Chapter 40

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The letter arrived almost two weeks later. Shawn had been on edge wondering if Jesse was pissed and rethinking the entire deal that he had made with Becca. She called him at work when the mail arrived. 

"Hey babe, what's up?" he asked. 

"The mail has arrived. You got a letter from Jesse," she said. 


"Yeah would you like me to open it?"

"No that's all right. I will do it when I get home. I don't want it to be negative and still have to be at work,"

"All right."

"What are you guys up to?"

"Nothing really. Just being lazy. Axel is being a grouch again. His teeth are causing him a lot of problems today."

"Poor guy."

"I think he just wants his daddy to come home."

"That's so not fair."

She chuckled. He sighed. Chloe ran into the room. She was super excited because Becca and Shawn had signed her up for dance. 

"Mama, is that daddy?" she asked. 

"Yes baby, it is," Becca smiled. 

"Is he coming to dance with me?"

"Yeah, I will be there," Shawn said over the phone. 

"Daddy says that he will be there," Becca told her daughter. 

Chloe lit up and ran off down the hall. Becca just shook her head. 

"I gotta get back to work babe," Shawn said. 

"All right, I will see you later," Becca replied. 

"I love you."

"I love you too handsome."

She got off the phone. Shawn came home around 5PM. Becca had dinner ready to go so that they could get to Chloe's dance class. She was so excited about it. They left the house as a family to go to the dance studio. Chloe was obviously nervous about this as they got closer to the studio. 

"Mama," she said. 

"Baby, you are fine." Becca said. 

They walked inside the studio and were greeted by the dance teacher. It took a few moments before Chloe warmed up to the woman. She took Chloe into a room to join the kids her age and sent Becca and Shawn up to the a room to watch. Becca had Axel in her arms. She looked at her son as they sat down. They watched Chloe throughout her entire dance class. The little girl ran up the stairs after the class was over. She threw herself in Shawn's lap giggling. He kissed the top of her head. 

"I take it that you like it?" he asked. 

"Daddy, it was so fun," she said. 

"That's good baby."

They went down the stairs to see about signing her up. She was so excited about it. They then headed home and got the kids into bed. Shawn sat down with the letter in his hand. He had to admit that he was nervous about opening it. Becca walked behind him and kissed the top of his head. 

"It can't be that bad, babe," she said. 

"I know but if he's gonna fight it, things may get complicated," he replied. 

"It won't. Just open it and find out."

He nodded and opened the letter. Becca had left him alone to read it while she went to clean the kitchen. 


I can't say that I didn't expect this letter to show up at some point. I am not thrilled about it but I know that it's better for the kids. They need a dad who is there for them. I wasn't that. I took a while to write back for a reason. I had to get right with the idea that legally the kids would no longer be mine. I know you and Becca are doing what needs to be done for those two and I really appreciate it. Thank you both for keeping me updated on them. Therapy has been working wonders apparently because prior to that I would have flipped shit getting your letter. 

Just send me whatever paperwork needs to be signed to allow the adoption. I also want something in writing that you guys won't stop with the updates on the kids. Just treat them right. That's all I ask.


Shawn leaned back on the couch. He stared at the letter. He was stunned that Jesse was ok with him taking legal responsibility for the kids and being their legal father. 

"Becca," he called. 

"Yeah," she stepped from the kitchen. 

He handed her the letter. She quickly read it and then threw herself into Shawn's lap. He chuckled and kissed her. She stared at him. 

"I will call the attorney tomorrow. I will put it in a legally binding agreement that we will keep him updated until the kids are old enough to make that choice for themselves," she said. 

"That sounds good. We can get the adoption started," he said.

She nodded. They wanted to have the process started before the wedding. She put her arms around his neck. He scrunched up his nose momentarily. She giggled at him. He stood up from the couch, holding her bridal style. 

"What are you doing?" she asked. 

"Taking the soon to be Mrs. Danvers to bed," he replied. 

She laughed as he walked up to their room. He lightly tossed her up on the bed. She bounced and moved up quickly to the headboard. He crawled up over her and leaned down to kiss her. 

She moaned against his mouth. He took his time loving her body that night. She fell asleep in his arms afterward. He lay there, holding her in his arms. He couldn't imagine a better place to be. 

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