Chapter Eight ~ Transformation

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"It's tonight."

"What's tonight?" James asked Remus.

Lily parted her lips, their conversation suddenly registering. She looked up from her Charms textbook, tucking a lock of red hair behind her ear. She looked to James. As he turned his head to meet her gaze across from him her eyes narrowed. "James-" She began, lowering her voice to a low whisper she continued. "You very well know."

He shook his head dumbfounded. Lily rolled her eyes quickly. "The full moon."

His eyes hardened, but he was looking over her shoulder. She inquisitively turned around to find Severus watching them from afar. He was sitting at the Slytherin table, two down from Regulus.

"He's growing suspicious Lily." James seethed in an angry mutter.

She snapped her head around. "Well maybe if yourself and Sirius didn't always bully him so, he wouldn't pay any mind to the matter."

James let out a snort. "Oh yes he would. He just happens to be in love with you."

"James Potter, I cannot believe the nerve of you sometimes." She answered in lament.

"I'm going to kill him." Lily focused her gaze to Sirius, on the other side of Remus. He was leaning on the table with his hands folded tightly.

"You mean Severus?" Lily asked.

"No, my bloody brother."

She once again looked to the Slytherin table. Regulus had his arm wrapped around the girl. The girl from the train.

"What?" James asked.

Lily bit her lip with a smirk. "She's the one he snogged on the train." Lily informed James. She stole another glance at Regulus. He was quite the charmer, even more than Sirius these days.

"As if I care!" Sirius huffed as if his nerves were the farthest from worried. 

Lily bit her inner cheek in a way to dilute her growing frustration.  "I cannot believe the likes of you two.  All you are is jealous when Remus needs our help!" She stated. 

"I am concerned for Remus. If that Snape doesn't mind his own greasy hair, we are all in trouble.  You know he'd jump at the opportunity to ruin Remus's life if he ever found out!" James shoved his glasses up his nose, threw a dirty look towards Snape, and pushed up his sleeves.

"Where are we meeting?" Sirius asked quietly. 

Lily let her gaze fall upon him, pursing her lips as though she had to think about the answer. "Just outside the library before curfew.  We can stash the cloak outside the entrance and head out onto the grounds then. If I don't go to the library Madam Pince will be dubiously suspicious." 

James let out a sarcastic chuckle, drawing their attention. 

"What." Lily huffed.

"No way. I'm not leaving my cloak stashed somewhere." 

"Since when have you been the careful sort Potter?"  Lily raised an eyebrow.

"Stop flirting." Sirius teased, smirking at his own crack of a joke. 

"The use of surnames is not flirting. It is plain and simple a formality."  Lily remarked. 

"Right." Sirius nodded. "I'll keep that in mind Evans." 

Lily crossed her arms.  "I'll be outside the library just before curfew."  She stood up, slinging her book bag over her shoulder. "And James-".

Chasing Evans (Lily and Sirius)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant