Big News

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Brittany's POV:
I took four pregnancy tests they all came back positive. I was sitting on the toilet crying tears of joy. I called my mom and Pat's mom Randi. "Hey could y'all come over right now?" I asked, them both saying of course. twenty minutes later they both arrived "Hey sweetie what's going on,are you ok?" my mom comes in asking giving me a hug before Randi comes in and does the same. "Yeah well I think so here come in sit down I have some big news." We all sit in the living room in silence before I say "I'm pregnant." Both there eyes grow wide and before I know it they are screaming and hugging me. "OH MY GOD IM SO HAPPY!" Randi squeals in excitement. "Does Pat know?" My mom asks once she's done freaking out. "No, that's the thing I need help telling him i'm nervous." I sigh letting fear take over. "Why he's going to be beyond excited." Randi says as she gets us some waters. "Yeah sweetie he really will don't worry about that." My mom says rubbing my back. "Ok yeah your right, he's going to be home in like an hour." They nod
"Don't worry honey I know my son he's going to be happy." Randi tells me with a huge smiles stretched across her face. "Yeah I know, but how do I tell him? I can't just walk up to him when he comes home and be like I'M PREGNANT!" They both bust out into laughter as I ramble on. "Brittany sweetheart calm down i'm sure you can find a way to tell him." Randi says while my mom nods in agreement. "Ok yeah your right, he just texted me he's on his way now." They nod while heading to the door. "Good luck love your going to ok and congratulations love you." My mom says hugging me before she leaves. "Congratulations Britt love you remember don't stress." Randi says hugging me as well before she leaves. These few minutes I was waiting felt like a million years as I spiral into the land of what if's. A familiar sound pulls me out of my thoughts as I hear Patrick's car pull up the drive way. I jump up and grab the tests and wait for him to come inside. "Babe i'm home!" He gets comes in being greeted by Silver and Steel before he walks in the living room.
Patrick's POV:
I had come home late from working out with the guys for a game we have Sunday. Wanting so bad to just chill with Britt and the dogs. "Britt where are you?" I ask as I drop my things off in our bed room. "In here!" I hear from the living room. A smile brought to my face as soon as I hear her voice. I ran downstairs to see her laying on the couch with Silver. "Hey baby girl." I say giving her a kiss making her blush. "Hey love, how was the gym?" She asked adjusting herself to sit up next to Silver. "It was good how was your day?" I ask, but she seems off she looks up with tears in her eyes.
Brittany's POV:
I couldn't hold back my tears not sad ones but happy. I look at Pat who is freaking out "Babe what's wrong? are you ok? talk to me." He asked worried laced his voice. "Yeah i'm ok, but I have to tell you something..." I trail off. His eyes wide waiting for me to finish. "Babe...I'm... we're gonna...have a baby..." I struggle to say while I hand him a test.
Patrick's POV:
"OH MY GOD BABE!!!" I yell in excitement picking her up off the couch. She squealed both of us crying and laughing. "I love you so much, I can't wait to meet this little one!" I say kissing her. "I love you too babe, I was so worried you we're going to be mad or I don't even know." She admits. "Babe never I've always wanted a family...a family with you." I say with tears flowing down my cheeks. "I've wanted to same thing, I love you so much." She says tears flowing as well. A few minutes later we were chilling on the couch my hands around her nonexistent baby bump.
Brittany's POV:
"I can't wait to meet this little one." I say excitement laced my voice. "Me too, do you think boy or girl?" He asks, his hands drawing circles on my stomach. "I think a boy, but as long as he or she's healthy i'm happy." He nods. "What about you what do you think?" I ask playing with his hand. "I think boy to, but like you said healthy and happy baby makes me happy." I smile and cuddle into his chest eventually falling asleep. I can't stop thinking about how much of a good dad Pat will be. This is definitely one of the best days of my life.
Patrick's POV:
As Brittany slept I texted all the guys,coach Reid and,our family. Later on together will post something on Instagram and Twitter, were not ready to tell the public yet. I felt Britt shift as she slowly wakes up. "Good morning, good nap?" I ask kissing her forehead. "Mhm good afternoon more like and yes it was amazing." She chuckles. "I told the guys, they all are super excited and my mom told me that she knew along with your mom." I say playing with her hair. "Yeah her and my mom were the first people I had to tell, i'm sorry." she admits. "Don't be sorry love, I understand one hundred percent." I say with a warm smile. "Alright I need to feed the dogs, wanna order a pizza and watch a movie?" She asks while standing up waking into the kitchen to feed Silver and Steel. "Yep i'm on it! extra cheese right?" I ask grabbing my phone. "You know it!" She yells for the kitchen.
Brittany's POV:
About thirty minutes go by and the pizza gets here. "Oh my god it's so good." I say after taking a bit of the cheesy goodness very dramatically, Pat laughs at me bitting into his slice. "What movie?" He asks scrolling through Netflix. "Hmm maybe 6 underground?" A great movie by Ryan Reynolds. "Oh yes!" He pressed play and comes to lay back on the couch with me. I look over to see Pat very interested into the movie I couldn't help but smile at how lucky I am. The rest of the night we chilled on the couch with the dogs enjoying the very rare quiet time we get. A great way to end a perfect day.

Hope y'all enjoyed♥️💛

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