"Zayn" IHOP?

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"Babe...I am starving!" I told zany while rubbing my hand up and down his abbs. We just woke up and have to meet the boys later today but nothing else other than that.

"ok do you wanna go cook some breakfast? I got Harry to tell me what all we would need and make a recipe..so we can try that if you want." he said while running his fingers through my hair.

"that sounds grate! Let's get going!" I said jumping up and running in the bathroom.

I put my hair in a messy bun and splashed some cold water on my face to fully wake me up. Then I brushed my teeth and came out of the bathroom. The first thing I saw was Zayn asleep again.

"AHHHH ZAYN, IT'S A THIEF!" I yelled and he jolted up.

"DONT TAKE ME STUFF!" Zayn yelled.

"babe, *i said while wrapping my arms around him* no one is here but me! Come on let's go cook some food!" I said giving him a quick kiss. "oh ok." he said with a sleepy smile.

We got in the kitchen and found the note that had the recipe for omelets on it.

"YAY! I love omelets!" I said.

(**incase some one dose not know what an Omelet is it eggs filled with what ever veggie, cheese, and meat you want..there actually pretty good I just personally hat eggs..but Back to the story**)

"me too now how do we do this.." Zayn said and I took the note from him.

" #1 get out a non stick pan." I said and Zayn rambled under the cabinets until he found one.

"ok #2 place pan on stove top. This is gonna be a pice of cake!" I told zayn. we put It on the stove.

"#3 get some butter and put it into the pan while turning the stove top on medium." I said.

"Okayy..." ZAYN said and put some butter in the pan and turned it on.

"#4 get out 5 eggs and crack them in a bowl then whisk them well." I read. We got a bowl and cracked the eggs.

"do you put the shell in it to?" I asked Zayn.

"I don't know...he did say crack them in a bowl..so ya I guess."Zayn said.

"okay.." I said and we started crushing the eggs into the bowl. Then he took a whisk and beat the poor eggs to death.

" hey wanna here a joke?" I asked him.

"Sure!" he said.

"ok, why did the baker get sent to prison?" I asked him.

"uhh...I dnot know why?" ha said.

"cos he beat the egg! Get it he 'BEAT' the 'EGG' hahahahaha!" I laughed but Zayn only chuckled..probly at my craziness.

"ok whats next!" ZAYN said rubbing his hand together.

#5 see if butter is melted in pan, if so then pour egg in and fill whit what ever you like." I read.

"okay..it's melted so lest pour it in!" Zayn said. I took the eggs over while Zayn brought over what we where gonna fill it with. I poured in the eggs and they looked chunky EWWww... We looked over all the topping and sprinkled some cheese, bacon, bell peppers, spinach

(for his healthy 'diet' required by none other than management)

and onions.

"What dose it say now?" ZAYN asked.

"#6 take a spatula and see if the edges are pulling away from the pan easy. If so then flip it into a half moon shape thing." I read. We followed the instructions and it was ready to be fliped.

Zayn said that he should do it so u let him. He completely messed it up. It looked like scrambled eggs now.

"Hahahahhahaaahahah!" I laughed at him.

"it will still taste the same!" he said while sticking out his tong.

"and what if that's a bad thing!" I said while giggling.

"then...I don't know." he said. We laughed for a bit.

"Ok now what do we do?"

"it says to put it on a plate and eat it!" I told him.

"ok, get out two plates please." he said.

I went to the cabinet and got two plates. Then we put like 1/4 of it on my plate and the rest on his. We took it over to the table and sat down.

"ok you first!" Zayn told me.

"No way! Your the man here! It's your job to be brave!" I told him.

"ok why don't we do it together?" he stated.

"uhhgg fine!" I said. We both got a fork full of what ever the omelet had turned in to and eat it.

As soon as I put in in my mouth I felt like vomiting! I spit it out and to my dismay Zayn did the same.

"can we just go to IHOP?" Zayn asked.

"you took the words right out of my mouth!" I told him.

"ok lets go get ready!" he said.

with that we got dressed and went and eat an edible breakfast. I learned something today..and it was


But I still love my Bradford bad boy!

{THE END}~Lilly

Make sure you check out my long fanfic " Life As Rose (One Direction Fan Fiction) " :)If you would like a Imagine ask and I will put you on my list!:)


Don't know if that link works but OhWell! LOVE YA!

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