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Rehearsal Dinner - 

(Instead of Jax, Clarisa, and Lily at the table it's Caitlin, Clarisa, and Lily) 

"There you are," Clarisa exclaimed as Stein and Caitlin walked in the door late. "You're late, as usual." Clarisa walked up to her husband to give him a hug and fix his tie.

"Sorry I had to change," Stein replied. 

"Don't you have a time machine?" Lily joked, causing her and Caitlin to laugh behind their drinks.

"Yes. Very droll," Stein replied dryly.

"Alright, I'm going to grab another drink. Anyone want anything?" Caitlin said standing up.

"A scotch please, Caitlin," Stein replied as Caitlin nodded and headed for the open bar, where she saw Sara and Kara's sister take down rounds of shots. She was impressed with how many they managed to drink and continue to drink.

"One scotch and one gin-and-tonic please," Caitlin told the bartender as he poured the drinks. Caitlin looked around at the party, feeling extremely happy for her two bestfriends. Although that feeling came to a stop when Caitlin looked over to the corner where she saw Jax and Ronnie talking up some of Iris' old friend from college. She told herself to look away, but she simply couldn't when she saw Ronnie put his arm around one of Iris's old sorority pals. 

Caitlin looked away and shook her head, remembering the reason that she was here was to celebrate her two friends. She picked up the drinks and started her way back to the table. Unfortunately, while still stuck in her thoughts Caitlin didn't look up to see when she bumped into Mick Rory on the way. 

Mick grunted and turned around looked at who bumped into him. He then grabbed the scotch out of Caitlin's hand and downed it.

"Hey, that was for Dr. Stein!"

"Old man can get another one," he replied. "Hey didn't I try to kidnap you?"

"Yes, and I wouldn't try that again," Caitlin replied. 

"Fiesty are you now, Frosty," Mick joked.

Caitlin groaned in disgust as she began to walk away, but was once again stopped by Mick.

"I've been watching you," Mick said.

"Did you not understand the part about not kidnapping me again?"

"That's your fourth drink," Mick replied, "You're clearly trying to avoid something and news about you and pretty boy over there isn't exactly top secret." 

"I don't think that's any of your business," Caitlin replied trying to walk away once again before Mick replied. 

"Your powers," he said. "I'm no scientist but I know all you meta-humans don't react the same to the boring stuff at the open bar. If you really want to avoid what you are trying to I think I have the right stuff."  

"And what's in it for you?"

"Just bring out that frosty side of you." 


"What is going on?!" Iris said as she paced in her fitting room, as Felicity frantically followed her trying to fix her hair. 

"Today is the day... today is the day! Oh god! today is the day!" Iris freaked out. "Where are they?!"

"Yep, we got that," Felicity said as she nearly tripped over her heels. "You're not getting cold feet are you?"

"No, of course not!" Iris replied. "I love Barry, I would never. I could cry tears of happiness that I'm marrying him today."

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