In Love

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Emilee POV
I gave my table the most charming smile i could manage, smiles got tips and tips meant more events for jobs daughters. I reminded my friend Erin to smile as she walked past me to her table, earning the "you're-an-idiot-but-I'm
-glad-you're-my-friend" look she always saved just for me.
I watched her smile brightly at the table she was serving and surveyed the reactions she got, mostly good but-
It felt like cupid had truly struck an arrow at me as I looked at this boy, the youngest boy in the crowd and absolutely perfect. his skin was flawless, blue eyes sparkling with long eyelashes, soft lips not quite smiling, he was the perfect being, and here he sat surrounded by old people at a crab feed.
I immediately forgot the people I was supposed to be serving as I looked at this perfect being, I Internally screamed to myself as I passed by the table, mind still on him as I worked in the kitchen, eyes on him as I served food, when I finally got a break I immediately went to Erin, she had to have noticed the extremely gorgeous being she was serving shrimp to right?
"Erin!" I called my friend over to my spot by the door
"Dang I'm tired" she closed her eyes for a moment "out of all the meats, I hate shrimp the most"
I barely heard her complaint as I launched into what had been on my mind all night, but I had to be subtle of course. "yo, you know that boy at your table with the red hoodie?" I did a little hand gesture "he lowkey cute tho"
Erin's face was unimpressed and she seemed to be searching her mind for what I was talking about, how how had she not noticed him?! alright, I had to point him out then. I turned around.

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