Orlind: Chapter Twenty-Four

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Llan? Llan!

Ori was shouting in her head. Only distantly aware of it beneath her shock, Llandry stirred herself with some difficulty to answer him.

I'm here, Ori.

Thank goodness. I need you to not panic, okay? We need to secure Pense's body. Just keep it together for a few minutes more and I'll be there.

Llandry hardly heard these words, her mind too stupefied. It took a few long moments for the sense of Ori's words to penetrate into her befuddled thoughts.

Pense's body. Yes! If they could retain his body intact, he could be resurrected. They could do it, between the two of them. Her heart soared again for one glorious moment, and then sank once more. How could they secure his body? He was in draykon shape! Even if both she and Ori shifted, they couldn't carry him away. He was too big, too heavy. And Avane was out of action...

Hurry, Ori!

I'm trying but I can't leave Avane. Couple of Lokants on their way though, I can see them. Just a few more minutes...

Llandry waited in a fever of impatience. The invaders must have seen Pensould turn draykoni on his way down; they'd recognise who he was. And they knew that Llandry would try to resurrect him if she could. If Ori didn't get here soon, they wouldn't even have a chance to try to get him away.

'C'mon, Ori,' she muttered under her breath, anxiously watching the skies.

A dark shape flew overhead, blotting out the sun. Then another, and a third, and more... it was too late. Five draykoni were bearing down on her. Would they realise who she was, while she wore human shape? Yes, they must. Pensould had said often enough that he recognised an awakened draykon soul no matter what shape it wore.

That meant they might already have realised that there had been four draykon souls among the coloured birds they'd been chasing earlier. But with Avane and Pensould down, Iver's plan was in ruins anyway. They wouldn't be launching any surprise attack now.

Ori, they're here!

His response was a snarled curse. Then you have to get out of there, Llan.

And leave Pensould?!

You have to, or they'll take both of you!

I can't just abandon him.

You won't. We'll find a way to get him back.

She hesitated, torn, as the first draykoni found a path through the trees and angled down, coming straight for her. Ori was right, and Pense would have told her exactly the same thing. She must get herself to the Commander. Iver would help her.

In a flash she shifted, her panicking mind grasping at the first thing that occurred to her. Clad once more in her scarlet kreeay feathers, she tried to fly.

No good. She'd flown too much in the past hour; her wing-muscles were worn to the point of exhaustion. Her flight lasted a mere two seconds and then petered out, sending her diving for the ground.

Something small, Llan! Ori yelled. Hide!

Yes! Something that could meld into the shredded undergrowth, too small to be discovered. She became a wole, colouring her fur to camouflage with the blue-green moss and foliage that surrounded her.

Then a disturbing thought occurred to her.

Ori, if we can shape-shift, so can they!

Silence for a moment. Then, How many are there?

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