Chapter 11

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As soon as the words came out of Ray's mouth, Clara couldn't help but be furious. He blood was pulsing through her veins. For the first time in a long time, she didn't know how to react. She knew the kiss was inappropriate, she knew it was was wrong. But Clara also knew that he felt the same way about her that she felt about him. Why was he trying to deny that now?

Clara just nodded her head, processing his words and busied herself packing the picnic basket up. Ray looked as if he wanted to say something, he was trying to find the right words.
"I just..."he started. "There should be boundaries..."

"I know," Clara said, "I understand."

Clara and Ray spent the rest of their lunch watching Ava and the kids play in the field. There was a thick layer of tension now between them, that not even a knife could slice.

After Clara had put the kids to bed, Clara grabbed a book of the shelf and sat on the front porch, attempting to read it.
Everything seemed to distract her, her thoughts, the sounds of the night...and everything in between.
After they had returned from the picnic, Ray announced that he was going into town. She had heard from him since, and she was starting to worry. Just as Clara, had started to read an article that kept her concentration, she heard the familiar sound of tires against the gravel driveway and looked up.

Ray was back.

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