Just One Of My Dreams

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The next morning came pretty bumpily for both of the residents. Mostly Izel.

She was back in the blackness, alone, isolated, trapped. She couldn't do anything. Nor get out of it nor wake up.

Her dreams have been taking more and more control over her mind lately. She hasn't told anyone that because it wasn't that bad honestly. But today, it was the worst it could've been.

She was trapped in that place unable to do anything. She knew it was her dream but couldn't wake herself up. Like the other times. In that deafening silence, her screams could be heard like it was shouted from the top of a mountain. Echoing back to her, driving her mad. She tried everything. Hurting herself, dying, everything. But nothing worked.

"Let me out!!" she screamed into the nothingness.

The place didn't reply. It's not like she hoped it would. But she knew what the place wanted. It wanted the knife. It has made it painfully clear so far.

"You know, you're just giving me another reason to not get you the knife" she said to the blackness.

She then screamed. Not knowing what else to do. She wasn't going to give it the knife. It can do whatever it wanted.

She then fell to her knees, defeated. She can't get out of this... Nightmare. But she won't promise to give it the knife.

But she didn't stay there long. Because the next thing she knew, she was being shaken awake. By Hope.

Izel sat up immediately. Looking at her surroundings to make sure where she was. But then she thought this could all still just be her nightmare...

"Izel? Are you okay?! What happened??" Hope asked worriedly.

"How did you wake me up?" was all Izel replied.

"I had to use a spell... You weren't waking up. It was like.. You were trapped inside your own mind..." Hope answered.

"How do I know if this is real?" Izel asked unsure.

"What do you mean??" Hope asked confused.

"Prove to me you're real and that I'm not still in that pit" Izel pleaded and demanded at the same time.

Hope looked at her with understanding on her face. Hope had never seen Izel, given they just met yesterday but she knows Izel is a kind of girl that would not let anyone see her this..., Vulnerable. So she obliged,

"Alright. Ask me something only I know the answer to" Hope said.

Izel thought for a few seconds and then came up with the question that had been at the back of her mind since yesterday,

"Do you really forgive your family? Me? For hiding the truth? I know you said so but is that what you really feel though?" Izel asked unsurely.

Hope tensed. She really wanted Izel to not ask that particular question. Because, she wasn't so sure herself. But she had to answer. But what was she supposed to say? Lie? Tell her the truth?

"Um... I-" Hope started unsurely but got cut off by Izel,

Izel interjected with a small smile, "Thank you. And it's okay. I can use your shower, right?" she abruptly changed the topic and started walking towards the bathroom leaving behind a stunned Hope, slowly nodding.

Hope sat there shocked and surprised. Not because Izel figured out she was real but because Izel always knew Hope hadn't completely forgiven them. Yet she took it with a smile and ensured Hope that she doesn't have to answer if she doesn't want to. This girl was something else entirely and Hope had a feeling she was going to find out exactly what.

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