Frist Word

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Brittany's POV:
Our daughter is nine months almost ten months and still hasn't said her first real big word. Witch is totally fine, pat and I are just waiting to see weather it's going to be mommy,daddy or, one of the puppies names(Silver,Steel)
I walked into the kitchen to see the love of my life with our precious baby girl. "Say good morning mommy!"Pat says as he bounces her on his hip. "that's a little advanced for her don't ya think," I said with a chuckle. "I mean yeah, but it's worth a try."He walks over to me and kisses my forehead "yeah, I was reading this book and it's said ten months is where the big words start." He nods.
Patrick's POV:
Later in the day we had our families over to have a nice dinner. Ellie was playing on the floor with my brother Jackson. While Britt and I were talking about Ellie. "I noticed ever since we had Ellie she's the only thing we talk about." We all laugh when my mom says "That's what kids will do to ya hunny." she smiled at me then asked "So has Ellie started to say any words?" I look over at Britt and she says. "Well I mean some little syllables,but nothing big." she sighs. "Don't worry love, She's gonna do it."  My mom smiles over at Britt. "Babe let's go sit with her maybe tonight's the night." I say as I put some dishes away.
Jackson's POV:
Brittany is my best fiend the day she had my niece was the best day ever. I was sitting on the floor with her and Britt, She was so desperate to hear her say something. "Ellie girl wanna try to say mama or dada?"  I couldn't help but laugh at her "Britt she's gonna do it don't worry!" "I know but she's pretty much ten months and all the books say she should be." She rambles. "Britt listen to me, she's your first born of course you listen to the books but, you have to understand she's gonna take her time." she nods while cuddling her sleepy baby. "I can't believe i'm going to say this jacks, but your right." We both laugh. "Hell yeah I give amazing advice, you can deny that!" She rolls her eyes while she laughs at me.
Patrick's POV:
"She's out isn't she?" I asked Britt. "Yeah, I'm surprised it's only six." she said. A few moments later Ellie was sleeping on my chest, while everyone having their own little side conversations. Then the best thing ever happened. I felt Ellie shift over so she could lay with her mom "Mama?" Ellie whimpered. Brittany's face fell "Wha- What did she say?" "mama" Ellie claps as she says it again. "OH MY GOD SHE SAID IT OH MY GOD! good job baby girl!" she yelled excitedly. I couldn't help but tear up she's growing up so fast.
Brittany's POV:
"I told you so" Jackson says. "whatever this one of the best moments ever, let me have my moment." We all laugh. I turn to Pat as he smiles and says  "I love you guys so much." "I love you more."

the ending is kinda bad and all over the place haha,but I had to many ideas at once hahah. I hope y'all enjoy.♥️💛

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