many times now "You know that, right?"

 Aria felt her eyes prickle and nodded softly, walking into his arms and wrapping her own around his middle. How could she feel so exposed yet safe at the same time? Luka could be watching her right now with a gun pointed right at her spine but she wouldn't have cared. All she could hear was Castiel's strange heartbeat and she focused on that, finding herself a bit calmer. But as she began to calm, Castiel stiffened until he was practically clutching at her. If she didn't know any better Aria would have sworn she heard the flutter of wings.

     A voice came from behind Castiel and it was as calm as his...but very cold "Hello, Brother."

 Castiel whipped around and shoved Aria behind him so that she was pressed against the wall. His angel blade was drawn, and through a small gap between his arm and his side Aria could see three people wearing business clothes and looking very...well...blank. The only female in the group turned her brown eyes to look into Aria's, and she suddenly understood why Castiel had her behind him.

     "Is that the demon tablet?"

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