Chapter 16

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AN: This chapter mentions rape and drug use!!


Becca bounced into the house behind Nathan. Things had been going way better for her since they moved in with Marshall. Even him trying again with Kim couldn't bring her down. Nathan rolled his eyes as she threw her arms around him from behind.

"Come on big brother, it's Friday and Marshall should be home again," she said.
"Yeah but then we have to deal with this bitch some more," he sighed.
"Ignore her, I do."
"Cuz for whatever reason she has gotten off your ass and permanently attached herself to mine about everything I do. It's annoying and she ain't my damn mom."
"Better not let Marshall hear you swear."
"I know but she makes me so damn angry."
"I know, I hate her too."

Nate carried Becca up the stairs on his back.

"Do you know what she did the last time she got plastered which was the definite end of any chance that I would be ok with her being with Marshall?" he asked suddenly.
"What?" Becca asked.
"She was hammered and said I was growing up to look just like my big brother and did I want to see if a baby with her would look just like Hailie?"
"What the fuck Nate? You haven't told Marshall?"

Nate shook his head.

"Hell no I called Ash and got the hell out of here. She was sober when I got back and Marshall was here. She ain't ever tried that shit again but now I know how you felt with all them dudes mom used to bring home," he said.

Becca shuddered at the thought. Nate sighed as he put his sister back on her feet outside her room.

"You should tell him, Nate," Becca said.
"I can't Becs," he sighed.
"Why not Nate? She tried to cheat with his under age brother. You damn well she has always cheated on him and still is."
"I can't be the one to hurt him like that."

Becca nodded. She understood the need to protect their older brother. They both loved Marshall and didn't like his downward spiral that always happened after Kim was around.


Becca stood by Nate with Axel in her arms. The two of them watched as Kim attempted to flirt with Marshall. It was making Becca sick to her stomach. She handed Axel back to his uncle.

"I can't take it any more," she said.
"Becs," Nathan called as she walked toward Marshall.

Becca sent a glare Kim's way before looking at Marshall.

"Need rescuing?" she asked bluntly.

Kim scoffed behind her. Marshall tried hard not to roll his eyes.

"Cuz he would need rescuing from the mother of his children," Kim snapped.
"Yeah he would need rescuing from the psycho who would rather tear him down than build him up. You want him stuck under your thumb. Guess what, I got a news flash for you. No one in this house needs your bullshit," Becca snapped back.
"I was clearly speaking to the father of my girls."
"And I clearly don't care. I need my brother over here with me and I don't want you anywhere near my daughter."

Becca was done. Everything that Kim had ever done to her was bubbling to the surface. Marshall recognized the look on his sister's face and wasn't about to step in and save Kim.

"Why is that?" Kim demanded.
"Because you are a disgusting waste of human space. You beat on me when I was a child and made me lie to cover it up so Marshall wouldn't know. You tried to proposition Nate into sleeping with you when Marshall was at the studio." Becca snapped.

Marshall's eyes widened and went to Nate. He was staring at the floor. Ashley had taken Axel from him. They had figured it was going to get ugly the moment that Becca had walked away from him. She was still going with her rant.

"You brought guys to Marshall's house when he was on tour and forced us to keep it from him. You tried to get me high more than once. You drugged me one night and let that asshole you were cheating with rape me. What the hell kind of mother are you?" Becca was in tears now.

Marshall handed Chloe off to Denaun to get her out of the room. He snatched his sister into his arms and held her tightly.

Kim and the girls were standing there in front of them. The girls looked completely mortified. Kim looked stunned. The last admission had broken Becca. She pulled away from Marshall and left the room. Marshall turned on his ex-wife.

"You did what to my sister?" he demanded.
"She is lying Marshall," Kim tried to defend herself.

Nathan was done. All the lies had eaten at him for years. It was partly why Becca was so vulnerable to Jesse when he came around. Kim had filled her head with no one would love her because she was damaged goods. She had basically jumped at the first boy who had given her the time of day.

"She ain't lying. You did everything she just said. You broke her as a child all because you were jealous of her," he said.
"Why would I have been jealous of a little girl?" Kim demanded.
"Because Becca has always had Marshall wrapped around her little finger. Since the day she was born, he has been the father we never had. He has raised us and you were pissed when he took custody of us. You broke her because you wanted my brother to walk away from us."

Marshall took one last glance at the mess in front of him before going to find his baby sister. Kim called after him and he ignored her. He found Becca curled up in a ball in the coat closet. Tears streamed down her face.

"Becs," he said.

She just curled more into herself. He pulled her into his lap and sat on the floor holding her.

"I ain't ever going back to her. That ship sailed a long time ago," he said.
"I know," she sniffed. "I am just so sick of her playing that she is perfect and has never done anything wrong. She ruined my life."
"Nah, don't give her that. You are stronger than that. You have two beautiful babies that you gave up the drugs for."
"She is the reason I was hooked."

Marshall felt the guilt creeping in on him. He had always meant to protect his siblings but he had obviously failed with Becca. He kissed her cheek and held her close. She felt like a five year old in her brothers protective embrace. 

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