I'm Sorry

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So it's been a week since MG killed Landon and everyone found out that Landon was a Phoenix and is practically immortal.

Since then there has been no monsters surprisingly and everything has been trying to return to a normal pace.

Hope tried to spend most of her time with Landon and researching about his abilities. She also spent the week trying to not have a breakdown.

MG was dealing badly with everything that had happened. He still blamed himself. And even if he pretended that he was okay and smiled everytime, Izel knew he wasn't. She had tried to help him but there's only so much she can do.

And because of everything going on with Triad, the Urn, MG, monsters, etc, Izel has been given the job to find the monster. Specifically the one she hasn't found yet. The Wendigo. So she has been holed up mostly in the Library trying to do locator spells to find that damn thing. The Twins, Penelope and sometimes Hope has helped her in this. But for some reason the monster was simply unreachable.

So right now, Izel is sitting in the Library with books and newspapers lined up in front of her trying to find out one reason why the hell are her locator spells not working.

"Any luck?" she heard Penelope say from front of her.

"No. I've tried everything. There's no recent news that could say the whereabouts of that thing and my locator spells aren't working" Izel replied sighing.

"You'll find it eventually. And as long as it doesn't come here or kill anyone, you're good" Penelope said trying to cheer Izel up.

"I guess. Anyways, are you participating in the event?" Izel asked.

"What event?" Penelope asked confused.

"Miss Mystic Falls" Izel replied in a 'duh' tone.

"How do you know about that?" Penelope asked with eyebrows raised.

"Well, Lizzie hasn't been particularly quiet about the whole 'We're hosting this year's Miss Mystic Falls and I want everything to be perfect' so. And there's 'Hide all the magic stuff' underway right now if I'm not wrong?" Izel replied with a smirk.

"You're definitely right. And no I'm not" Penelope replied and answered.

"Why not?" Izel asked.

"Because I don't have anyone to take" Penelope replied.

"Be Josie's escort" Izel replied shrugging.

"It's not that easy. She would never take me" Penelope replied with a sigh.

"You never know until you try" Izel simply answered back.

"Sure. I'll try. What about you?" Penelope asked.

"What about me? I don't go here and besides, everyone is pretty much going to make Lizzie win, so" Izel replied.

"Right. Well, I'm going to leave you in your books and newspapers for now. Have fun, Woods!" after saying that, Penelope left and Izel was once again, alone.

But after about 10 minutes, a guy came into the Library and he looked like he was looking for someone.

He addressed Izel, "Hey, excuse me. I'm sorry to disturb you, but do you know where Hope Mikaelson is?" he politely asked.

"Who are you? I've never seen you around" Izel asked back.

"Um... I'm Roman. I work for Dr. Saltzman" Roman replied.

"And would you be the same Roman that helped his mother kill Hope's mom?" Izel asked getting up and walking towards him.

"I... I.. Yes. But I didn't know what she intended, I swear! I never wanted to break Hope's family or hurt her!" Roman said ashamed of himself.

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