Chapter Thirteen - Last Night

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Dean (POV)

Castiel kept glancing at me throughout the whole time we were having breakfast and cleaning up Lisa's house however we did not speak. He was waiting until we got out of earshot from everyone to hear what happened last night. When the whole house was just about cleared up and back to it's normal tidy and glamorous self me and Cas bid farewell to our friends before slipping into my impala and driving off home.

"Let's go to Harvelles." Cas said suddenly, his voice void of any emotion and his face set straight. I but my lip to keep my mouth shut and turned left instead of right towards Harvelles instead of home. He didn't say another word after this so we both just sat in silence as I drive through the streets.

When I get to Harvelles I park the car up and put the handbrake on, unbuckle my seatbelt but don't make a move to get out of the car. Instead I just sit there with my hands in my laps staring at them with feigned fascination. Cas sighed beside me and rubbed his eyes with one hand, letting his head fall back against the seat. Rain was pouring hard onto the car making the inside of the car sound like thunder, a dark cloud over the town symbolising the dark cloud that was falling over mine and Castiel's friendship. I look over to him sadly, my shoulders slumped forwards and he turns his own head to look at me.

"Well?" He asks expectantly, his voice cracking slightly because of being quiet for so long. "Are you going to tell me what happened yesterday or are you going to just keep avoiding it?"

"I'm not avoiding it Cas." I snap at him, looking at him seriously. "I just don't know what you want to hear."

"I want to know what happened." He snaps back, snarling at me slightly and I roll my eyes.

"I took you upstairs to bed and it just happened okay?"

"What happened?" He asks, his voice only the slightest bit softer this time around.

"I, er. Well you- erm, you were trying to prove that you weren't drunk..." I say, stumbling in my words slightly.

"Then what?"

"I don't feel comfortable having this conversation Cas. We didn't have sex, that's all you need to know." I say, blushing slightly and rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly.

"Well if we didn't have sex, what did we do?" He looks at me confused, squinting his eyes and tilting his head. I bite the inside of my lip and look away from him, out if the front window of the car and out at the rain.

"Please don't make me answer that question Castiel. Can't we just go have some dinner?" I ask him, too embarrassed to tell him what he did. He sighs but nods his head anyway, opening the car door and sliding out with me following closely behind. We walk into the diner without another word to one another and go sit down at one of the booths, looking at the menu even though we both know it off by heart. We just wanted an excuse to not look or speak to each other for a while until Jo came waltzing over.

"In again boys? What can I getcha? Same as usual I'm guessing." We look at her and both give her the best fake smiles that we could manage.

"Of course Jo." I say and she raises an eyebrow at me.

"If so, why were you both looking at the menus?" We both just shrug at her, not knowing what else to say and she just laughs before walking away from us and getting our usual fries and milkshakes. I sighed before sipping on the milkshake and then pushing it away because to be honest I didn't have much of an appetite and I could tell that neither could Castiel seen as he was just playing with his fries and hadn't even touched the milkshake.

"Cas." I sigh out and he looks up at me through his eyelashes.


"I don't like you, you know?" I tell him and he raises an eyebrow and scoffs at my statement.

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