They're in the building!

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Wednesday morning

Woods' POV
I got to work a little early today so I could get some stuff set up for REKT. Around 8:30 everyone was working. Cat was vlogging for her channel and Sam was getting ready for her next Totally Trendy video. I walked over to Orange base to see the guys. As I walked in I was greeted by some of the guys. "Mornin Woods!" Ready for the REKT shoot later?" Connor asked me. "Heck yeah bro! I'm always ready for a REKT shoot! Whether I'm in it or not!" I said enthusiastically. "Hey Woods!" I heard from the other room. "Yo Patrick." I walked into his office to see what he needed. "Check out this thumbnail! Doesn't it look sick?" I nodded. "Sure does! Bet I could do a better one though!" I joked. "Oh you wanna bet! You wanna bet?" Patrick said. I chuckled, "Nah. I'll let you handle the awesome thumbnails while I be the awesome favorite on the channel." Gunner snickered. "You're the favorite Woods? I think you may have hit your head this morning. Clearly I'm the favorite." He said. Patrick and I laughed. Tanner and Connor walked into the office. "What about being the favorite?" Tanner asked. "Woods said he's the favorite on the REKT channel." Patrick said. They both looked at me. "Yeah right!" Connor said. "Nope. I am clearly the favorite!" Tanner said. Patrick looked up from his computer. "Can y'all go argue about favoritism somewhere else?" He complained. "Sure bud. We'll let you work on your awesome thumbnails." I said patting him on the shoulder. Gunner, Tanner, Connor, and I walked onto the set and started getting the last necessary adjustments made before the shoot in an hour. When we were done it was 11 o'clock. Patrick walked in and we started the shoot. Gunner did the intro "Hey guys welcome back to the REKT channel!! I'm Gunner this is Tanner, Woods, and Connor. Patrick is behind the camera today. Everyone say hi to Pat!" Pat waved into the camera. "Before we get into the video we have a favor to ask! There's currently a debate on  who the favorite is on this channel and we need you to help prove some people wrong. So vote in the poll in the top right corner!" Tanner jumped in and said "Now let's get this party started." We shot the video and were cleaning up the mess we made. It was 12:30 when we finished. "What are you guys doing for lunch?" I asked. "I brought some food from home that I'm going to eat in my office." Gunner said. "Paul, Connor, and I are going to In-N-Out." Tanner said. I looked at Pat. "What about you buddy?" He shrugged. "I don't know. Haven't gotten that far." I nodded. "Understandable. How about you and me go and get some coffee and tacos." He grinned. "Sure why not. Where we gettin coffee?" I gave him a 'Where do you think look'. He smirked. "You just want to go see your girlfriend!" I could feel my cheeks heating up. "She's not my girlfriend!! We're not even dating!!" I exclaimed. Man! These guys just won't leave me alone about Lexy! It was getting a little annoying. "Doesn't mean you won't in the future!" Tanner said. I glared at the guys. "1. I don't think she's ready for a relationship and 2. I don't think she likes me like that." I pointed out. They all laughed. "Oh whatever Woods! She does too like you! I mean come on! I think she texts you more than she does anyone else here besides Cat and Sam!" Connor said. I rolled my eyes and started waling out of the warehouse. "Pat if you're coming with me than you might want to hurry. I'm leaving now!" I called back. When I got to my car Patrick ran up to my car out of breath. "So are we going to get coffee first?" He asked. "We'll go get food first." I said. As I pulled out of the parking lot I saw black smoke. "Where do you think that's at?" Pat asked. "I'm not sure but it doesn't look good." Firetrucks and police officers were rushing towards the smoke. As I was getting close to Del Taco my phone rang. It was Natalie.
"Hey Nat!"
"Woods!! Where are you at right now?"
"Del Taco with Pat. Why?"
I was getting worried. She sounded panicked and about ready to cry.

"So you've seen the black smoke?"

"Yeah. Looks like a pretty bad fire."

"That fire is from Coffee Express!!"

I pulled into Del Taco and parked.

"Are you sure?!"

"Positive! I'm here now. I got a call from Luetinent Myers. Woods, Lexy and Jen are inside the building!!"

Can I Trust Again? A Woodland Demars FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now