Billy Bones

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A/N: bruuuh look at this dude. He low key looks like my uncle.

Jim sat on the roof of the Benbow Inn, throwing a few pebbles and sulking. Thunder rumbles in the distance and Jim glances at the sky for a bit. He then turns his head back to his pebbles.

"Hey" he heard someone say from behind. Jim turned around quickly to find Leslie. He relaxed when he realized it's just her.

"You ok, dude," She asked, sitting down next to him, "you don't look too good."

"I'll be fine" he replied, throwing another pebble.

*at the Benbow Inn*
"I really don't know how you manage it, Sarah," Delbert said, "Trying to run a business while raising felons like... felons... fellows like Jim and Leslie."

"Managing? I'm at the end of my rope! Ever since Jim's father left and Leslie got expelled from the Interstellar Academy, they've never recovered. And you know how smart they are. They were pro solar surfers by the time they were eight!" Mrs. Hawkins responded.

"And yet Jim is failing school and Leslie is one crime away from 15 years in prison. And when I try to talk to them they're like strangers! I don't know, Delbert. I've tried everything." Mrs. Hawkins added, exasperated.

*Back on the roof with Jim and Leslie*

Leslie and Jim looked at each other with sad looks on their faces. Suddenly, they hear the sound of an engine sputtering. They snapped out of their daze and look up to find a solar vehicle that had apparently been shot down. They watched as it crashed into the nearest port. They climbed down from the roof and ran to the downed vehicle.

"Hey, mister! Mister, you're okay in there right?!" Jim hollered, knocking on the door of the vehicle. He and Leslie jumped back when a hand slammed up against the glass. Leslie pulled out her dagger. The door opened and a salamander- like alien crawled out, coughing violently, with a chest in hand. The strange man grabbed Jim by the shirt.

"He's a comin. Can ye hear him? Those gears and gyros clicking and whirring like the devil himself." The man said, getting in Jim's face.

"Uuh, you hit your head pretty hard didn't ya" Jim replied, trying not to believe what the man has said.

"He's after me chest. That fiendish cyborg and his band of cutthroats." The man said, looking around in paranoia. He lifted his chest up.

"But they'll have to pry it from old Billy Bones' cold, dead fingers afore I-" He dropped the chest and fell to the ground, letting out a series of violent coughs. Leslie put away her dagger, seeing that Billy Bones wasn't much of a threat.

"Oh my... here give me your arm" Jim said, slinging Billy's arm over his shoulder and dragging him back to the Inn. Leslie hauled the chest back.

"Good lad.." Billy groaned, swaying a bit from his injuries.

"Mom's gonna love this." Jim said sarcastically to Leslie. She nodded in agreement.

*at the Benbow Inn*

Mrs. Hawkins looks out the window at the gloomy sky. She flips a switch and the scenery turns into a tropical island. She flips it again and it turns to a flowery field.

"That's for listening, Delbert. It helps." She said, sitting down and sighing. Delbert looks at her.

"It's going to be okay. You'll see" he said reassuringly, placing a hand on her shoulder and smiling.

"I keep dreaming one day I'll open the door, and there they'll be, just the way they were. Two smiling, happy little kids, holding up a pet and begging me to keep it." Mrs. Hawkins said sadly, opening her locket, which showed memories from Jim and Leslie's childhood. Meanwhile, Delbert opens the door to leave but he finds Jim and Leslie with an injured Billy Bones.

"James Pleiades Hawkins and Leslie Jane Lovejoy!" Mrs. Hawkins gasped running to the two teens.

"Mom, he's hurt bad!" Jim said urgently, lowering Billy Bones to the floor. Billy looked at Leslie.

"Me chest lass." Billy said weakly, pointing to the chest Leslie was still trying to drag into he Inn. Leslie set the chest down to where he could reach it.

"He'll be coming soon" he said, typing in a code to the chest. The chest opened and he pulled out a small, round object.

"Can't let them find this" He said fearfully.

'That heavy ass chest for a little sphere!?' Leslie thought, rolling her eyes.

"Who's coming?" Jim asked. Billy grabbed his shirt and whispered in his ear.

"The cyborg... beware the cyborg.." Billy said ominously, giving Jim the sphere, then taking his final breath. A light suddenly passed over the windows of the Inn and the roar of an engine followed.

"Uuuuh guys?" Leslie says, while looking out the window. She sees what appears to be the cyborg Billy was talking about... and his crew.

"Quick! We gotta go!" Jim yelled, grabbing his mom and his sister. Delbert stood at the door, frozen with confusion and curiosity. He barely dodges a laser blast.

"Aah! I believe in with Jim on this one!" He says, quickly following Jim.

They heard more shots. Leslie turned around and noticed the criminals have shot the furnace and the Inn was now on fire. Delbert opened a window upstairs and called to his pet.

"Delilah! Delilah!" He called. Delilah yelps back, happy to see her owner.

"Stay! Don't move" Delbert commands. He grabbed Leslie and Mrs. Hawkins. The three stand on the window sill, preparing to jump.

"Don't worry ladies. I'm an expert in the laws of physical science." He reassured them.

"On the count of three. One..."

"Three!" Jim shouted, shoving them over the window sill and into the carriage below. He jumps in after them.

"Go Delilah go!" Delbert urges. Mrs. Hawkins looks back at the Inn, which was now engulfed in flames. She buried her face into her hands and sighed deeply. Jim and Leslie look at their mother in concern.

A/N: Yeet. what am I doing with my life?

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