Lowkey Cute

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Jason POV
The line for drinks was longer than I'd expected and it took forever to get my two sodas.
I dodged out of peoples way back to my table and got stuck by the door to the kitchen searching for a path through the sea of people, it was then when a voice from the kitchen caught my attention
"that boy at your table in the red hoodie"
were they talking about me?
"he lowkey cute though"
I found myself smiling at the young server girl who was talking, she had her back to me as she spoke, but within a moment the unexpected happened, she turned around, she saw me and her face turned to horrified embarrassment, her friends turned to amusement, and I didnt even know what face I was making at the moment, I simply squeezed through the crowd and back to my table.
As I handed my mom her drink and sat down, I still was smiling to myself "lowkey cute" was the most adorable way I'd been described and it ended up being by the waitress at a crab feed. maybe tonight wouldnt be all horrible.
When my tables server returned she had a mischievous smile in place of the simple, obviously fake smile she had worn before. I could feel her eyes on me as she took our plates, maybe I should rethink the "not a horrible night" thing.
the servers were clearly planning something, the embarrassed server kept coming to the table, staring at me as she talked to her friend, this was going to be a long night, but I may as well try to have fun. I smiled at the servers each time they were near, noticing that the embarrassed servers eyes would widen and shed get just more embarrassed when I smiled at her, while her friend smiled back smugly, with the face of someone plotting something. I had a feeling I'd be seeing the embarrassed server a lot tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2020 ⏰

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