Chapter 2

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nathans pov

"Nathan get out of the shower!" screamed jay for the hundredth time. I sighed and got out. I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked out of the bathroom. "finally!" shouted the boys, I rolled my eyes and threw on some clothes and a superman hat. When I went downstairs the boys shoved me out the door before I could get tea and pushed me into the van.

"booooooyyyyys." I moaned. "where's my te...oh.." I said as jay shoved a thermos in my hand. "thanks jay bird." I said happily as I sipped at my tea. "sorry we're late." I said. "we arent, we told you we had to be there half an hour earlier then we really have to be." said siva, I sighed and drank more of my tea. "pretty smart move." I said as I grabbed my phone and started creeping on twitter.

"come on boys, we're here." said Martin as he opened the door. "ok, so you're playing both days, you're headlining the Saturday one and just playing a set on Sunday." he said, then handed out our passes. I put mine around my neck as we walked down a hall. "theres already someone in there, so just go sit and wait, they apparently showed up half an hour late so it set everything back." sighed Martin.

"well if they were going to be late why the hell did I get up this early? It wasn't very nice of them." I growled, the boys stopped then started laughing. "hmm, Being half an hour late and setting the whole day back, who does that sound like baby Nath?" asked Tom. "shut up." I grumbled, Martin opened the door and we saw the studio where our dance teacher dave was working with two girls.

We all sat down and watched as he tried to teach them how to dance...they were worse then us and that, was saying something. "dd, why can't I just dance like a stripper like I always do?" moaned one of them as she failed at doing a spin. "because you have young fans to, you have to set a good example." he explained. "ya and Ellen you shouldnt dance like a stripper anyway!!!" shouted the other girl.

"to bad I like it." said Ellen and made an obscene sexual gesture with her hand and we all chuckled. "Ellen I will get you!" shouted Maggie, "come at me bro." said Ellen and she opened her arms. Maggie took a step towards Ellen and face planted. Ellen burst out laughing and Maggie grumbled and stood back up.

"come on girls, just ten more minutes till you're done with your set." said Dave. "but I'm tired!" moaned Ellen. "you complain a lot." answered Dave. "oh really? Just noticed did you?" asked Ellen sarcastically. "and you're very sarcastic." he added. "and you're very good at pointing out the obvious." she growled. "and you're really pissy." he said and I tried not to laugh. Ellen was just staring at him.

"Ellen, please don't kill him!" shouted Maggie. "but..." moaned Ellen, Dave was looking at them with raised eyebrows. "she wouldn't really kill you...just like, slap your ear or something." said Maggie, Dave just shook his head. "come on girls, ten more minutes." he said again, they groaned but went over and stood next to each other.

They 'danced' or at least made an attempt at dancing which really failed. "alright guys, I dont think you're going to be ready for summer time ball." admitted Dave. "nah, we won't, but thats ok, we'll make it up as we go along." said Ellen. "you aren't nervous about performing in front of 70,000 people without a dance routine?" asked Dave, Ellen shook her head.

"even if I had a routine I'd fail anyway, might as well embrace it." she shrugged. "anyway, shower time!" she screamed and ran across the room, pulled her shirt off and slid into the girls bathroom. Maggie rolled her eyes and looked back to dave. "sorry about her." she apologized, Dave shrugged. "she's got spunk." he admitted. "anyway, you can probably pull some sort of routine off for summertime ball, but I'm not so sure about her." he added.

"most likely, well, thanks, we'll see you tomorrow." said Maggie as she waved bye to Dave and started towards the bathroom. "try and be on time tomorrow." shouted dave after her. "no promises, Ellen will be late." she shouted over her shoulder, then went into the bathroom.

Dave came over to us and we stood up. "sorry boys, they were late." apologized Dave, we shrugged and went over to the mirror. "they're the girls that won Xfactor Right?" asked jay, Dave nodded. We started rehearsing our dance moves which we rarely actually used on stage, but we knew them anyway.

After an hour we were taking a break and drinking water when the door opened. The two girls walked out. "I don't understand why you can't just take a five minute shower like everyone else." moaned Maggie. "sorry if I like my showers long." replied Ellen. "just get out faster." replied Maggie. "sorry that I like to have showers that are holy mother of fucking god it's The Wanted." said Ellen as she stopped walking and saw us.

"ello love." I said with a smile. she was just staring at us then started over. "hi boys." she said. "Ellen and Maggie right? You two just won Xfactor." said siva, the girls both nodded. "congrats." said Max. "thank you." said maggie. "want to go for a celebratory drink?" asked Tom, oh lord, tomtom and his excitable self.

"yes." said Ellen at the same time as Maggie said. "of water?" and we all burst out laughing. "no, not water, of alcohol." laughed tom. "oh." said Maggie. "I'd love to go party it up, my first club in London!" said Ellen excitedly. "Ellen, we have rehearsals tomorrow." said Maggie. "Maggie, I could go with them, or go alone, no matter what I'll still be hungover tomorrow." said Ellen.

"fine, go, go." sighed maggie. "I promise we won't let her do anything stupid." I promised her. "to late, but ok." sighed Maggie. "yay!" squeaked Ellen. "where are we going? Pub, club? Fancy dress or casual?" asked Ellen quickly. "club and wear a dress." said Tom. "ok." she said. "stop by our place at seven." said Tom as he gave her our address and numbers. "kk, I'm Gunna go have a nap cause I had to get up so fucking early this morning, see you at seven." she said, then ran off.

"dam Tom you work fast." I said. "oh come on Nath, I'm not workin, just giving a celebratory round to the Xfactor winners." said Tom innocently. "who just happen to be american and hot." said jay. "uhu, he's da horny boy." said max in his good boy voice as he played with toms ear. "ya, ya, ya." said Tom.

"oh lord." I moaned and I drank some water. "oh come on Nath, you telling me you don't want a piece of that?" asked jay. "not saying I don't." I shrugged. "just saying that Tom works fast." I said. "I wasn't working." defended Tom, we all looked at him with raised eyebrows. "shut up all of you!" he shouted. "aw someone's having a tomtrum." laughed jay.

"come on guys, back to work." said siva, we all went back and danced for another hour and jay only fell once, may have been a record for him.


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