Chapter 9

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ellens pov

I sat cross legged on the counter sipping a beer and sighed. The bus door opened and Maggie and I both turned and saw the boys all come on, followed by Martin and Brian. "ok boys and girls." started Brian. "tonight, is the first night of touring. You'll be together on this bus for the whole tour, please, refrain from fighting." said Martin. "yes and Ellen, be careful." added Brian as he pointed at me and Maggie laughed.

"we'll be on the second bus, so if there's any problems just get us." said Martin. "your things have already been packed and put on board, so stay here, tomorrow we'll be in Brighton." said Martin, then they started walking off the bus. "leaving pretty quickly Martin." teased Tom. "yup, as quickly as I can to get away from you." said Martin and the bus doors closed.

"uhg, im bored, are you bored? I'm bored." chimed Maggie. "no!" I screamed and threw a pillow at her face. It hit her and she fell onto the floor and I laughed. "no ones bored, don't even start." I hissed. "well that wasn't very nice." said max. "catch." said jay as he tossed me a beer.

I just managed to catch it before it hit the floor and I looked over at him. "jay, may I advise if you're throwing beer to use cans or PLASTIC bottles, not glass." I said as I reached into my bra and all the guys stared at me. "what?" I asked as I pulled out my Swiss army knife, popped the top off the beer, then put the knife back in my bra.

"sorry if I don't have any pockets, where else do I keep it?" I asked. "a purse." suggested max. "no, that's for classy prisses, the bra is for the bruthas." I said and Nathan chuckled. I dived at my bag and grabbed the flip. "first dibs on beds!" I shouted Then sprinted off towards the back of the bus.

I looked at all the beds. I picked the, at the bottom it's harder for them to get me up. I grabbed the bottom bunk closest to the back, so farther away from the lights and shoved my stuff on the bed. I turned the flip on so it faced me and smiled. "hello all you little angels and little devils, first off, look at what I got." I said and showed them my thick dogtag that said 'devil'

"Maggie got one that said angel, I love em." I said happily. "anyway, in other news, summertime ball went well. I dropped two new singles, surprise label, I hope you like them. So, what do you guys think of the singles? Do you like em?" I asked. "ok, in other news, we start tour today. HURRAY!!!! we're on the bus with the wanted! I just got e best bed." I winked.

I turned the camera away from me and started recording it with the flip. "alright, so here it is." I said and gave a tour of everything. When I was done with that I went to the front and the boys looked over. "filming are you?" asked max, I nodded. "as you all know' this is the wanted, if you don't know who they are, find out." I said. "has anyone seen where Maggie got to?" I asked.

"here." said Maggie, I turned and saw her sitting under the table. "Maggie what are you doing?" I asked as I filmed her. "I was hoping I'd find narnia." she said, I sighed and shook my head. "ok, well, thats maggie for you, and she's not high." I said and Maggie pouted, I laughed.

"so, we'll be on tour for a while with th..." I started, then my phone rang. "one sec." I said and threw Nathan the flip. He caught it and faced it to me. "it's my mom, this should be hilarious." I laughed and put her on speaker. "hi mom!" I said.

"hi Ellen." she said. "I just got an email from your manager saying your tour started, with the wanted?" she Asked. "ya, I did." I replied. "Are you on the same bus?" she Asked, I nodded. "oh ya, same bus and everything." I said.

"I don't like it." said mom. "sorry mom, that's the life of a famous rockstar." I said. "just be careful ok?" she asked. "oh absolutely, i won't do anything wrong." I said as I grabbed beer and opened it, chugging it.

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