Chapter One

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Kagome liked coming to Diagon Alley, she always took time to relax and enjoy herself away from her work. Sure, she loved her job but like all people she liked time just for herself, and her time in Diagon Alley was such times.

First thing's first she was going to go to the bookstore, she really needed a couple of new books to read. She had already went through her books she bought last time she was in the Alley. It really hadn't taken her that long.

As she walked down the Alley towards the bookstore, she felt something run into her. Looking down, she saw a small boy, he hurriedly got up and gave her a small smile.

"Hello there little one," she crouched down and watched his eyes widen curiously, she looked him over curiously before looking past him, "Are your parents nearby?"

"...nah un," the little boy shook his head dramatically.

"Who are you with then?"


"A Nanny?" Kagome frowned, "Well, she isn't doing a very good job at watching you, is she," it wasn't a question, and the boy didn't answer, he just continued to stare at her. She was actually starting to think that maybe she had something on her face. She shook her head and sighed, "Care for some ice cream little one, the parlor is right across the street." She pointed to the Ice Cream Parlor not too far from them and smiled when he took her hand and started to pull her off towards it.

She found herself a few minutes later sitting across from the little boy, silently wondering why no one had yet to come looking for him. "Hey, sweetie?"

The boy looked up from his vanilla ice cream, tilting his head in a curious fashion that Kagome found to be absolutely adorable.

"Can I ask what your name is?"


"Thats a cute name; and how old are you Draco?" She inquired thoughtfully.

"...I'm..." he counted on his fingers and held them out, "Five!"

"Is that so!" She acted surprised, "You are only five, and yet you are walking the Alley all on your own? Such a grown up thing to do, huh?"

Draco laughed, "I'm a gwon up!"

Kagome frowned, "Are you sure? Grown ups have to go to work, and they have no time to play, or eat ice cream, or do the things they like."

Draco eyed his ice cream, honestly, he didn't understand a lot of the things being said, but he understood not being able to eat ice cream, "Not gwon up?" He asked.

Kagome shook her head, "I think Draco is a little boy, looking for his mom and dad."

"...not mommy..."

She looked at him curiously, "What about your dad?"

"Daddy not caring."

Kagome laughed, "I doubt that," she really was starting to wonder though, it had been about fifteen minutes now, and not even a yell for the boy's name.

"Not doubt! Not doubt!"

Frowning, Kagome stood and got down on both knees in front of the seat the five year old boy sat in, "What does your dad do for work?"

"Ah, Daddy is, ofishal! At the Menstry!"

"..." an ache caused her to rub the bridge of her nose as she tried to decode a five year olds dialect, "He works at the Ministry?"

"Thats what I say!" He messily wiped his mouth with a napkin, not quite getting all the ice cream off his mouth.

Kagome smiled, helping him out with the task. "So he's an Official, huh, you must be proud of your daddy."


"P-er-oud, proud, it means happy for him."

"No, no not happy,"

Kagome sighed, "Well, lets go see if Daddy is off of work yet, kay?" She smiled and grabbed her bag, picking the five year old up, she apparated to the Ministry with ease and walked to the front help desk, an old witch glared down at her. "Hello ma'am, you look stunning today."

"What is it, Miss. Higurashi, the last we saw of you, you were here to remove a staff member of thirty years under fraudulent charges,"

"Come now, you are only sour since it was your husband, you think you can tell me where little Draco's daddy is?"

The woman raised a brow, "Does little Draco have a last name?"

Draco glared at the woman, "Mowfoy!"

"...Malfoy? Ah, Lucius Malfoy's son...though what he's doing with you, I don't know." The old woman sneered, "Go to Basement Level Five, and he's should be a few doors down, if not, he's in a meeting."

Kagome nodded and left to the elevator, pressing the L5 button, she felt the sudden jerk at the elevator started to lower. Draco was staring at the numbers above and counting as it went up while they continued down.

"FIVE! I'm five!" He smiled.

Kagome grinned, "Yes, you are." She walked out as the doors opened and looked at the lavish floor, it was mostly white, marble floors, expensive statues, little art. She walked forward and noted a door that was closed, while all others were open, she knocked and jumped back as the doorknob changed to a golden face.

"We are in a meeting, come back later!"

Kagome frowned, "Lets wait in daddy's office then..."

Draco pulled Kagome to a door and pointed inside, "Thats it!"

'So this is how I'm to be spending my day, at least I can write while I wait.' She pulled her notebook out and sat down in the office chair that faced the door, Draco was playing on the chairs and with some figurines on the bookcase while she pulled out a pen and started to write some. Not yet realizing what might come of her being in that office, in that chair, with this little boy.

Kagome had been waiting probably an hour before she heard movement in the hall along with talking. Five minutes later the door to the office opened and a man, who she could tell was Draco's father, came in. He looked like a more mature and older version of Draco.

The man stopped, looking at Kagome, then Draco who was on the floor, playing.

"Daddy!" Draco yelled happily when he noticed his father standing in the doorway. He watched as his father came more into the office, he had a weary look on his face while looking at Kagome.

"Why do you have my son." It was a demand, not a question. It made Kagome sit up straight and narrow her eyes at the man. She quickly put her things away and stood up.

Giving the man a smile Kagome looked at the little boy, "I found him wandering Diagon Alley...I waited for his...Nanny to come and get him, but sadly, we waited for about a half hour and no one showed..." Kagome paused looking at the older version of Draco, "I thought you would want him back..."

Grey eyes narrowed and turned colder at the mention of the Nanny not coming to find his son, "I see..."

Putting another smile on her face she looked at Draco, "Bye Bye Draco..."

Draco smiled brightly, "Bye bye Miss Ka'ome."

Looking up, Kagome gave the man a small bow, "I shall be going..." She turned heel and left, not giving the man a chance to say anything more to her.

Lucius Malfoy was someone Kagome didn't know what to think of. He seemed cold and distant, nothing at all like his son.

'I probably won't even see them again...' Kagome thought, a sad smile on her lips. She had found Draco cute, and would have loved to get to know him more, his father on the other hand...had left much to be desired.

'I guess its off to Diagon Alley again.' She thought, making her way out of the Ministry, not knowing that she'd made quite the impression on two Malfoys.


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