Ehem. You two need some space?

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Percy was just shutting the door to the bathroom as Annabeth headed to the door. Then something went crashing, and I watched Annabeth turn to face Percy.

They immediately turned their backs on each other and faced the walls. What had I done wrong?

ThEy WeRe MeAnT tO bE!

"I told you. I'm sorry, Reyna invited me. I was on my fifth Capri Sun when Piper dared me to do it."

"That's not an excuse," her voice was deadly calm. "You did something we don't even talk about."

"It was Leo's idea!"

His whole attitude was 'IT ISN'T MY FAULT!'

She wasn't buying it. Neither was I.

"Look," she was very impatiently tapping her foot, yet her voice was icy calm. "You did what you did. And when I forgive you, I'll forgive you. If I don't forgive you, then I don't forgive you. You made a mistake. Own it."

"Fine then. I'll own it."

They both stormed out of the room.

Coming this way.

"NAT! Distract them!" I hissed, pushing her toward the lab doors.

She did exactly the opposite, and stood raised eyebrow, staring at me. Annabeth, being the intelligent person she was, gave me the same appraising eyebrow raise. Percy just stared dumbfounded at his aunt.

I stepped out, as if to take a call.

And then realised, this was perfect!

I needed to make a call!

Dialing Caps number, I waited for his agitated voice to ask me why I needed him this time.

I got my out-of-breath voice ready to fool, and began breathing heavily, "Cap! Call the Avengers into the tower, this is important! Sound the alarm!"

Him being in the most honorable team member was what I was counting on. He sounded the alarm without a question, how naive.

Nat ran out of breath. "Tony! The alarm! We have to go!"

I gave a glance to the kids. "What about them?"

"We could just hang out here while you're gone?"

Percy Jackson meets the AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now