Chapter 3

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Ellens pov

"Ellen, please don't get drunk tonight." moaned Maggie. "Maggie, please drop it, you now I'm going to get drunk anyway, why fight it? Let's just focus on this." I said and looked back at the song I was currently writing. "boy cat I'm bored, are you bored? I'm bored." said Maggie, I sighed.

"Maggie, go play with something." I said, Maggie ran off and I looked at my notebook. Maggie sucked at writing songs, she didn't understand rhyming and spaced out way to much. I was writing a bunch of different songs, but focusing on Heaven & Hell, which would be our first single.

I did the song writing cause Maggie couldn't, but I was never mad at her, cause she made me food. I wrote for a while and lost track of time until Maggie came in nearly an hour later with food for me. "what took so long?" I asked. "I made mine, ate it, then made yours." she said, I rolled my eyes and took a bite of the grilled cheese.

"I'm Gunna get ready." I said as I went upstairs. I brushed my hair and put on makeup, then looked through my clothes, I didn't have that many, but I found a dress. It was extremely in your face. Well, when I bought it it wasn't. It was a sleek white dress, but then id taken it to a paint party and it had been covered in glow in the dark paint.

It was now my favorite dress. I pulled it on and grabbed some silver heels to match. I pulled them on, then walked down the stairs. "cough cough slut." said Maggie, I posed. "I know." I said. "I'm going to hell." I said. "yup." she agreed. "Maggie, you are mean." I said. "you said it not me." she shrugged, I just rolled my eyes, then grabbed my bag and walked out the door.

I walked down the street, the boys lived about a five to ten minutes away. When I finally got there I knocked on the door and siva opened it. "hello there love." he said as I walked inside. "hi seev." I said and went into their living room. "you look nice, sorry the boys aren't ready yet." he said, I shrugged. "well, make yourself comfortable, nathans still in the shower." he said, I kicked off my heels and collapsed onto their couch.

"still tired?" asked max as he walked in, I nodded. "yes, exhausted." I moaned. "aw, not up to partying?" asked Tom, I looked at him. "heeeeeell no, I'm always up for partying, just have a RedBull & everything's fine." I said. "catch." said jay as he threw me something. I caught it and grinned when I saw it was a redbull, I chugged it and sighed.

"want me to go get Nathan?" I asked. "he's in the shower." said siva, I shrugged. "so, I'll get him out." I said and they grinned. "first door on the right." said jay, I nodded and went up the stairs. I went into nathans room and knocked on his bathroom door. "Nathan, get out." I said. "Ellen!?!?" he shrieked. "yup, now get out." I said. "no." he huffed. "you have thirty second to get out before I make you." I said. "oh really? And how would you do that?" he asked.

"wait thirty seconds and find out." I said, I waited thirty seconds, then a minute, nothing. "fine, I warned you." I said and opened the door. "hey!" he shrieked, his shower was misted up so I couldn't see him. I reached under the counter and grabbed a big bucket. I put it under the tap and started running it.

"ha, this isn't an old house which means you can run the water all you want, the shower won't get cold." he said, I chuckled. Once the big bucket was filled I went over to the shower. "five seconds Nath." I said. "no." he challenged. "five, four, three, two, one." I said, then stood on The toilet and dumped the whole freezing bucket of water on his head.

He screamed and I laughed. "I'll do it again." I warned. "fine I'm coming!" he screamed, I bolted out of the bathroom and ran downstairs laughing. "what did you do?" they asked. "why didn't you come watch?" I asked. "we thought you might end up joining him in there." said Tom. "what?" I asked. "sorry, we did, but anyway, what did you do?" asked jay. "I..." I started.

"that prick dumped a freezing bucket of water on me." growled Nathan as he came into the room with a towel around his waist. I swear to god I stopped breathing. Jesus Christ seeing Nathan walking around like that... "you Gunna say anything or just stare at me?" asked nathan with a raised eyebrow. "uhm...not sure." I finally said, he just shook his head and chuckled.

"get dressed Nath, we're already late." said Tom. "fine." sighed Nathan and he turned and walked up the stairs and I couldn't help but to stare at his ass as he walked away. "oi." shouted Tom as he threw a pillow at my head. "stop checking out baby naths ass." he said. "why? So you can have it all to yourself?" I shot back. "Nom!" shouted all the boys and we laughed.

"so anyway, I've heard that you two are coming out with a new single soon." said max, I nodded. "yup." I said, they waited for me to elaborate, but I didn't. "what's it called?" asked siva, I shrugged. "not really sure, I've written a bunch of them, but I think the one we're putting out first is The Rush. Simon wanted us to put out heaven & hell, but I have no inspiration for it, so the rush it is." I said. "oh, sounds fun." said Tom.

"ya, s'bout clubbing and doing something crazy." I said. "care to give us a little sample?" asked max. I shrugged. "sure, why not, but I doubt my voice is up to par, being partying a lot." I said with a laughed.

"alright, well, heres a bit of it, i love this part from it.

Its The rush as I jump up on a table and dance

The buzz as i drink so much i fall in a trance

The thrill as I kiss someone that I'll never know

The adrenaline I get from letting everything go"

"that's just a little piece." I said. "sounds like it could go somewhere, you got music for it yet?" Asked Tom, I nodded. "ya, I wrote the lyrics in my history class, then went home and recorded it. I play guitar, piano and drums, ok, well I 'play' I sort of dabble in all three of them." I said. "wicked." said jay, I nodded. "ya, I'm just to lazy to commit myself to one, but why only have one when you can have more?" I asked, the boys were looking at me with wicked grins on their faces.

"I agree with you completely." said Tom, I rolled my eyes. "everything becomes sexual with guys." I sighed, then chuckled to myself. "does with me to, so I suppose I've got to deal with that." I laughed, Nathan came down the stairs in jeans and a 'let's get wasted' shirt.

"appropriate shirt cause I wanna get shit faced." I said and jumped up. "my first club in London, I can't wait." I said excitedly as I pulled on my heels and we walked out the door. I was literally jumping with excitement as we walked down the street and finally turned into a club.

We were drinking and dancing and after a long time I lost count of how much I'd had to drink. I was dancing with someone when I felt a hand on my arm and then I got pulled through the crowd and when we got to the edge he turned to me. It was Nathan and I saw the other boys walking over. "come on love, time to go." said Nathan. "noooooooo." I moaned.

"sorry, but we've got to go." he said. "please stay, come on we can dance." I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "sorry, no matter how much I would love that, we promise Maggie we'd get you back in one piece." he said


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