Chapter 24: Kevin Trident vs Jacob Todd part 1

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I was driving through Canterlot City I park my car and heading towards the mall to meet with Sonata who called me earlier and she sounded upset.

Kevin: 'What happened Sonata? Please be okay.' I said as I arrived outside the mall and saw Sonata sitting at a bench with an extremely sad look on her. 'There she is.' I said and walked towards Sonata. "Sonata!" I called out to her and she noticed me.

Sonata Dusk: "Kevin!" She said and got up, rain to me hugged me and began to cry.

Kevin: "Sonata! What's wrong What happened?"

Sonata Dusk: "He...he took them...he took Adagio and Aria away." She tells me as she sobbed which shocked me.

Kevin: "Who took them?"

Sonata Dusk: "Someone named Jacob Todd." She tells me which made me gasp.

Kevin: "Jacob Todd! He's here." I said shocked.

Sonata Dusk: "Who is he Kevin? He knows you and said you ruined his life in Manhattan." She asks me.

Kevin: "Before me and my parents moved here to Canterlot months ago, we lived in Manhattan and I was a student at Manhattan High along with Jacob Todd, Manehattan High's biggest bully. Jacob Todd and beat up anyone he wanted and harassed any girls who refused to go out with him until one day, he decided to beat me up but I defended myself from that jerk. After defending myself from Jacob, me along with all those he bullied and harassed had enough of that bastard so I told the Principal and teachers about the terrible things he's being doing which resulted in Jacob being expelled from Manehattan High. Last I heard his parents sent him to military school." I tell Sonata.

Sonata Dusk: "Whoa! He really is a jerk and a bastard and no wonder he wants payback at you."

Kevin: " do you know Jacob and how did he capture Adagio and Aria?" I asked her.

Sonata Dusk: "He came to our place a few days ago and he said he would give us our magic back if we brought you to him." She tells me which surprised me.

Kevin: "Jacob wants revenge! said Jacob was going to get your magic back, how can he do that?"

Sonata Dusk: "Jacob has powers himself." She tells me which shocked me.

Kevin: "Jacob has powers! How is that possible?! The last time I've seen him he was just a normal guy without magic."

Sonata Dusk: "I don't know but when he knocked Adagio and Aria out, he used his power to teleport himself away along with Adagio and Aria."

Kevin: "Do you have any idea where Jacob is right now?"

Sonata Dusk: "He said to bring you to abandoned warehouse on fourth street and he threatened me, saying that if I don't bring you to him, he'll kill Adagio and Aria." She revealed which shocked and angered me.

Kevin: 'I can't believe Jacob would go so far to get back at me. I can't let him get away with this.' I thought. "Sonata...I will save Adagio and Aria, I promise." I tell her which makes her sob as I held her.

Sonata Dusk: "Thank you Kevin."

Kevin: "Let's go and save Adagio and Aria." I tell Sonata who stops sobbing and nods.

Sonata Dusk: "R-Right." She said and both of us went to my car and drove away from the mall.

Both of us arrived outside the abandoned warehouse where Jacob is and should be keeping Adagio and Aria held so I stop the car far away from the warehouse so it won't get destroyed.

Kevin: "This is the place."

Sonata Dusk: "Are you sure?"

Kevin: "Let me use my x ray vision to see inside the warehouse."

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