Chapter Four

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Draco looked on curiously as Kagome pulled out a couple thin books, some parchment, and even some colorful ink and quills.

"What you writin'?"

"Absolutely nothing!" She grinned, "Since daddy is in meetings all day, and won't be back till after you are in bed asleep, you and I will practice some writing, and reading...and perhaps we can throw in some pronunciation too?"

"Okie." Draco agreed, though he didn't know what that last thing was Kagome mentioned. He also liked the idea of just being able to be with this woman, he wasn't used to it. His father was always gone, Miss. Margaret was always doing her own things, though she mostly just flooed her friends, and while he liked the house elves, they weren't always able to play with him. So far, Kagome who had only been in the Malfoy house for three days, had taken him to the park, to the museum, and even swimming! Though, over those three days, he'd not seen his father even once, it was still nice to see Kagome everyday.

"We can start with that word." Kagome smiled, "Okay... annunciate the '-ay' sound."


"Close, -ay."

He listened carefully, then tried again. "O-kay..."

"Very good!" Kagome pulled a piece of lined parchment over and wrote the word down.


Draco looked at the word and then stared as she handed him a beginners quill. "I do what?" He asked as he took the quill, still not completely understanding what they were doing.

"Copy those letters down right below the ones I wrote. It spells out, 'okay'."

He nodded, and went to writing the messy letters down.



Kagome nodded, the writing was hardly legible, but for his first time, it was fair. He at least understood the concept of what they were doing now. "We are going to go through your alphabet until you understand each letter, and the sounds they make. Okie?"

Draco smiled, "It's okay," he corrected her.

Laughing, Kagome nodded, "Too right you are."

She turned the Parchment over and the duo started with the letter A.

Watching carefully as Draco worked diligently, she realized, he already had such a high tolerance level for silence and sitting still. He was extremely patient, and to top it off...he was willing to learn. She couldn't understand it. Why had no one sat down with him, and given this child the time of day he so desperately needed?!

As it was closing in to dinner time, Kagome called a house elf to start preparing dinner for Draco.

"Would the Miss. not like a meal as well?"

Kagome stared for a moment in thought, her eyes not leaving the five year old child who had a determined look on his face as he tried to make straight lines with his Aa's. "No, I will wait till...Mr. Malfoy returns, and join him for dinner."

The house elf seemed a bit uncertain of such a thing taking place. The Master always ate alone. No one interrupted his time in his office, surely this witch didn't intend to ask the Master to eat in the dining room, did she?!

"Don't worry, Dobby. I will talk to him, you will be fine. When Draco's meal is ready, come inform us."

"As the Miss. requests." Dobby bowed his head lowly before disappearing in smoke with a snap of his fingers.


Kagome glanced over and smiled, "what a beautiful 'A'! And look at the baby 'a' next to it!" They were still a bit shaky, but the improvement was there. She nodded, deciding without delay, she would stay here and teach Draco, and help the boy in anyway that she possibly could...but before that, there was one other thing she would have to take care of.


Kagome looked to see Dobby standing before her again.

"Dinner for the Young Master, is ready, Miss..."

A gently smile formed on her lips as Draco perked up at the mention of food. "Go wash your hands first, and then you can eat."


Kagome laughed, 'he'll be saying it just to say it now.' Watching him run off towards the bathroom to clean his hand, she closed her eyes for a few moments and took a few seconds to relax before she stood and followed after him. Waving her wand, her own books and papers followed her to the table where she settled down and started back to her own work. Letting her thoughts go as she waited for Draco to finish his food. 'He still needs a bath, it's almost seven, and he needs to brush his teeth afterwards, then be in bed asleep by eight, no later than eight-thirty. Maybe I will have time to tell him a bedtime story...Lucius should be getting home by ten or so...I may grab a tiny snack before then.' She gave a soft, almost unheard, sheepish laugh at her last thought before her attention turned completely onto her writing.


Lucius Malfoy didn't know what to make of the new Nanny for his son. This Kagome Higurashi. The name sounded familiar but nothing came to his mind.

With a frown Lucius put down the documents he was glancing over on his desk, trying to keep his mind away from the new woman in his home.

Glancing at the clock he gave a sigh before standing up, he wasn't getting anymore work done with how his mind keeps wondering. He might as well go home and see how...Miss Higurashi has been doing these last few days. He had been busy because of the new bill that had just been approved up and making sure everything was going smoothly he hadn't really been home much.

He went home to sleep and then back to work early, that was how most of his days had been going.

With another sigh, he flicked his wand and his briefcase and coat came flying to him, and made his way out of his office.

It seems he would be arriving home a little early tonight, to bad he didn't know the earful he was about to be getting from a certain blue eyed woman that now resided in his home, the same woman who had been on his mind for the last few days.

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