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"I repeat no mistakes," Qing-jao said.
Ender could feel is blood boil with anger.

"Don't you see what this will do? Right now there is peace on Earth, bringing me down there will only break it!"
What could he do? How could he keep this from happening? There was no getting back on his ship. It was too far out now.

"You and that other girl will work for China; your sister will be safe. Otherwise, she will be tortuered and killed."

Ender felt like he was out of options.

He thought it was over. He thought he would never have to kill again. To make it worse still, his jeesh was dead. Or if not, they were old and unfit for battle. He lost everything, and he was about to lose Valentine too.

His voice shook as he spoke, "I'll need an a-rmy..." he spoke in a small voice.

"What? I didn't hear you."

"Give me an army," he said loudly. "and let me train them."

Qing-jao smiled his demonic smile.
"We will be docking soon. Then we will make our way back to earth. Please try to get comfortable, commander Wiggin." He dissapeared and the holo was switched off.

Ender took and shaky breath. He could feel his eyes well up with tears. Ender let out a sob and looked up at the lights. He had to put these feelings away.

Now wasn't the time to cry.

Even so, his tears flowed down his face steadily. He didn't have the strength to stop them.

"Now is not the time to cry, kid. That passed a while ago."

Ender stayed silent and his tears didn't stop.

Meiji didn't say anymore either. Instead he walked towards Ender and knelt down infront of him.
Dispite all common sense Ender had left, he shyed away. He didn't want any of this.

__ __ __

Meiji came closer to the boy, but he seemed to shrink away from. Wiggin was shaking and his cheeks were wet with tears.

Meiji took the boys' hand in his and he flinched. Meiji hesitated for just a second. This kid wasn't much younger than he was. Five years at best.

He took his pocket knife from the bag that he kept slung around his shoulder, and he brought it close to Ender. He flipped it open.

Wiggin didn't react but to hold his tense position.

Meiji cut through the bonds around Wiggin's wrists and bent down to free is legs as well.

Wiggin wouldn't even look at him. Meiji checked his watch; they still had a few minutes before they slowed down to dock.

He rummaged through his bag, pulling out a small stack of tissues. He tried to wipe away the tears on the boy's face, but Wiggin moved away. He tried again and got the same result.

"Stop fucking moving."

Meiji gripped Wiggin's jaw with one hand to steady him, and used his other hand to clean him. The boy was still shaking, but there was only so much Meiji could do.

He let Wiggin go and backed up. His watch said they had two minutes before they started to slow down from lightspeed.

He took the seat accross from Wiggin and waited for them to dock before unbuckling himself.

__ __ __

Ender watched Meiji dissapear into a back room before returning with a spare change of clothes and a towel. He tossed them at Ender, who caught them with ease.

"The shower is down the hall. You have ten minutes. If you're not out by then I will drag you out, no matter how soapy or naked you are."

Ender nodded and unbuckled himself. He made his way to the shower and reached to lock the door behind him, but there was no lock. There would be no privacy here.

Ender stripped the sweat soaked clothes from his body and turned on the shower. It was exactly what he needed. Meiji may have threatened him, but he was being generous. Ten minutes was more than enough for his muscles to relax and for his body to warm up.

By the time he was washed and dressed, Meiji had already set out a tray of food for him. It was slop, of course. The kind of stuff that they had back on the colony ship.

It didn't matter. Ender didn't feel like eating anyway.

He sat down in the seat next to the one he had been sitting in and buckled himself. The other was still soaked with his sweat.

He wasn't sitting there long, before the tray of food was thrust onto his lap.


"I'm not hungry."

"He speaks."

"I'm not hungry."

Meiji sighed, picking up the spoon.

"You will eat," he said, offering the spoon to Ender, "or you will be force fed."

___ ___ ___

Hello my beautiful readers!

I hope you enjoy this chapter, and make sure to tell me what you think about Meiji.
What do you think his motives are?

Have a lovely day, sweathearts!

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