"Darcy, Bear and Freddie"

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Eight, long, miserable months. That's how long I've been pregnant with my babies.
Yes babies as in plural.
Not one.
Not two.
So you can imagine the pain I've been through.

"I don't care, Louis! You're not changing the fucking channel on me! You dumb bitch!" I shouted at Louis as he tried to change the channel.
"I'm trying to fucking watch the Super Bowl!"
I winced as I felt a pain.
I didn't think much of it because I had been feeling them since this morning.
I just thought it was pregnancy pains.

"Why?! This isn't even football!" He shouted.

"Then what the fuck is?! Oh yeah you call soccer football! Well guess what you're in America now!
And to America this sport is life!
Now let's watch the 49ers best the chiefs ass!" I yelled at him. The rest of my mates laughed.
I've had a few mood swings since I've been pregnant, in a few minutes I'd be crying to Louis telling him how sorry I was, and I did.

"It's okay, love. I shouldn't have made you mad." Was all he replied with.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I shouted.

"What did I do know?" He sighed.

"The 49ers should have won! How the fuck!
The chiefs really came out of fucking nowhere like they haven't been to the super bowl in fifty years!" I complained.
As you can tell I'm kind of a football fanatic.

Suddenly I felt water dripping down my leg (or whatever the fuck happens when your water breaks)

"Georgia, please tell me you just peed yourself." Niall said as his eyes widened.

"No you leprechaun! My fucking water broke! Moron!
Get me upstairs!" We decided to have an at home birth.
Lizzy was going to be my midwife.
They brought me upstairs and just stood there as if waiting for something.
"Call. Lizzy." I seethed.

After a few hours and the worst pain I'd ever been in, my babies were born.
I was holding my little girl in my arms, her green eyes staring at me as if admiring me, Louis was hold my little boy and Niall was holding my other little boy.
There were tears in my eyes as I looked at my beautiful family.

"What are you going to name them?" Harry Asked me.
They said I could come up with the names because I pushed them out of me.
Only fair.

I pet my daughters short curly brown hair. "Her name is Darcy." I looked at my brown eyed son in Niall's arms. "His name is Bear." I looked over at my other son, "Freddie. His name is Freddie."

"Darcy, Bear and Freddie." Harry repeated. "I love it."

Soon my family showed up, gushing over the babies.
The whole pregnancy Jack had been distant, I was staring to worry that he didn't want to be in their lives, but all of that worry washed away as I saw the look on his face as he held Bear.

"Why would you name him Bear?!"Giana Asked.

"Because I wanted to." I rolled my eyes, chuckling at her.
"It's works, don't you think?"
She nodded, a smile on her face.

When Ashton showed up he would let anyone hold them as he took Darcy in his arms and keeping the boys in their crib away from everyone, I just found it funny how he went into protective uncle mode.
Yes, we consider Ashton and the rest of the their uncle, and Lizzy their aunt.
They're like siblings to me.

Right now, in that moment, I couldn't be happier.
Looking at my whole family.
My mom talking yo my mates about making sure I get all the rest I need.
My little brothers and sister talking about the game.
Lizzy and Jack flirting.
Ashton on my bed with me as I held Bear and he held Freddie, Darcy in Lukes arms as Ashton's mates gushed over her.
In that moment my heart was truly full of love.
And I couldn't ask for anything more.

....The end...

Ahhh it's finally over!
I've been writing this story since August 7th 2019!
And it's finally finished February 8th 2020!

This is a big accomplishment for me guys! Thank you so much to all of my loyal readers and all the people who commented and gave me inspiration she motivation to keep going.

Special thanks to _GuppyVibes_ because you deserve another shout out!

If you've made it this far into the book without majorly cringing and thinking about giving up, we are very much not the same.

I love you all, and I hope you find a great new book to read.

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