Chapter Forty-Two - Surprise

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Dean (POV)

God, i missed Castiel so damn much. I was going absolutely crazy without him and the phonecalls just were not enough at all. I knew i was going to see him in only two weeks but i was sending myself up the walls just thinking about him. Not just the sex but everything, the walks, the talks- the forks. What?! I thought we were rhyming... whatever dude. I just missed everything about him.

It was good in college though. The boys and girls who all lived on the same floor as me were such good friends and i had told them all about bee and how we had been friends since the age of four but had only just gotten together when we had turned 18. For some reason people seemed to think that was adorable but i didn't really see it that way. Yeah, because it was a pain in the ass to wait 14 FREAKING YEARS FOR SOME PUNK BOOTY! Point taken.

The freedom here was great and the parties and even the classes were pretty damn good but my gut and heart and brain was always telling me how much i missed my boy. You're welcome for that. I wasn't thanking you. #HatersGonHate.

Everything i did or saw just reminded me of him and the best parts of my day was when i could call him up on the phone or on skype and just talk to him about anything and everything. I missed him like crazy and sometimes i wondered whether he missed me just as much as i missed him. I doubt that, you're a whiny and pining little bitch. Yes, thanks Captain Obvious. I'm Captain America. FREEEEDDDOOOMM! Can you smell that? What? It's the smell of shut the fuck up.

I was in class right now on a Friday afternoon and was tapping my pen on the peice of blank paper in front of me impatiently while staring at the slowly ticking clock. Stop looking at it, you're making it go slower. Bitch, don't tell me how to run my life. You don't know me. I AM you, you ignorant slut. Whatever, i just wanna call Cas. Why don't you just go and visit him? You know he's home for the weekend and you have the rest of the day off as well as the weekend. Go and surprise him for the weekend before you go back to your classes on Monday morning.

Normally i wouldn't listen to my pathetic excuse of a brain but- WELL SPANK MY ASS AND CALL ME MARGARET! HOW RUDE. It seemed like it was making perfect sense right now. I wasn't working at the mechanics all weekend because there wasn't enough business right now and i did finish early today. I could just go and see him! He would be so happy!

I had decided that that was exactly what i was going to do. I was going to see my baby boy and nothing was going to stop me. Yeah, and if anything tries to stop you, tell em Brian will be out to get em. Who's Brian? Me. You've named yourself Brian? Well technically you've named me Brian since i am you. Also yes because Brian and Brain are so similar it just makes a lot of sense okay? Okay okay, fine. I wasn't arguing i was just wondering. Jeesh.

Class was finally over and i ran from my seat so fast i almost knocked my classmates to the ground in the hurry. I run all the way back to my campus and up the stairs to my dorm room before bursting n and making my flatmate, Ash, scream his little face off.

"Bro! You scared me!" He says, clutching his heart. Ash was a cool sort of hippy guy but he was incredibly smart. One of the smartest guys i had ever met actually but he dressed in a very casual way and had a ponytail down his back. He was amazing.

"Sorry Ash, just decided spur of the moment that i'm gonna go and see Cas for the weekend." I call from my bedroom and Ash woo's before entering and helping me pack some of my stuff.

"That's awesome dude, you guys definitely need to release some of that sexual tension that i can feel just by beeing in the same room as you." I laugh at his words and he grins at me before stuffing my things in a bag and tossing it over to me.

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