The Map

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A/N: Uuuughhhh one more boring chapter, Then I promise I'll get to the good stuff.

If there's a Place you gotta go, I'm the one ya need to know I'm the map.

Yay two days away from Valentine's Day, ya girl is still single T^T

Delbert took Jim, Leslie and Mrs. Hawkins to his mansion. Once they were inside, Jim set the odd sphere on a nearby table and turned to his mom and Leslie. Delbert looked at the three solemnly.

"I just spoke to the constabulary. Those blaggard pirates have fled without a trace. I'm sorry, Sarah...The old Benbow Inn is burned to the ground." Delbert said, handing Mrs. Hawkins a cup of tea.

"Hmm, certainly a lot of trouble for an odd little sphere. Those markings baffle me. Unlike anything I've ever encountered." He said. Jim walked to the little desk and picked up the sphere.

"Hoe, you're never gonna get that thing open" Leslie teased Jim, elbowing him playfully.

"Bet, Shorty." Jim replied. He fiddled with it, typing in what seems to be the code Billy used to get into the chest. He twisted the side of the ball, then the top half. It made a weird sound and the lights dimmed.

"God dammit" Leslie muttered.

"Even with my vast experience and superior intellect, it would take me years to- hey!" Delbert exclaimed form the other side of the room as he saw that holograms were released from the sphere.

"Why, it's a map!" Delbert exclaimed, looking at the holograms dispersing all around the room.

"Wait. Wait wait wait. This is us. The planet Montressor!" He said, pressing the hologram. He gasped as the holograms started floating towards them.

"That's the Megellanic Cloud! WHOO! The Coral Galaxy! That's the Cygnus Cross, that's the Kerian Abyss!" He rambled, pointing at the holograms as the float by. The holograms came to a stop.

"And- wait what's this? What's this?" He pondered, looking at a double- ringed planet.

"Why... it's... its.."

"Treasure Planet" Jim finished, slightly smiling and looking at Leslie.

"No!" Delbert responded, completely baffled.

"That's Treasure Planet!" Jim said, smile growing wider.

"Flints trove?" Leslie responded.

"The loot of a thousand worlds!?" Delbert said excitedly.

"You know what this means!?" He asked Jim.

"It means that all that treasure is only a boat ride away!" Jim replied.

"Whoever brings that back would hold an eternal place atop the pantheon of explorers! He'd be able to experience- WHOO! What just happened?" Delbert exclaimed. He looked around and saw that Jim had closed the map.

"Mom, Leslie, this is it! This is the answer to all of your problems." Jim said happily.

"Jim, there is absolutely no way.." Mrs. Hawkins started.

"Don't you remember all those stories!?" Leslie said, siding with her little brother.

"That's all they were! Stories!" Mrs. Hawkins said desperately trying to speak some sense into her two kids.

"With that treasure, we could rebuild the Benbow a hundered times over!" Leslie said.

"Well this is just.. it's just.. Delbert could you please explain how ridiculous this is?" Mrs. Hawkins said, convinced that Jim and Leslie had both lost their minds.

"It's totally preposterous! Traversing the galaxy alone!" Delbert reprimanded, fixing his glasses.

"Now at last we here some sense" Mrs. Hawkins exclaimed.

"Which is why I'm going with you" Delbert finished, running to get his bag.

"Yesss.." Mrs. Hawkins heard Leslie say under her breath.


"I'll use my savings to finance the expedition. I'll commission a ship, hire a captain and a crew.." he said, shoving his stuff into the bag. He climbed onto a mountain of books and grabbed his toothbrush.

"All my life I've been waiting for an opportunity like this" he exclaimed happily, sliding down the pile of books.

"And here it is screaming! Go Delbert go Delbert!" He said excitedly, doing his little happy dance. Leslie let out a small laugh.

"Ok ok! You're all grounded!" Mrs. Hawkins yelled.

"Mom, look. I know Leslie and I keep messing everything up, and we know we let you down. But this is our chance to make it up to you." Jim said sincerely.

"We're gonna set things right" Leslie said. Mrs. Hawkins shook her head.

"Sarah, if I may? You've said yourself, you've tried everything. There are much worse remedies than a few character building months in space." Delbert said, trying to convince her to let them go.

"Are you saying this because it's the right thing or because you really want to go?" Mrs. Hawkins questioned.

"I really really really want to go. And it's the right thing" he replied, placing his hand on her shoulder. Mrs. Hawkins turned back to Jim and Leslie. She sighed deeply and looked the kids in their eyes

"Jim, Leslie, I don't want to loose you." She said sadly.

"I'll keep this knucklehead safe" Leslie said, ruffling Jim's hair.

"Mom, you won't loose us" Jim said, grabbing his mom's hand. She looked at him uncertainly.

"Well make you proud.. and this is way better than being in prison.." Leslie said. Mrs. Hawkins smiles at her two children.

"Well... ahem... there we are then. We'll begin preparations at once. Kids, soon we'll be off to the spaceport!" Delbert said excitedly to Jim and Leslie.

A/N: Yeet yote please vote.

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