Fun at the Beach

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2 hours later

Jeff & the girls finally arrived at the beach. They rented a room where they can stay the night and they changed into their beach attire. 

"It's a beautiful sunny day!" Chaeyoung said. 

"Yes, it is." Dahyun agreed. 

"Hey Tzuyu, where's my kalimba?" Jeff asked Tzuyu. 

"Here Jeff you can have it," Tzuyu said. 

"Thanks! You girls wanna hear some music?" Jeff asked. 

"Sure!" they all agreed. 

Jeff agreed and he played a song

"Beauty and the Beast, I love that song," Mina said. 

"Come on let's go outside and have some swim," Nayeon said. 

"I wanna build a sandcastle," Jeff said. 

"I wanna help!" Tzuyu said. 

"Don't you want to spend some time with the girls?" Jeff asked. 

"I wanna help you!" Tzuyu answered. 

"Alright!" Jeff said. "You can stay here while I bring you some sand." 

"Tzuyu don't you wanna join us?" Jeongyeon asked. 

"Later," Tzuyu said. 

"Have you ever built a sandcastle before?"Jeff asked Tzuyu. 



"I enjoy the beach very much." 

"Do you know how to swim?" 

"I can't swim." 

"It looks like I may have to teach you." 

"You know swimming?" 

"Yeah and fishing too." 

"Teach me!" 

"Alright calm down there Tzuyu let's finish our sandcastle and we can swim later," Jeff said. 

Jeff The Killer Story (Beach is Life)Where stories live. Discover now