Chapter 7

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"Hell, no." Arthur laughed, stopping Merlin from walking further. Merlin squinted against the bright sun, but kissed Arthur sweetly on the lips. But, Arthur wasn't going for sweet; he got on his knees over top of Merlin and kissed him more passionately than ever. He bit down on Merlin's lip, not too gently, and ran his hands up and down his shirt. They didn't undress at all; it was getting colder out.

"Ugh." Merlin groaned.

"What now?" Arthur opened his eyes and looked confused.

"You really do need a bath." Arthur rolled his eyes and stood up, walking back towards the camp with Merlin following. "So no bath?" Merlin pinched Arthur's thigh when they got into view of Lancelot and Gwaine. Arthur jumped, and looked very embarrassed.

"No bath?" Gwaine was cuddled up against Lancelot, resting his head on the other's lap. Lancelot was running his fingers through Gwaine's hair, both looking rather tired.

"No, I changed my mind."

"Hey, we still have some mead left." Merlin got out two canteens of alcohol that cooled by the setting sun.

"Gimme." Merlin handed one to Gwaine. "Thank you!" He said pleasantly. Both took swigs from the bottle and Arthur and Merlin scooted closer to each other. A quarter of an hour later, everyone was intoxicated and talking.

"Wait, are you two-" Arthur hiccuped, "Are you two married?"

"What? No." Lancelot said, holding Gwaine's head in his lap. Gwaine responded by biting his thigh.

"Cause I think that is married behavior."

"We are married." Gwaine tapped his forehead. "In here."

"That makes no sense. Hey Merlin."

"What, Arthur?" Merlin held his head in his hand, looking very drowsy.

"Marry me?" Arthur held out the empty canteen.

"Why the canteen?" Merlin asked.

"Well does it look like I have a uh, a uh one of the-ring! Does it look like I have a ring?" He stuttered but made Merlin smile.

"Sure, I'll-I'll marry you." Merlin pinched Arthur's cheek.

"Hey hey, I think you can do better than th-just pinching me."

"I think you'd have to wait until marriage." Gwaine interrupted.

"No, I think I can do better." He poked Arthur on the nose. "Boop." Then, all four of them burst out laughing.

"No, I mean better as in-" Arthur tried to explain before Merlin crashed their lips together, making a light 'clack' when their teeth touched. "Yeah." He grabbed Merlin's hair, making a fist. "This is-" Merlin adjusted himself so he was leaning over him, chests touching. "This is what I meant." Arthur made a gesture to make Lance and Gwaine go away. "Yep."

Merlin locked their lips and they both moved them together quickly, Arthur leaning sideways so his big nose wouldn't get in the way.

"I'm cold." Arthur said after kissing for a good three minutes.

"I can fix that." Merlin said, eyes glowing slightly gold. Merlin put his hand under his shirt and onto his back. He ran his fingertips along Arthur's thin spine, counting every bump and feeling every scar.

"Here, let me." Arthur lifted up his arms slightly, so that Merlin could take his tunic off over his head. After getting it stuck on Arthur's ear, he finally threw it aside. Arthur looked up at Merlin in the light of the torch beside him and gleamed.

"You are pretty."

Shut up and get on with it, Arthur. You're pretty too." Merlin said with a grin as he rested his elbows underneath Arthur's armpits.

"I think maybe this should wait until we have a pr-" Arhtur hiccupped, then continued, "We should get a proper bed before we-"

"Before we what?" Merlin sucked a mark on Arthur's collarbone.

"We can't-hic-here."

"Oh." Merlin looked at the torch, then back at Arthur. He leaned back down, and both had the same idea to put their tongue in the other's mouth at the same time, which caused Merlin to lick a disgusting swipe down Arthur's cheek accidentally.

"The hell-hic-"

"Whoops." Merlin laughed. He brushed the back of his palm against Arthur's face, attempting to wipe it off. Arthur took it and stuck a finger between his teeth.

"Arthur, you said you wanted a bed first."

"I've said many things I don't mean." He put Merlin's hand on his chest.

"Well, I'm waiting until I-until we get a bed."

"But I thought-you said-ugh. Fine, but once we get to Ealdor, I'm going to have you and I don't care if it's on the floor."

"I though we would be on a bed."

"What is it with you and beds?"

"If we're on a bed, my back won't smart as much in the morning."

"But, we don't have to wait for a bed."

"Arthur-ugh" Arthur had drifted off to a light, drunken sleep.

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