Chapter 7

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"Here it comes again," Emily said as she puked in the toilet. "Why did you let me do that?" She groaned as I held her hair back.
"Which part? The body shots off that hottie with killer abs, or that little dance you did for everyone on the table?" I asked laughing as I remember every detail.
"You're evil." She groaned again as she started hurling once again. She wasn't wrong.
"You're the one that wanted to go against an angel at beer pong." I countered.
"How are you not drunk?" Emily asked as she flushed the toilet and stood up.
"That's a secret I'll never tell," I smirked.
Emily groaned yet again and turned to look at me, "Who broke your heart?" she asked. I wanted to laugh and tell her to not be ridiculous, that no one broke my heart. However, she's the first person that has come close to be considered my friend. "You can tell me, you know once your mission is done you'll erase yourself from my memory." She smiled sadly.
"Would believe me if I say a boy from hell did?" I asked, seating next to her on the counter. "You fell in love with a demon?" She asked, her eyebrows raising.
"A long time ago, my dad became one of the many lovers of Lilith, the Queen of Hell." I started, "however, by some twisted joke of the universe, Lilith got pregnant... with me."
"So you're like the Princess of Hell?" Emily asked, utterly shocked and unfazed of the idea of me being the daughter of the ruler of hell.
"Not quite. You see, my dad is the love angel. He is the mightiest of our kind. I was in a way, tested and there was more love and goodness in me than darkness and greed. Lilith thought I was no use to her in Hell so she sent me with my dad. But being half-angel and half-demon, all the other angels saw me as an abomination, they feared me."
           "I've always hated that part of me too, especially at times when I felt it take over. On my eighteenth birthday, Lilith wanted to see me so she called for me. That's when I met him. He was a keeper of the gates at the time and to get in I had to be guided by him. He thought I was marvelous." I laughed silently.
          "He said I was human in a way. I love immensely but I also hated. The perfect balance. We courted each other, or as you guys say, we dated each other across our realms. Until one day, we both got careless and got caught."
          "We were tired of the hiding and meeting in secrecy so I went in disguise and I partied and danced my ass off. I was consumed by him entirely, I loved the darkness in me because of him. I kissed him and I started glowing the way a love angel does when they're truly in love. Everyone realized who I was, and a party quickly turned to a bloodbath."
          "An angel and a demon getting together is not a matter my kind takes lightly. We were able to fight some demons off, but it was us two against a load of them. They torture us. They took his horns, and they took my wings." My voice broke and Emily pulled me in a hug.
       "By the time Lilith heard that we were held captive by her minions, my wings were destroyed, burned to ashes." I breathed.
        "Lilith doesn't have a single motherly bone in her body, yet that day she took pity on me. I was in her realm, she had the power to declare me Fallen, however, my lover's punishment was way worse. He was condemned to the Sea of Souls."
"What's that? Is it like a lazy river at Six Flags?" She asked and I couldn't help myself but laugh, hard enough to hurt my stomach.
"Almost like that. The Sea of Souls is a sea of fire where you're constantly drowning, and swallowing fire that consumes your insides and your skin is on fire for eternity. It never burns to ashes because of the magic that keeps your skin healed but the feeling of being burn alive stays with you forever."
"Lilith told me she wouldn't declare me Fallen, and my love wouldn't suffer in the Sea of Souls, with the promise that when I became of age I take my rightful place beside her throne and give up the angel part of me."
"Tell me you didn't," Emily whispered, her brown eyes lined with tears. "He's my soulmate Em, you would've done the same," I explained.
"Lilith let me go, but as Queen, she couldn't be seen as weak. So she declared my soulmate Fallen. He thinks I abandoned him and hates me for not Falling with him." My James.
"What does it mean to be Fallen?" She asked. "For a demon, it means your soul roams the Earth terrorizing humans, possessing their bodies. It's what you humans call paranormal activity. For an angel, you are left to fend for yourself. You see them almost every day, homeless people."
"Not all homeless people are fallen angels, just FYI. You lose that divine feeling, which is when a fallen angel turns to hardcore drugs to make them feel that way again."
"Oh shit," she said, clearly still buzzed or else she wouldn't have cursed. "Where is he now?"
"That's the other part of this story," I cringed. "I really had no idea Em, and I'm trying to fix it I promise," I said, panicking a bit.
"What is it?" She asked, looking so innocent and kind. "The name of my demon lover is James and the name of your true love is Nicholas Portman."
"Nicholas Portman? You mean the President of this frat house!?" She freaked, her cheeks pink. "Oh honey, that's not even the worst part."
"There's more?" I nodded. "Good old' Nick is possessed by James."
"You mean... is that why... so does that mean...huh?"
"The guy you saw me talk to was James, and yes that's why he told me to find you another soulmate and that means that the real Nicholas is waiting to meet his soulmate too."
"How did you know I saw you talking to James?" She asked, more confused than ever. "I can read your mind when it's about me, I practically heard your thoughts the entire time."
"If you knew then why did you let me get drunk, you could've of told me."
"I could've of but in my defense, I'm a half-demon and I kind of wanted to see if I could make good girl Emily turn to bad girl Emily for the night." I reasoned. She was about to make a retort when I said, "at least now you have a cool college story to tell your kids. So you're welcome."
"What part of me puking was 'cool'?"
"The part where you took shots off the hottest abs I've seen." I laughed. Emily rolled her eyes, a sneaky smile on her lips, "You right."
"We should probably get going, there have been people trying to pee the entire time we've been in here," I said as we got off the sink counter and quickly fix ourselves in the mirror.
"Huh, so you really are cupid from hell." She said, making the full connection of my costume.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2020 ⏰

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