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Who Is The Slenderman?

The Slenderman is a faceless creature around 8ft tall in height. He wears a black tuxedo with a white shirt and a red tie. He also has tendrils coming out of his back to frighten his victims.

What Does The Slenderman Do?

Slenderman usually stalks his victims before killing them in numerous brutally gruesome ways. His victims are usually children, but you'll get the odd adult every now and then. Slender lives in the woods in an unknown State in America, but there have been many reports of sightings of him.

How Do I Survive Him?

Sorry, guys. There's not much I can do to help you with this one. If you even look at Slenderman, it's already too late. My advice:

Stay OUT of the woods at night! And if you go against the rule above, just don't look behind you...

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