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Time Jump - Week of Westallen Wedding aka Crisis on Earth-X Crossover

Girls in the Spa Scene

"So, you and Oliver?" Iris asked, to divert the attention away from Kara's "super strong nails". "You guys next, you think?" Iris continued, "to walk down the aisle."

"Maybe when the City's no longer being attacked, and he's no longer indictment, and he's spent enough time with his son who's still mourning the loss of his mother..." Felicity replied.

"So any day now," Caitlin joked.

"Any day now," Felicity laughed.

"Well, how about you, Caitlin?" Kara asked.

"Oh yeah," Felicity joined, "the last thing I remembered we talked together was, what was it, like three years ago? Your boyfriend, or fiancee, right?"

"Oh, yeah," Caitlin replied. "He was my fiancee..."

Iris looked over at Caitlin with a caring look that read, "you don't have to if you don't want to." Although Caitlin figured why not, it was a girls' day and the rest of them talked about the guys in their life.

"Was?" Felicity questioned.

"Yeah, he kinda died. Well actually he came back to life for a bit, and we were married but there was no official legal documentation, but then he died again, but nows he back after four years, but we decided to take a break since so much has changed, and so now he's flying through time and space with the Legends," Caitlin explained.

"Whoa, girl your starting to sound like me," Felicity joked.

"That's a lot," Kara commented. "I guess my story's a lot shorter than I thought," she muttered. 

"Yeah," Caitlin replied nonchalantly. "But c'mon guys, let's not wallow. Today is about celebrating Iris and Barry, and their love."

"Amen, sister!" Felicity exclaimed, as all the ladies laughed and sipped their champagne.

Star Labs - Cisco's workshop scene - but instead it's Jax and Ronnie

"The name's still a work in progress, but for now I've been calling it the Matrix Equalizer," Cisco said as he pulled out a red magma-colored vial. 

"What is it?" Jax asked as Cisco put it in Ronnie's hand to examine. 

"It's a way to fix our merging problem," Ronnie said. "How did you guys figure it out? We've been trying to figure out the problem for months."

"Yeah, we've only managed to figure out ways to share powers to stabilize my matrix but never fully merge," Jax added.

"We read your notes, and they lacked a major component of the merging process and just common science, Darwin's theory," Harry chimed in.

"Of course, how could I not remember that," Ronnie said to himself.

"What does that mean?" Jax asked.

"What Squidward here is saying is that one, because Ronnie's matrix is already stabilized on its own with whatever radiation he was exposed to in the temporal zone it wouldn't want to bond with yours, an unstable matrix for a long period of time. And two, when Ronnie and Stein or you and Stein merged together it was always either one of your bodies and Stein's mind, because of the survival of the fittest. Stein's wise mind and one of your young bodies." 

"And your saying we can't merge fully because of that?" Jax asked. 

"Exactly," Cisco replied. "This serum should stabilize your matrix so that you could use your powers while bonded, like Ronnie." 

"And merging?" Ronnie asked. 

"Well, if my hypothesis is right," Cisco continued. "Not only will you guys be able to have the powers of the firestorm matrix on your own, when you guys bond you'll take on the form of an even strong fire-beast. Imagine like Human Torch, but a big buff flame-man... awesome."

"And if you're not right?" Jax asked.

"Your matrix will still be stabilized and you'll have powers when not bonded, but Firestorm will probably no longer be a two-man job," Harry replied.

"But still," Cisco added, "big buff flame-man... sick."

"Well, Jax," Ronnie said while tossing the vial to Jax, causing Harry and Cisco to flinch, "You up for it?"

"Basically doubling firestorm power? Hell yeah," Jax said as he handed the vial back to Cisco for him to inject it into his bloodstream.


Star Labs - Caitlin's Lab Scene - Caitlin and Stein

Knock knock knock

"It's almost time for the rehearsal dinner," Caitlin said.

"Of course. I was just finishing up some personal work," Stein replied. "Come in, my dear. How are you doing?" 

Stein and Caitlin had grown close during the years of Ronnie and after, and also during the months after he came back. They had always had a bond, especially since they both shared the same partner for some time. Stein had grown to become a sort of father figure Caitlin never had growing up. She was always welcome over for dinner at the Stein household. Caitlin especially enjoyed the days she, Clarisa, and Lily would get together and have a girls' day. Lily was the one who asked Caitlin if she could name her son after Ronnie, which Caitlin honorably agreed to. But her talks with Stein were definitely her favorite, he was a person she could talk to about any sort of scientific or life advice.

"I'm surviving," Caitlin replied. 

"Yes, the last wedding we attended together..." 

"Was mine," Caitlin finished his sentence.

"You two have something great together," Stein replied.

"Had," Caitlin sighed, correcting him. 

"Ah yes, and how has your life been as a single woman, once again?" Stein asked, causing Caitlin to tilt her head as she realized her lack of a love life for the past two years. 

Stein continued, "it's a bit hard to move on when you know you're still in love with him." 

"It's for the best," Caitlin replied. "It's safer this way. We both live dangerous lives and just the thought of losing each other again... it's too much, I can't go through that again." 

"And pushing him away is easier?" Stein questioned. 

Caitlin sighed, "It's better than mourning for the third time." 

"Well, my dear I will leave on this note; what is love if you're not constantly worried that that person is safe?" Stein replied, leaving Caitlin contemplating her decisions. 

Stein looked at his watch, "Oh we better get going, we're about to be late." 

"Alright," Caitlin said standing up and grabbing her bag. "We better be quick, Joe said he'd lock up anyone who missed his speech," she said causing the both of them to chuckle. 



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