
494 16 0

april 19th, 2016


Aurora sat in the backseat of a small blue Volkswagen beetle, cramped up with Bucky to her left, Sam and Steve sitting in the front. The Captain thought it was a really good idea to take the smallest car in the world and fit two beefy super-soldiers, a toned man, and a woman ready to get out and set the little thing on fire.

"Why?" Steve questioned.

Aurora shifted in the uncomfortable seat, "Because for someone that doesn't want to be noticed, you have the most shittiest taste in picking a car to drive."

Sam cackled in the front seat, he threw his hand backward. "Okay, give me some," he said, meaning to high-five Aurora. The woman slapped her palm on to his, giggling as a response.

Steve glared at the two. "That's not funny, Rory," he states, not joking as the other three in the car.

"Yes, it is," Bucky agreed with his wife.

The car came to a full stop, it was parked behind a sleek black car that looked like it had more space than this one. Both Bucky and Aurora's head upward as saw two women come out from the vehicle, having no idea as to who they were. "Steve, who are they?" Aurora asked.

"Friends," Steve stepped out of the car, closing the door on them.

All three sat quietly in the car, patiently waiting for Steve to get done talking to both blonde and brunette women. Bucky shifted in his seat, Aurora raised an eyebrow.

"You okay there?" Aurora smirked, her husband nodded his head in hopes of finding a better spot to sit.

"Can you move your seat up?" Bucky asked Sam.

"No," Sam said with no expression.

Aurora rolled her eyes, laughing at the two. She quickly got up and pulled herself to sit in Bucky's lap, the man playfully groaned as if she was heavy.

"Is that better?" Aurora grinned, her back fully pressed against the glass window. Bucky snaked his arms around his wife's waist, listening to her giggles as he lightly tickled her stomach.

"Extremely better," he states.

Bucky kissed the corner of Aurora's jaw, watching as she lets out a gasp. The woman slapped his shoulder playfully, pointing to the backseat of where Sam sat.

"Get a room, lovebirds," Sam says, looking in the rear-view mirror. He only liked Aurora, she was cool to be around and right now her jokes made the highlight of this entire day. He still holds a high grudge again Bucky from the last time they met, he had to get his friend to repair his broken wing.

Aurora snapped her head, "Says the bird himself!"

She looked down at her husband, his face scrunched up as he didn't find her joke funny this time.

"No?" She glared, Bucky shook his head.

All of their eyes soon turned as the brunette woman came towards the car, she opened the door and peaked her head through. She greets Sam, turning her head back to the lovely couple.

"Hi there, I'm Jaymie," the woman climbs in the back and Aurora tensed up, seeing how close she was to her husband.

Aurora waved off her jealousy, feeling it was the wrong time to explode. "I'm Aurora!" she chirps, greeting nicely.

"Like the princess?" Jaymie asked.

The woman scrunched her face, she was named after a princess?

"No, I was named after the Borealis. I can't believe I'm a princess!" Aurora eagerly beamed, getting excited while her husband was not.

Jaymie was loving her energy already, the woman looked like a fun person to be around.

The next thing they all knew, they were watching Steve make out with Sharon Carter. Sam and Bucky smirked, Aurora wanted to gag, and Jaymie had a look to kill. She wanted to throw up in the car but she cared for the lives of the other people in the car so she kept in down.

"It's about time I saw Steve interested in a woman," Aurora broke the silence in the car.

With a stern voice, Bucky eyed her, "Not the time, Rory."

Steve turned, looking at the four people in the already stuffed car. All eyes locked on to him and Sharon, he groaned as he didn't know how he was going to survive the rest of the trip with those four.

Putting all the uniforms in the back on the car, Steve got in the car and his eyes focused on all of his friends. "Ready to roll?" He questioned.

"You have a bad taste in picking a getaway car, you know that right?" Jaymie stated as the car roared to life, pulling away from the other car.

"Thank you, I told him the same thing!" Aurora replied.

THE CAR ROLLED INTO AN EMPTY parking lot, Steve parking next to a white wan.

Steve, Sam, and Jaymie all climbed out of the car while Aurora was still sitting on Bucky. The husband made her take a quick nap since he saw her so tired back at the warehouse, she always looked so peaceful sleeping but it was time to wake up.

"Rory," Bucky shook the woman.

The woman groaned, still wanted to sleep. She reached and stretched, yawning as her eyes met Bucky. "Good afternoon, princess," he chuckled, pushing strands of hair from her face.

"Hi," she answers calmly.

Both of them stepped out of the car, the two standing behind the car watching as more people came out of the van. Aurora looked as Jaymie waltzed over to an older man and a girl, she was happy.

"You know I wouldn't have called if I had any other choice," Steve greets the other man.

"Hey, man, you're doing me a favor by keeping an eye out on that one," the man known soon as Clint Barton shakes Steve's hand and points back to Jaymie. "Besides, I owe a debt."

"Thanks for having my back," Steve turned to look at Wanda.

She shrugs, "It was time to get off my ass."

"How about our other recruit?"

"He's rarin' to go," Clint pulls back the van door. "Had to put a little coffee in him," the sound of the door makes the man sleep jump up, "But he should be good."

Scott Lang drops down from the van, wincing at the sunlight. "What time zone is this?"

He soon gets excited by seeing Steve standing in front of him, "Captian America!"

Shaking his hand eagerly, Steve looked puzzled as to what was happening. "Mr. Lang."

Aurora turned to her husband with her eyebrows raised, this was the guy Sam wanted? He seemed too...too cheery to be picked for a war.

"Ah, look, I wanna say, I know you know a lot of super people. So, thanks for thinking of me," Scott voiced, turning his attention to Sam.

"Hey, man!" Scott pointed at Sam.

Sam grins, "What's up, Tic Tac?"

Scott then recognizes Aurora eyeing at him, "Hi, ma'am!" She waves back as a response, Bucky glared intensely making Scott step back.

"They tell you what we're up against?" Steve asked.

"Something about some psycho-assassins?"

"We're outside the law on this one. So if you come with us, you're a wanted man," Steve states.

"Yeah, well, what else is new?" Scott shrugged.

Both Bucky and Aurora turned their heads, "We should get moving." The sounds of alarms abruptly go off all around them, making the woman nervous about what was about to happen.

"They're evacuating the airport," Aurora informs the group.

Steve looks around, realizing this what it.

"Suit up."

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