China's Weapon

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"I am awake."
There was a muffled thump and more mumbling, the man lowered his voice. Ender wasn't sure he knew what was going on anymore. What he did know was that the longer he stayed in this confined space, the more likely he was to die in the next hour. It was still hard to breathe and he had been reduced to rapid shalow breaths

"If you want me dead, leave me here. Otherwise, let me out."

There was russeling and it took a minute or two, but finaly light seeped through the cracks and with it- air.
Ender gasped, the cold air hitting his sweaty body. He noticed for the first time since waking that his hair stuck to his face and neck, his shirt plastered to his back.

"Feeling a little oxygen deprived, Ender~?"
Ender shuddered. Yes, yes he was feeling a little oxygen deprived.

The man hoisted Ender up, lifting him by hid armpits. Ender leaned into him, unable to muster up the strength to support himself.
What had they put him to sleep with? Was he experiencing brian damage?

"He doesn't exactly look well, Meiji. I don't appreciate the lack of respect to our countries' new comander."
Meiji laughed, half dragging, half walking Ender to a seat, is hands and feet still bound.

"He's a child." Meiji retorted as he fastened the straps of the seat around Ender. Ender was thankful the ship wasn't docking anywhere.
"He's Ender the Xenocide." The man on the hollo said.
Meiji snorted, but didn't reply.

Ender was slowly gaining back his strength, but straining against his bonds made his muscles ache, so he didn't.

"How are you feeling, Ender?" Asked the man on the hollo. He had a thick accent that Ender couldn't place. Japanese? No, too low in tone. Mandarin, maybe.

Ender stayed silent.

"So you're not going to talk? Are you loyal to the IF?" The man chuckled. "That will change." Ender licked his lips and took in a small breath, as if steadying his nerves.

"I have a few questions..." He said weakly. "... I want them answered quickly and honestly. Please." He hadn't used his voice in a while and he croaked out the words pathetically.

The man in the hollo smiled. "Only because you ask so nice, Ender." Ender could see his companion Meiji roll his eyes.

"You said I'm to be a commander." said Ender, "For what country?"
The mans smile faltered, but did not fade.
"Maybe you are too tired to recognise me, Ender. I am the president of China. Han Qing-jao."*
Ender blinked. China. Okay, things were slowly making sense.

"And the other two who were... with me, where are they?"

"They are safe. If I were you, I would worry about myself. Only one of them is useful to us anyway. The other will be... set free."

"You hesitated."
Qing-jao's eyebrow twitched, but otherwise, he didn't react.
Ender shifted in the plush seat, straightening his back.
"Did I?"

Ender didn't like this. He couldn't risk anyones' life, but he couldn't let himself be captured either.

"You've got the wrong guy."

Qing-jao laughed.
"I'm sorry to dissapoint, but all identification records match."
"I won't kill for you. Get someone else to do it."

"You won't be getting any blood on your hands, Ender. It's the same thing you did to defeat the Buggers. Command."

"I refuse to kill for you, Qing-jao."
"Will you still refuse if your sisters' life is on the line?"

Meiji interrupted.
"Don't do this to your sister, kid."

Ender sighed. He hated relying on his status.

"You know who I am, Qing-jao. You know what the public thinks of me. What would they say if they knew what you did today? Not enough generations have passed for you to ruin your countries' already diminishing reputation."


"Just like durring the industrial revolution, president. Don't you remember? All of Chinas' "self-strengthening" policies failed. Why do you repeat your ancestors mistakes?"

*Han Qing-jao is a character that pops up in Xenocide. In the book he does not live on Earth, but on Path where the main religion is a mix of Confucianism and Buddhism. Read the book if you wish to learn more about this character!

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Happy Valentines day!

Did you know that its called Valentines day because it's named after Saint Velentine?

Anyway, this is short, but i figured you'd want a chapter soon and I'm on a break. It's also a holiday. 😊

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