Chapter Thirty-One - Ignorant Slut and Growley

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Cas (POV)

"LUCIFER YOU IGNORANT SLUT!" I shout, kicking his shin.


"IT GOES C, C, D, C! NOT C, C, C, D!"

"YOU ARE THE THREE PEOPLE IM GOING TO MEET IN HELL!" Shrieks Balthazar, throwing down his drum sticks and I had to prevent him from kicking a hole into the base drum.

"Oh hon, I'm going to be ruling you in hell." Smirks lucifer and Balth and Gabe jump on him and knock him down to the floor.

"Not if we send your pathetic ass to heaven!"

"NOT THERE! ANYWHERE BUT THERE!" Lucifer cries from the bundle of bodies on the floor.

"Guys!!!!" I scream and they all stop and look at me. "We can argue about our afterlife after we perfect this song okay? Now get back to your instruments or so help me god we will go for a drive and I will turn that car around!"

"Fine." My brothers said in unison and all stood up from the floor and went back to their instruments. It may have seemed lame to start a band with your brothers but it was actually pretty fun if you disclude all the fighting and arguments and the angry nieghbours who slammed on the door every time we cranked the noise higher than 30. But apart from that, it was amazing and we did sound pretty good. 

"Okay, from the top!"


"Hey guys! I got a new dog!" Crowley said, sitting next to me and Dean at the lunch table. 

"No way! What dog is it?" Dean asked as Crowley brought out a picture for us to see. 

"It's a tibetan mastiff! It's only a puppy right now so it's all cute and fluffy but when it grows up, it will grow to the size of a small bear! It's gonna be so cool!" Crowley said happily as i cooed at the picture of the small puppy in the photograph.

"This is the cutest thing i have ever seen!"

"They've been known to fight tigers before!" Crowley interrupted.

"Look at it's little paws and big fluffy body and small face!" I said in a baby voice, holding the picture tightly as if i was holding the dog itself. "I want it! I want it!" I cry, taking out my phone and calling my mom.

"Cas, what are you doing? Aren't you in school?" She asks as soon as she picks up.

"Mom, i want a dog."


"You heard me, a dog! To be exact, a tibetan mastiff. They are so cu-"

"Castiel James Novak we are not getting a dog!" She says in a strict voice and i moan in annoyance.

"But mom!"

"But what?"

"E-erm... i don't know. That's the end of the sentence, just 'but mom'" She sighs from the other side of the phone and i can almost picture her rolling her eyes and shaking her head. 

"There is no way on this earth that we are getting a dog!" 

"Fine! Than i'm leaving home!" I hang up on her moodily and stuff my phone back in my pocket before turning to Dean. "Can i stay at yours for a few nights?"

"Yep." He replies without hesitation or even looking up from the picture. "That's awesome Crowley, what did you name it?"

"E-erm..." Crowley said after a moments silence. "I haven't named it anything." He says, avoiding our eye-contact.

"C'mon, you must have named it something?" Lisa says, cooing at the picture of the dog just like i had done a few moments before. 

"Nope." He says a bit too quickly so i raise my eyebrows and smirk at him. 

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