Files pt.2

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Penelope looked at him like he were crazy.
"What do you mean 'what's the matter'? You are the problem!" He seemed taken aback.
"Excuse me?"
She stepped closer to him, back straightening. She was done taking orders from him if he was just going to give up.
She was done pretending.
"This isn't like you, neh? To just give up so suddenly?" Ender's eyes hardened, boring into Penelope.
"I think it's best that we talk somewhere else, now." He said sternly, his voice in a hushed whisper.
"No! We will talk here and now." She said back, not trying to conceal her voice. She said it loud and clear for everyone to hear. Ender sighed, putting on a strong face for the people to see.
"Talk." He stated. She crossed her arms, looking up at him. All eyes were on them.
"You're giving up. Everything you've worked for up until now, the training, the Buggers, everything." She paused, taking a breath.
"And all because suddenly you're too chicken to stand up to a piss head of a commander, right amicus?" Ender's eyes softened.
"So you heard all that, neh?" He said softly. In his most commanding voice, he stole everyone's attention.
"I'm not giving up my position as Admiral. That's just a rumor and I'm sorry I let it get to this point. It was irresponsible of me." The crowd murmured, talking among themselves. Ender smiled at the look on Penelope's face. A mixture between what looked like shock and relief.
"Now, come. The Admiral's waiting." He didn't take her hand, it would bring them too close together in the eyes of the colonists. Instead, he walked off in the direction of Admiral Morgan's office, ignoring the stares thrown his way.
"What's this about, Ender?" She questioned, trailing close behind him. He nearly looked back at her, but stopped himself, keeping his gaze straight ahead.
"To be honest, I'm not sure. Something happened and I'm afraid that this will affect you as well." He said, his mouth twisted into a small frown, but his eyes hard as ever.
"Ender, stop avoiding the question, neh? You can tell me... can't you?" Ender slowed to a stop at her words, still refusing to look at her. His hands clenched and unclenched themselves into fists. The few stragglers that lined the hall dissipated, leaving them alone. Leaving Ender alone.
"What if my carelessness put us both in danger?" Penelope didn't answer, shock, or something of the sort, penetrating her voice. He felt the weight of the silence that consumed them both, it was almost crushing.
He wanted to say "Never mind, it's nothing anways." Or maybe even something like "Just kidding, I got you!" but he couldn't. Not when it was potentially true. So he kept walking, his posture tense. 

__ __ __

Penelope stayed quiet behind him, her voice stuck in the back of her throat. Danger? How could there be danger this far from Earth? was it possible someone had snuck into the ship? No, security was so high that it wasn't possible for even the most skilled. So what was it?

she had absolutely no clue.

She stood a few feet away from Andrew as she watched him knock firmly on Morgan's door. His fists white-nuckled. She could sense his anxiety from where she stood. It wasn't hard. It was like he were a faucet and the waters of the great lakes were all trying to come through at once. The great lakes, not the sea. Because the sea would surely break her little faucet, but here he was, still standing. 

The slid open, the admiral sitting at his desk with an unhappy look. Andrew didn't enter.

"What are you doing standing out there, I told you to come in, did I not?" Had he? Penelope wasn't paying attention.

"Yes, that's correct, Admiral. However, I need to know that this room isn't bugged before I initiate this discussion with you." The admiral's face flashed with anger before he hid it, or he had come to the realization that Ender wasn't insinuating that he were recording the conversation, Penelope couldn't tell. 

"All the rooms are bugged with sound, but the information stays within the IF. If you're suggesting you want to talk about something without IF knowledge, I'll have to report you." He said almost menacingly. 

"The only thing I'm suggesting, Admiral, is the possibility that the information is not staying within the IF. Report me all you want, but please consider the safety of your passengers," He motioned toward Penelope. "and allow us to talk un-recorded."  

Penelope stood straight and tall, giving a firm salute to Admiral Morgan Quincy. Morgan, his face red with anger, reached under his desk and turned off the wired recorders. 

"Are you willing to talk now? What's this about safety?" Andrew furrowed his brows and cleared his throat. 

"That's not all the recording software in the room, Admiral." Quincy slammed his fist on the table but Ender didn't flinch.  

"That software is the only thing allowing us to have this conversation legally! I will not under any circumstances turn it off!" 

"No it's not, Admiral. You are what's allowing us to have this conversation legally, and that software is just as easily hack-able as the one you just disabled. So please, turn it off and let us speak privately." Morgan let out a grunt that could have been a laugh. 

"How can you call this a private conversation when you've brought a snotty teen girl into the room with you. I know how those girls gossip, information from this meeting will be leaked out to the public within hours." Penelope, who had been silent and stone-faced for the entirety of their conversation spoke up, cutting off Ender as he was about to defend her. 

"My name is Penelope Argros and I am a Battleschool graduate as well as an ex Pre-Command school attendant. You need not worry about my gossiping lips. My loyalty is with the IF." Ender nodded. 

"This problem effects her too." The admiral rolled his eyes and stood, disabling the recording devise stationed behind the fake plant in the far corner. 

"Not only do I have to deal with one incompetent child, but I have to deal with two. Graff should have sent you both home." 

"With all due respect, Admiral Morgan, MinCol did send me home." Ender answered as if he has recited the line many times. 

Morgan scoffed. "Will you come sit now?"

"Yes, we will."

___ ___ ___

Hello! Sorry for the wait, I kinda got grounded. Still am, but you know, I have my ways.

Here is another part. Hopefully you like it, I know it's a little short but whatever. 

Now, I have to go really quick cause I may get caught writing this ;-) 


Have a lovely day! I'll be back to write again soon!

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