Chapter Five

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Kagome yawned as she rested her head on the arm of the couch, the book in her hands starting to fall limply without her consciously knowing. she was half asleep, half awake, and completely unresponsive to sound. At the stroke of eleven, the door in the foyer opened and in walked none other than Lucius Malfoy. Though, in her sleepy state, Kagome could only stretch and try to wake back up, still sleepy from her long day with Draco. "You're home,"

"You're awake." He said this in a way of uncertainty. It was a rare day indeed, for he was home early, and she was awake for his arrival.

"You know, you work entirely too much." She snapped her fingers and Dobby appeared beside her.

"Dinner is prepared and ready, Miss. Shall I take it to the dining room?"

"Please and thank you, Dobby." She smiled, turning her eyes to Lucius who seemed to be at war with the words he wished to convey. A mix of confusion laced finely with irritation showed precariously in his steely gray orbs. "Tell me, Miss. Higurashi, to what do I owe this dinner? Are you under the assumption that I have no work left to do once I retire to my home?"

"I'm under the assumption that your higher ups are probably more accustomed to reading your paperwork without evidence of the dinner you had prior that you can no doubt catch up on whatever work you have left, after you eat. And seeing how your study, is in fact a place of study, see no reason why you should be eating in there. The dining room seems much more suitable a place for entertaining the thoughts of food." She smiled, seemingly wide awake now.

"...indeed." He called for the house elf, Dobby appeared quickly beside him and took his suitcase, cane, gloves and coat, quickly disappearing to place Lucius's things exactly where he was supposed to. Already he was worried about the idea of a woman joining his master for dinner, not even the old mistress did that. "Well, seeing how I won't be finishing any more of my work tonight, as I'm sure you would stop me if I tried...I shall humor...but just for tonight." He said this as if talking to a child.

Kagome couldn't help the childlike reply as she scoffed, "yes daddy," she mocked, not bothering to wait for a reply as she turned and left him gaping openly at her.

He followed and found her already sitting for dinner, though she was softly muttering about late dinners and how unhealthy a habit it was to be eating after nine o'clock. Still, he sat silently and looked at the food before him, it smelt delicious, though he didn't doubt his elves one bit, they cooked only the best dishes in the wizarding world. What he wasn't used to, was the steaming cup beside him, a hot tea, obviously, but why was it at the table and not his normal glass of firewhisky. Not bothering to start up another unnecessary conversation with the young witch across the table from him, he went ahead and took a drink from the cup. Surprisingly, it was soothing to him, taking the stress of the workload he'd had that day from his shoulders and helping him find a place of ease at the table.

"So Draco's really far behind in his studies, I was thinking of enrolling him in an early learning wizards and witches daycare if that's okay with you. This could be during my morning work hours, since I normally go in at eight, I would be able to drop him off and then pick him up at three. This would help him get ahead of the other boys and girls his age too..."

"An advanced learning facility...?" Lucius thought carefully about the idea, finally, he gave a nod. "I have no problem with that, this will also allow you the time you need for work, I suppose."

"Yes, that isn't really a problem, I can always work from here. I'm a writer for the Daily Prophet...I used to do articles in Business Affairs and Political Affairs, even did an Article on the Ministry's own Ex-Chief of Finances...about four years ago, to be exact."

" mean Hargensen, the old man that was fired for embezzlement?"

Kagome smiled sweetly, nodding as she took a bite of the salisbury steak on her plate. Chewing, swallowing, she continued... "...but now, I do colum works...I got into Astrology and so I do the daily Horoscopes, for those I send them in to the editor and it's taken care of without me being there. Then I'm also in charge of the Opinions Page, which basically gives me free reign over the topic I choose to write."

"Of course, and what are you writing about now?" He inquired.

"...nothing...I've had something of a blank for a couple of days now, so...instead, I've been humoring myself with children's books, none of which I've ever had published, but it's a fun pastime."

The two continued to talk, longer even after dinner, and well into the early morning. Finally, both calling it a night at the clocks calling of three in the morning.


Kagome Higurashi wasn't one to back away from a challenge, that is probably why she had agreed to nanny Draco Malfoy.

Lucius Malfoy wasn't going to make her back down, but as she got to know the man, she was starting to understand the situation of the Malfoy family.

Narcissa Black, once Malfoy, had left after Draco was born and moved to France, she hasn't been back to England since she moved. She gave up all rights to Draco upon the divorce.

That isn't something Kagome could understand. Why would a woman not want her own son, no matter who the father was, that child was still her own.

Because of Narcissa Draco had been left with nanny after nanny, some incompetent and some just there for the money, but each nanny didn't help Draco at all. He was behind in social interactions and speech.

Something Kagome was going to have to correct, though that could take time. She hadn't planned on keeping the nanny job for that long...but it seems she went and got herself attached.

Sighing Kagome glanced up at the clock, her mind still wondering on what had been happening to this point.

The clock struck midnight and Kagome gave another sigh, she probably should go to sleep, but her mind was working too much.

Getting out of bed, Kagome moved to the bookshelf and grabbed a couple books of the shelf and moved to her desk. She might as well do something productive if she couldn't sleep.

As she sat at her desk she started to make outlines of the work she needed to do with Draco to get him caught up with children his age.

She smiled as she heard the familiar sound of parchment and quill, and made the work outline out.

She was going to enjoy teaching Draco...what she didn't know was she was going to end up teaching more than one person in the Malfoy house...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2020 ⏰

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