Chapter Twenty Six

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Eva thought fast, or tried to, but her horrified mind was slow to co-operate. There were stories about the draykon, telling of their strength, their longevity, their indifference to the boundaries between the Seven Realms and the Others. It was said that they were scarcely corporeal, as changeful as the Off-Worlds themselves. Eva had no way to tell if these stories were true, but the sheer, staggering size of the skeleton before her was evidence enough of their power to change everything. She didn't want to imagine the chaos and, probably, destruction a creature like this would wreak should it be awakened. The delicate balance between the Seven Realms and the Off-Worlds would disintegrate.

   She had the horrifying sense that everything was spiralling out of control. Ana was circling the skeleton with the istore piece in her hand, the pendant from which she'd extracted it lying discarded on the floor. Several possible means of detaining Ana flitted through Eva's mind, but against the success of all was Griel and his pair of whurthag pets. The sorcerer possessed a relaxed air and an unruffled, unhurried demeanour, but Eva had no doubt he was alert to her actions. He strolled around the room, hands in his pockets, watching his wife work. Each time he passed Eva he gave her a pleasant nod, as if passing an acquaintance in the street.

   Ana, on the other hand, was oblivious. It didn't seem to have occurred to her that Eva might refuse to participate in her scheme. She was intent on the bones of the draykon, running her hands over those parts of it that lay within her reach. She had the air of a collector admiring her latest acquisition, weirdly overlaid with the proprietorial pride of a mother. What did she really expect to happen? Would it really bow to her will, consent to act as her companion? Eva doubted it. She had to be prevented from waking the draykon, but how? Eva's stunned mind, laced with panic, refused to offer any answers.

   Tren wandered nonchalantly in Eva's direction and leaned against the wall, mimicking Griel's casual manner. He smiled at Eva, bending his head close to her ear to speak in a low murmur.

   'What are we doing about this?'

   Eva shook her head minutely. 'Do you have any ideas?'

   'What, no plan?' Tren lifted his brows at her.

   'I'm not infallible,' returned Eva, irritably. 'Ana needs to be stopped, but not forcibly or we'll have a pair of whurthags down our throats. If we can get the istore off her, even better. But, Tren, I've a horrible feeling we're too late. That thing is already half awake.'

   Tren's brows lowered into a frown. 'I think there's more going on here than we realise.' Tren told her about seeing Griel in the jungle, and finding the directions on the door. 'I could swear, when I opened that door, that he winked at me,' Tren finished. 'I feel like I'm being led around by the nose. Why would he do that when he killed Ed?'

   This made no sense. It sounded as though Griel had deliberately ensured that Tren discovered their underground dwelling. 'Ana spoke of your helping him,' she murmured. 'Maybe he wanted your assistance.'

   'With what? I don't see what there is for another sorc to do in all this.' He paused. 'Your role is obvious enough.'

   'Is it?'

   'Ana's confident, but even she must realise she can't control a newly-awakened draykon by herself. Probably not even with Griel's help.'

   Eva's stomach turned over. Tren was right; she was detained here for the privilege of battling wills with a confused and probably enraged creature larger than her house. Her mind reeled at the prospect.

   'I don't know. I can't think.' Eva felt desperate. Her usually able mind shied away from the sheer enormity of the circumstances; the odds were stacked against every idea that occurred to her. 'I'll think of something, I promise, but I need more time. Perhaps we could distract her, somehow.'

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