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march 18th, 2015

THE BARNES' TOOK a lovely stroll on the cobblestoned sidewalk as they walked hand in hand, strung up lights waved over them, hearing popular music, and watching people live their life to the fullest.

Both of them found residence in a studio apartment in the outer city, it wouldn't be long until they moved again but for right now it was best to stay and take in the scenery.

They walked past a big open widow filled with mannequins with pretty floral dresses on. Aurora wished she could try on one, just to feel the fabric dance across her fingers. She remembered the pink dress she wore on her first day of school, leading her to meet the man that became her husband later on.

She snapped her head back into reality, catching up to her husband who had patiently waited.

"See anything you like?" Bucky raised an eyebrow.

Aurora shrugged and nodded, "Nope."

The two walked past a cart filled with pastries, Aurora had to practically beg like a toddler for her husband to buy her one. Giving in easily, he gave the man the money and in return, a long, sugar-coated dessert was in her hands.

Going to bite it, Bucky snatched the stick from her and took a bite of the pastry for himself. He grinned while eating it, watching his wife's disappointed face.

"What? I bought it, it's mine," he justified.

"You're so lucky you're cute," Aurora rolled her eyes, taking the stick back.

The two walked some more down the street, looking at all of the attractions going on. Aurora pointed out some of the little things, picking up items from the vendors. More or less, it was a good day for the couple.

Next, Aurora accidentally bumped into a child no older than four. She went to apologize as the mother picked her daughter up, both of them quickly waved and walking beside her husband. Aurora softly smiled and waved back at the baby, feeling sorrow at the bottom of her heart.

What would have happened if Aurora ever had a child?

Would it have stopped her husband from ever joining the war?

It could have stopped her from being taken.

Becoming a mutant.

A monster.

Aurora and Bucky were always indecisive about what they wanted their children. He wanted a daughter to be protective and spoil over and she wanted a son to teach, to grow up respectful, and always be a leader like his parents.

But that didn't happen. Everything was taken away from her.

"Aurora!" Bucky snapped back the woman's attention. Her head turned and was filled with confusion, her face scrunched together.

She turned. "Huh, yes?"

"You stopped moving, are you okay?" Bucky asked, worried for the woman.

"Oh, I'm fine, sorry," Aurora cleared her throat. "Let's just continue walking."

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