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A/N: I'm a procrastinating bitch. In advance, I apologize for any typos.

*Jim is 3 and Leslie is 6*

*Leslie doesn't call Mrs. Hawkins mom, she calls her Sarah*

"Aww can't I stay up a little bit longer?" Leslie playfully whined to Mrs. Hawkins, her mother figure.

"No, sweetie, it's a school night." Mrs. Hawkins replied, tucking the girl into bed.

"Now get some sleep, you have a quiz tomorrow." Mrs. Hawkins said, kissing the little girl goodnight. Leslie huffed but complied. She turned on her side and tried to get some shut eye. Mrs. Hawkins left the room and turned out the light. Leslie grumbled, still a bit upset she couldn't stay up later.

An hour later, Leslie heard a small knock on her door. She threw off her blanket and walked to the door. She opened the door to find  Jim, with a relatively large book in his arms. He looked at Leslie with his cute blue eyes.

"Hey Jim. What are you up to?" Leslie questioned her adoptive brother. She crawled back in her bed and pulled up her covers.

"I can't sleep, and you promised to read Treasure Planet with me." Jim said, hoisting the book onto Leslie's bed. He climbed onto the bed and got under the covers too.

"Yeah, I did" Leslie agreed, opening the book and propping it up to where she and Jim can see it.

"On the clearest of nights, when the winds of the Etherium were calm and peaceful"

Leslie and Jim watched in awe as a large ship floated across the pages of the book.

"The great merchant ships, with their cargo of Arcturian solar crystals, felt safe and secure. Little did they suspect that they were pursued by... pirates."

The mood of the book changed quickly and the two kids watched as a smaller ship with red sails chased after the merchant ship. Leslie gasped in fear and anticipation.

"And the most feared of all these pirates was the notorious Captain Nathaniel Flint"

The book showed a lone pirate with his back turned, staring down the merchant ship. He turned around and yelled to his crew, "FIRE!" His ship's cannons fired mercilessly at the other ship.

"Captain Flint is kinda cute though. I wanna marry him." Leslie said dreamily, staring at the book.

"Ewww Leslie, no! He's super ugly. Let's just keep reading." Jim exclaimed, laughing.

"Like a Candarian zaftwing over taking its prey-"

"James Pleiades Hawkins and Leslie Jane Lovejoy." The two kids quickly closed the book and looked up at Mrs. Hawkins, who was standing in the doorway. Jim and Leslie looked up at her innocently.

"I thought you two were asleep an hour ago." She sighed.

"Mom, we were just getting to the best part." Jim whined. The two kids looked up at her.

"And I promised I'd read it with him today... please??" Leslie said, looking up at Mrs. Hawkins with her best puppy dog eyes.

"Oh! Can those eyes get any bigger?" Mrs. Hawkins exclaimed.

"Scootch over" She said, sitting down on the bed with the two kids. Leslie opened the book. The book started where it left off.

"Like a Candarian zaftwing overtaking it's prey, Flint and his band of renegades swooped in out of nowhere."

The book showed flints crew overtaking the soldiers on the merchant ship and stealing their loot.

"And then, gathering up their spoils, vanished without a trace."

Leslie And Jim looked at each other.

"Ooooh" they exclaimed.

"Flint's secret trove was never found, but stories have persisted that it remains hidden, somewhere at the farthest reaches of the galaxy, stowed with riches beyond imagination, the loot of a thousand worlds. Treasure Planet."

Mrs. Hawkins closed the book. "Ok. Blow your nose" she said to Jim, hold up a handkerchief to his face. Jim blew his nose.

"How do you think Captain Flint did it, mom?" Jim asked.

"Yeah, how'd he swoop in out of nowhere and vanished without a trace?" Leslie added, climbing up her bed frame then jumping down onto her bed.

"I have no idea" Mrs. Hawkins replied.

"Ok now it's time for these little spacers to go to sleep" she said. She picked up Jim to carry him to his own room.

"You think somebody'll ever find Treasure Planet?" Leslie asked, snuggling into her pillow.

"Sweetheart, I think it's more... like a legend!" Mrs. Hawkins replied.

"We know it's real!" Jim said.

"You guys win. It's real!" She said, setting Jim down and pulling up Leslie's covers. She picked up Jim again and started to walk out of the room.

"Mom can I stay with Leslie tonight? I don't want to sleep alone" Jim said, doing a little pout face. Mrs. Hawkins paused for a bit.

"Ok, but I want you two to go to sleep immediately." Mrs. Hawkins said firmly, setting Jim down onto the bed. He got under the covers and made himself comfortable. Mrs. Hawkins walked out of the room.

"Goodnight kids" she said, turning off the light.

"Night mom"

"Night, Sarah"

Leslie whispered into Jim's ear, "Tomorrow, after school, I'll teach you how to solar surf." Jim's eyes lit up.

"You will?!" He said, bouncing up and down excitedly.

"But we have to sleep." She said.

"Wait." Jim said, grabbing the book and opening it. Leslie sat up.

"There are nights when the winds of the Etherium, so inviting in their promise of flight and freedom, made ones spirit soar!"

A/N: ah fuck it, I'm posting this

Plz vote, I put a lot of effort into this ^^

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